Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Blind Item #3 - AMA

Asking anyone to keep them straight is hard. One half of this duo had a date with him. Next to him. Apparently this ex of the foreign born former A+ list tweener started hitting on our a-hole singer right in front of the date. When the date started to complain, our singer said something along the line of, "Do you see who is standing in front of us. If I have the chance to f**k her tonight, I will take my chances with our relationship." So, yeah.


  1. The chain smokers and Bieber’s ex?

    1. Alex Pall/Catalan Jeffries or Selena Fomez?

    2. Don’t think Selena was there, but Chantal was and probably looking for someone new.

    3. Yeah I only caught some of it not enough to see all of who was there ,but parts were definitely a s*** show

  2. One of the Chainsmokers and Chantal Jeffries

  3. And they say good communication is the secret to a successful relationship ;)

  4. This blind needs to be deleted and completely rewritten. I didn’t understand any of it.

    1. Hahahah what kind of a damn LOSER proofreads shit on a website in their spare time. You need to find a hobby or get a therapist. Those are the only options. The worst part is there seem to be an army of losers like you patrolling this website for typos like it is their livelihood, as if they don’t have an ACTUAL job to do. But then again, that wouldn’t surprise me. Cause what kind of freak cares about that enough to write AGAIN and AGAIN. 😂😂

  5. According to the blinds Chantal is strictly pay 4 play.
