Monday, October 08, 2018

Blind Item #6

This A- list rapper is pretty much only a dad now in the relationship with his ex. Sure, they hang out, but he has at least three other serious girlfriends he rotates through, one of whom is pregnant. That A- list reality star with a lucrative side gig is pretty much an afterthought when it comes to being a girlfriend.


  1. Travis Scot t although Tyga is probably the real daddy

  2. Tbh many people see he’s only there for their daughter.

  3. @sandybrook I agree but it's so much more difficult to see who the baby looks like when Kylie doesn't have any of her original features anymore lol

  4. Is Kylie also closeted?

  5. So he was a f*ck up at one relationship, but instead of staying single he figured the solution was to add multiple relationships?

  6. Kinda scary to think about the different types of bacteria floating between these people....

  7. ....and Kylie is already talking about having another baby. We'll see who the "lucky" guy is in time....

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. If this is Kylie and Travis, what is the "lucrative side gig"? I would think her line is her main gig.

    1. Because he named as a “reality star” since that is how she became so famous, the make up line came later making it her side gig even though it makes her far more money than kuwtk

  10. @paris, Any homeless guy will do, they've already established they can lie about who the father is.

  11. I dont think travis scott is the real father, that baby is too light. Shes super cute tho. tyga is too messy and the bodygaurd is too peasant so they Maury'd Travis.

    1. The baby is half white. Not surprising it would be light skinned

  12. All babies of every ethnicity grow darker as they age into childhood and adolescence.

    If the Kardashians could, they would reproduce asexually or only once a generation and make a hive of sisters around a queen (currently a position being fought over by the main Kards.) One load of hot sperm would be enough for each level of Kards.

    If only the XFiles were still around to satirize and reveal the horrors of this clan.

  13. I laugh that Travis Scott is considered A-
    I watched SNL and I still couldn’t pick him out of a lineup.

  14. I had never heard Travis Scott until SNL this weekend. That was an assault on my ears. At least he's good looking...oh wait. A nice, charitable person?...wait that's wrong, too. He sure can knock up a Kardashian. Yeah, that works.

  15. Stupid question of the day... So does Kylie know about the other women? Does she not care? Why bother with the charade...

  16. LOL @ three other serious girlfriends??? LOL WHET!!!

  17. if she want another kid why doesn’t she go to the bank instead? she can have total control over the kid and keep her finances to herself

  18. @janehanoi - kids tend to ask a lot of questions. I wouldn't want to be the only Kardashian kid that didn't know who their dad is. If all the kids were from donor sperm then I'd see your logic, but to be the only kid with a donor dad, would be kinda sad.

  19. I think it would be less sad than an uninvolved father that cheated on the mother nonstop but it would be less on brand for them

  20. @Ophelia - hardly. My dad was absent as well and cheated on my mom but I at least I know why I look the way I do and what my ancestry is like. Nothing about myself and my familial history is questionable. There is being absent and then there is being absent and having no effing clue about 50% of your DNA.

  21. @JT I'm going to throw up the warning lights that this is headed to much too sensitive of a topic for a gossip site. But I'm glad that you're happy with your family situation & knowing where you come from.

    Not everyone has that strong desire though. Many people have come from sperm donors, are well aware of that fact & are totally ok with it. Many people grow up not knowing who their father is & they are totally ok with the support system that they have. And many people come from closed adoptions & are totally ok with it & the loving family they ended up with.

  22. @Ophelia --- whoaaaaa ok. I seem to have touched a nerve.

    I don't think in my post I stated that I was speaking for everyone. There all types of families out there and I know it. You can't deny that people seek out an identity and would like to understand who they are and where they come from. The huge dna and ancestry testing boom is evidence of that. Plus adopted or sperm donor kids do try to track down there biological parents once they hit 18, whether the adoptions were closed or the donor asked to be anonymous.

    I am sorry if this is a sensitive subject for you but there is no way to make this more serious than it needed to be when talking about the Kardashians and their reality show. Kourtney having another child and raising it on camera will have to answer a lot of questions for that kid if she were to use a donor.

  23. @JT I think the Kardashian kids will have a lot of questions no matter where they come from! lol and no it's not a nerve - I just wanted to state that everyone has different origin stories & feelings about them.

  24. Don't forget,Khloe doesn't know who her real Father is either. Or at least we don't. Maybe she did find out. She looks nothing like her siblings,and is a good foot taller. The Kardashian s were known "swingers". Travis probably would want a DNA test if Kylie wasn't richer than him. He got a number 1 album out of this.

  25. I always wondered why she looked so different than everyone else, I see there are multiple theories out there on who her father is.

  26. oh Plot, you have the kards to a T!

  27. One look at Alex Roldan and you know exactly who Khloe's biological father is.

    I think Tyga is Stormi's Dad. And I still cannot believe she named that baby Stormi. So tacky and stupid.

  28. No worse than North, Saint, Chicago (alright, I can live with that one) and True.

  29. She will have another baby only with Travis. The ALL will only have children with one daddy.

  30. In all seriousness: Kyle's mentality is that of a 14-year old. THIS is why the name Stormi. It's what a 14-year old would come up with.

  31. I still think the baby looks like the bodyguard' s @Rosie riveted. He isn't a peasant, he is a LA police officer and a semi famous model. I don't know why he needs the side gig bodyguarding though. Maybe he just wants the exposure and connections.
