Monday, October 15, 2018

Your Turn

Make or buy your costumes for Halloween?


  1. Isn’t it odd the way everyone automatically assumes that the goop in soap dispensers is actually soap?

  2. Make. Store bought usually just look a bit 'meh' unless you want to spend a fuck load and unfortunately, I don't have Heidi Klum money.

  3. Anonymous10:10 AM

    make my daughters or have both of ours custom made. none of that plastic shit from walmart lol

  4. I usually assemble mine from store bought parts. I'm thinking about this for this year:

  5. I usually make mine, but I bought one a few years ago.

  6. I'm English, what the f*** is halloween? we have bonfire night already thank you very much. 'Penny for the Guy...'?

  7. OMG @Heffalumps....!!! Too soon for the KBF costome, but HELL TO THE YA!! for the drunk judge!!!!!

  8. This year, buying.

  9. The best costume I ever had was in college was so easy and so cheap to make. I made a Cat in The Hat costume. I bought some foam rubber and spray paint and made a giant hat, with cat ears. I wore black leggings and a black turtleneck and used the sleeve of an old shirt to make a tail. White makeup on my face, with a black nose and whiskers and I carried a Dr. Seuss book and went to the Halloween Parade in Greenwich Village. My brother borrowed the hat the next year and dressed as the Cat for a high school costume contest and won first place.

    It's fun when you can do it yourself.

  10. Neither...I already have one on since I'm a gator.

  11. I usually go with a mix of improvised and purchased costume, whatever's practical, I'm not trying to win a cosplay contest.

  12. I'm English too and despite the fact that I've been living in the US for six years, from 9-21 I always did something for Halloween. I think you're just a grump, Longtime.

  13. I always make. I've done some really fun ones in the past like patchwork doll, zombies, witches, etc.
    Now that I have kids, I'm having a lot of fun making them.
    One is a bat this year and one is a pumpkin. Hubs and I are going as druids with cloaks and masques.

  14. Make. I used to make them every year for the kids. Now I have a stock of my own to pull from.

  15. We don't do this anymore, but I've never made anything in my life. My kids got the costumes they wanted for 20 bucks or less, and they actually looked the way they were supposed to.

  16. Anonymous7:48 PM

    make them. buy them. doesn't matter. your kid may just grow up, go away, and rarely speak to you.
    happened to me.
