Sunday, October 14, 2018

Blind Item #4

The emergency standby for last week got his own shot this weekend. It will be his last. Apparently, the powers that be have said he can be an emergency standby but nothing more than that from now on. It was quite the run. Pretty sure he has more guest appearances than anyone.


  1. Paul Simon the birthday boy?

  2. Of course SNL for the show, don't care enough to seek out info on guest...

  3. Paul Simon was already scheduled , not someone given a consolation prize.

  4. Is Paul Simon not well liked?

  5. Oh,I see. Baldwin as guest host standby, they don't want to pay his Trump fee? But the other blind was for a .musical guest.

  6. Paul Simon. I thought he was great, and I'll take him any week.
    But at 77, maybe he had trouble staying awake.

  7. He's retiring when his tour ends. Yesterday was his birthday too.

  8. Who are TPTB here? Is the noose tightening on Alec Baldwin? First they force him to drop out of "The Joker," now they say no more SNL?

  9. Not sure about alec, but paul simon was great, no lip syncing and the vintage snl broadcast with george harrison was even better.

  10. TPTB is probably Paul himself. Or maybe Edie put her foot down. 🙂

  11. Nobody takes you seriously when your wife is so thirsty she posts bathroom pics on the regular. Couldn't happen to a better guy. I adore his acting and his comedy but he deserves that woman.

  12. Yeah, Simon is referring to this as his farewell tour. He and Lorne are buddies and he is The Power That Be for this (or maybe Edie.) He was first on SNL in 1975. Gorgeous re-arrangement of Bridge over Troubled Water last night.

  13. No respect for the Five Timers Club? What's the world coming to?

  14. Some child in a big boy chair at the network thinks Paul Simon looks too old for his hip show. He’d rather see some miming flavor of the month no one will remember in 13 weeks.

  15. Paul and Lorne live in the same apartment building on the UWS.
