Monday, October 08, 2018

Blind Item #8

This foreign born still one hit wonder might be able to sleep with guys for tracks or her monthly bills, but no guy was going to take on the task of helping her finance a tour which would have been a huge monetary loss. No promotion company was willing to take it on which is why she needed some outside help.


  1. With all the yachting she does and the price Entern thinks she charges her johns she doesn't need a musical tour

  2. +1 Tricia

  3. Bad Girls Tour nah. Put Iggy, Azealia Banks and Christina Aguilera together for a Hot Mess Tour, instant sell out. At least two of them would make it to the stage and at least one would actually be sober.

    1. Xtina’s tour seems to be doing well and she looks sober and alert. If she were bad off there would be videos. All the videos I’m seeing of her tour look like she’s actually doing a good job

  4. @Brayson87good idea,but don't bet at least one is sober. At least 2 will show up though.

  5. Hot Mess Tour LOL good one Brayson. But what you do is hire about five of the hot messes so that if just two or three actually show up you've still got a show. Plus you can have video from backstage projected out front so fans can see the non-performing hot messes behaving badly.
