Saturday, October 20, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #5

October 13, 2018

This former reality star turned Oscar winner is gunning for a permanent guest co-host spot which is why she was kissing the ass of her former co-star/kind of boss earlier this week. He eats that stuff up for breakfast. If you want to work for him or with him, you have to be a top 1%er when it comes to ass kissing. That is why no one in his team ever said a peep when he should have been disgraced.

Jennifer Hudson/Ryan Seacrest


  1. These 'talent' shows do seem to attract some thirsty and, in some cases, narcissistic egomaniacs.
    Any news of that young girl in South Africa and Tom Jones?

  2. I'm not saying the J-Hud part isn't true either but the ass kissing bit seems particularly really accurate/believable/true.

  3. Jennifer Hudson...."gunning".....LOL.

  4. What is the deal with Seacrest where he should have been disgraced? I missed that.
