Monday, October 15, 2018

Blind Item #6

Apparently this pint sized reality star was supposed to announce her own marriage split at the same time as her long time bff but chickened out.


  1. Came here to read the tea about Ariana & Pete, or the bts royal baby news. *sigh* It’s off to work I go...tealess. (Insert crying emoji)

  2. @freebird not sure if you say but there was a royal baby blind on saturday. maybe we'll get some reveals today too

  3. @freebird I'm kind of the same I've been waiting for blinds about Heidi Klum and her new relationship but nothing, I do love guessing and reading the blind items but I'd like to know about this in particular but it seems like there's nothing about her and Tom Kaulitz :(

  4. I wonder if Eugenie can get pregnant quicker than Meghan did?

  5. Out of all the blinds I've read this weekend, I'm just surprised that people genuinely seem to care about Eugene. I'm British and I couldn't give a shit.

  6. Eugenie does not need to get pregnant does she? She's a Windsor. Nobody is kicking her out of the family if she divorces.

  7. At quick glance I first saw "pint sized reality star bbq chicken"

  8. I thought Markle was pregnant when she got married. Maybe the baby will come early....

  9. Yeah Snooki made an interesting comment on last weeks episode of Family Vacation when Angelina was talking about how her partner doesn’t like her being on the show. I thought there may be trouble in paradise. Anyway wasn’t he one of the people busted on that Ashley Madison website? Yearrrrrrs ago?
