Sunday, October 14, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #5

October 7, 2018

This former stripper turned celebrity turned reality star turned celebrity organized a big event. She raised a lot of money from sponsors for said event. She then pocketed all the money for herself which led to a string of people and vendors canceling when she asked them to do the event for free or would pay them after which she meant as never.

Amber Rose/Slut Walk


  1. Such noble leadership.

  2. She's a slut so she benefitted from her own walk

  3. She ripped off slut walk, then takes all the credit for it, calling herself an activist. She's a whore .

  4. Well then, it was more of a stroll than a walk.

  5. She is reinforcing the belief whores are whores who will take every last dollar.


  6. How about all those idiots who donate to a "slut walk"....

  7. Who would’ve thunk it? An event that encourages women to be an unabashed slut is fraught with chicanery and deception.

    When are people gonna wake up and realize that following through with whatever depraved things that come across your mind might not be the best way to behave?

  8. Oh fuck off No Name, and go cry in your safe space.

    As a woman, I am embarrassed by this nouveau feminism. It's shallow and exclusively aimed at the low end of the IQ spectrum public. "Here world, check out my tits and ass, but also respect me. Hey you stranger wanna fuck? But respect me! Hey Trump is bad, I'm good so I voted for somebody who collaborates with sharia-law advocates, that stone and lash women (and murder gays), but she's got a vagina, so she gets my vote'

    Simple minded stupidity, that only reaffirms to a lot of people how dumb a large portion of the female population actually is: the ones who don't twerk or get voting tips from Beyonce, march with terrorist sympathisers who think marital rape is A okay.

  9. @Depeche Model You are A okay, though! Thanks for standing up for reason.

  10. Can't you leave these comments somewhere else, like maybe Reddit politics? You just come off as so angry and deranged. I'm embarrassed for you.

  11. That's not ironic or anything!

  12. This is exactly what I would expect the organizers of a Slut Walk to do. In fact, it would go against the natural order of things if they didn't.

  13. If the marchers really cared about showing how it's cool to be a slut, they'd be marching with loads dropped on their faces.

  14. Between this and her fake Bill Cosby rant I’m ready for her to go away (not saying he is innocent)

  15. If you are dumb enough to donate to a slut walk you kind of deserve it.
