Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #3

October 3, 2018

This foreign born B+ list mostly movie actor has a big new movie opening. The thing is though, he is loyal to the disgraced director who "gave" him hi first break and has been skipping press and red carpets to support the director. Wrong move buddy.

Ben Hardy/Bryan Singer


  1. Am I the only one who can't wait for the Esquire Singer exposé?

    1. Dying to read it too! 💅🔪 Hoping something actually comes of it.

  2. Singer is already far in front of it, throwing doubt on the whole thing. Sometimes I wonder if these "sneak peeks" are really more of a "heads up" than anything!

  3. It really worries me that singer has a son. I hate to think what that kid has been exposed to :(

  4. Thanks for that mental image Sal T, you couldn't have phrased that differently?

  5. Singer is NOT "throwing doubt on the whole thing." His post sounded like an entitled little boy...kind of like that Weinstein guy. Hardy is CANCELLED.

  6. Eww Brayson87 I see your point...sad thing is, it’s probably true in that sense as well :(

  7. According to AJ Benza Esquire has had a whole team of reporters working on this expose for months. They also laughed when Singer came out with his pre emptive strike on IG and said it is not the incidents he is thinking of. He also said some of Singer's friends have flipped.

    In any case I can't wait to read it.

  8. I wouldn't call Ben Hardy B+ I think he is more a B actor. He is known in the UK for EastEnders. But outside of the UK I am not sure he is known. I know Ben Hardy is straight but that would not stop Bryan Singer. Singer definitely has a predilection for young males barely legal or in their early 20s. There was a British diver Chris Mears he also hung out with Singer a lot I think last year or something. He definitely likes them young.

  9. @Orville Barely legal or early 20's? Try more like 15 and who knows how much younger.
