Tuesday, October 09, 2018

Blind Item #8

This alliterate for naked celebrity turned C+ list celebrity is telling friends she and her A+ list actor boyfriend are trying to get her pregnant. Pretty sure that would be news to the actor who already dumped his most recent public ex because she wanted a family, not to mention the multiple women he has made take the morning after pill while married. He used to keep a supple on hand and would give one to a woman every morning and watch her take it.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow, he's either got no faith in or use for condoms.

  3. Cus uhm heaven forbid he:
    A. Wear a condom
    B. Get a vasectomy

  4. He has a real talent for finding the women who are desperate for attention and fame post Jennifer Garner

  5. Fucking degenerate. There's no need to make your coked up whore kill your baby after you've cum in her virgine. Wear a rubber or remember why God invented female assholes.

    1. Oh dear.
      Where HAVE you been?
      You just have a way of putting an eloquent spin on everything.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Lmao why doesn’t he just wear a condom if he’s so afraid of getting women pregnant?

  7. Absolutely Batfleck. And giving someone the morning after pill...that is dangerous. That isn't Tylenol, you could hemorrhage to death...he is such a stooge.

    I would laugh in his face. I hope she does manage to get pregnant and takes him for everything he is worth. Such scum...

  8. yeah, get a vasectomy do the entire world a favor and take yourself out of the gene pool.

    You really don't want kids don't fuck thirsty bimbos. The kind that you know what they are after....

    This Shauna Sexton is creative though. Move herself from C+ to B- this way. Make some money selling her story...

  9. If you don't want kids snip the lines Ben.

    Easy peasy and you can still get your AIDS if you can't be bothered to use a condom.

  10. Maybe Affleck doesn't trust in condoms. After all Garner was pregnant when she wed him

  11. And why hasn't he gotten a vasectomy?

  12. why, because he want's his sex to feel good and not have to risk losing full feeling on an orgasm. He's selfish and the morning after pill doesn't stop or block pregnancy, it just zaps any little spermies left over swimming around.

    Really, dumb, just really.

  13. So Afflek is a bigger jerk than we imagined? If he doesn't want more kids get a vasectomy , and still use a condom. Also, no more children need this mess for a father,either.

  14. Timebob and Greenfrog both wrong about morning after pill. Has nothing to do with killing sperm or hemorrhage. Sheesh. I really hope neither of you has sex with women, you don’t know jack about female reproductive bits.

  15. Since he's not using condoms, I hope he at least got checked and had her get checked before he stuck it in. Herpes last even longer than kids, Bennio.

  16. Has anyone heard of Ben being gay? I thought it was common knowledge in Hollywood, he went to gays bars and was open with his boyfriends back in the day.

    1. I did.
      Heard he at Matt we’re both Bi and kinda played the pond back in the day in Hollywood. I wonder about Matt still.

  17. Bet he wishes that morning after pill existed ~13 years ago. This man doesn't want any kids with anyone.

  18. No one in Hollywood wears condoms and they all have herpes. It's part of their idiot culture, like turning their faces plastic and being anti-vaccines.

  19. So proud of CDAN at the moment. Yes, if men don't want kids they have the option of wearing condoms or being snipped. If they do not use those options, then tough shit. The choice becomes all hers.

  20. Same goes for the backdoor, you never know what could dribble down.

  21. Breaking news: they've split.

  22. "Ben, darling.....what is your ATM pin number?"
    "It's 14344....expires every 2 seconds. I'll mail you the new one soon."

  23. Wasn’t there a blind saying that she was wearing a microphone to record him?

  24. Mooshki is dead right. I was banging an Olympian raw there for a bit & even though I have a lowered immune system from meds he was fucking around without telling me. It kills me because I liked him so much, we had a great connection & I knew what he was about so if he was banging away at others it was fine to mention it. But still, he lied & risked my health.

    I got lucky, but I'll never star fuck again.

  25. @Trufflepig: Shauna is now saying they haven’t split (maybe he just hasn’t told her yet.) If she has been recording him, this should get interesting,
