Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #1

October 16, 2018

She doesn't wear a ring. She never talks about her husband. She never really goes anywhere with her husband. It might be the shammiest of sham marriages this side of Kerry Washington. I am talking about this former A-/A- list singer/reality star who only gets back to the A list singing thing when she is with the permanent A list group. I suppose she could have another solo hit, but that seems a like a long shot.

Kelly Rowland


  1. At least she keeps her personal life private.

  2. Let her be Enty if she's happy living that way on the d/l what's it to you?

  3. She and her husband gave an interview to Essence magazine where they shared details....however nobody cared to read it and those who did cant remember it. She was always just white noise to Beyonce and always will be unfortunately.

  4. Destiny's Child is permanent A list? Ugh.

  5. He's terribly short.

  6. So you're saying it's a WASP marriage? I'm confused.

  7. Her ring is tattooed on lol

  8. Meh. We don't wear our rings either, and our only regular "date" is the Friday grocery shop. Might look weird to outsiders but doesn't mean a damn thing to anyone who actually knows us.

    1. Sounds wonderful cee kay. Live to grocery shop with loved ones!

  9. Another outting ..congrats ..meanwhile the Brian Singers of the world need not worry their blinds are barely revealed if at all
