Friday, October 12, 2018

Blind Item #6

This former A list singer turned seller of clothing and frequent poster to social media shares an ob/gyn with the current significant other of an ex. The former singer has referred dozens of new patients to the celebrity doctor, so when our former singer was scheduled to be in the office at the same time as her ex's significant other, she made the doctor's office cancel the appointment of her ex's wife.


  1. Wasn't there a similar blind last time one or the other was pregnant?

  2. Hey if she's hooking this doctor's office up with tons of new business the least they could do is try not to schedule her and her ex's wife at the same time. That and warm the instruments of course.

    1. 😂
      Technically I believe they should offer all patients complimentary adults beverages of their choice pre-pap smear.
      But that’s just me🤷‍♀️

  3. If she isn't pregnant,Jessica probably brought her own adult beverages.

  4. Did you hear about the gynaecologist who wallpapered his hallway through his letterbox?

  5. How did she know that Vanessa had an appointment?? Somebody in that office needs to go. Violation of HIPAA laws is no joke.

  6. Good point, Sd Auntie. If someone at the clinic knew she'd be upset, they should've gone ahead and canceled Vanessa's appointment without saying anything to Jessica.

  7. All you women who hate getting pap smears--ask for the child-size speculum. Doctor offices don't tell you they have them, but they most certainly do.
