Saturday, October 06, 2018

Blind Item #7

It is going to be really interesting to see if the celebrity CEO shows up to claim the two seats set aside for him tonight at the big UFC fight. I would just keep a camera on him the whole night. My guess is he won't want to leave the coke for long, so will show up two minutes before the big fight and then bail right after. I'm waiting for him to get so messed up he forgets he is Tweeting from his mom's account.


  1. Don't most of the celebrities at these things do that? They don't wanna sit in the crowds with the imbecilic fans. Stay in a VIP area eating and drinking until the time comes.

  2. Musk is probably in a padded room and being monitored 24/7.

  3. Who is going to be in the other seat?

  4. Not Grimes obviously amirite riffraff?

    1. He was photographed with Grimes yesterday in LA.

  5. I read an interesting article that basically theorized that Mush is doing all this acting up because he WANTED to be ousted from Tesla, because he knew it was failing and wants it to look like it failed because he left, thus avoiding blame.

  6. Musk not mush: typo

  7. I did a lot of coke for a few months and I never lost track of regular shit. I guess I never embraced it as fully as these people because they seem to lose their damn minds.

  8. where "a few months" is 8 months to one year

  9. Credit where's it due: if he bailed, which it seems like he did, then it turns out no-showing was one of the smartest things he's done in months.

  10. i can't even hint at his coke problems in reddit, it is like those people can't accept that he is a drug addict and basically all his behavior makes much more sense in the light of this than any other explanation

  11. Well of course he isn't going to show up tonight.....he's at Vandenburg Air Force Base prepping and watching the launch of his Falcon 9 rocket deliver a satellite and land right back from where it launched. He obviously has way more important things to do.

    Also cut him a break, he's allowed to be eccentric, he's a genius! And, even more, he contributes to society in a positive way, so if he occasionally uses recreational drugs, no worries. He's earned it all.

  12. I am thinking he does more than just coke.

  13. He just wants to be left alone with his rockets, but they won't let me quit.
