Monday, November 19, 2018

Blind Item #12

Showing that she is always up for a party, this A- list celebrity offspring of an Academy Award winner did some lines of coke at an after party last night.


  1. Lily Collins at the Governor's Ball?

  2. Hope it's not - I know she's had issues in the past but I'm still always rooting for her lol

  3. Lionel Richie won an Oscar so Im switching off to Sofia.

  4. Oh you kids... don't do drugs.

  5. I generally assume they're all doing coke at some point.

  6. Is this supposed to be a shocking blind?? OMG a celeb did coke at after party?? Unless this is supposed to be an underage celeb you wouldn't suspect did coke this blind is dumb. If Richie who doesn't think there is a strong possibility she has done coke?? With Brayson on this one.

  7. Yes I mean if they're smoking crack or shooting heroin that's noteworthy, but doing lines in the bathroom has got to be par for the course at this point.

  8. Call me old fashioned, but a couple lines of coke isn’t THAT scandalous. Crack, meth, heroin... THOSE are headline worthy. Coke is almost on the level of weed

    1. Coke is not on the level of weed. And yes i have used it. you obviously do not have a career of any sort. I have seen coworkers fired for using coke in the bathroom and intheir cars. Erractic, jumpy and aggressiveness is the result. Oh and forget about your metabolism, you will be obese by 30.

  9. First of all, I have no mercy for substance abuse at work. This was an after party. Hell, if you’re drinking heavily, you’ll be obese by your 30s. If this was a once in a while partying for the celeb offspring, I don’t think it’s that bad. A couple lines at a party is like a few hits of a joint. Get it out of your system & move on. Now as an ongoing habit? Sure, that’s a major problem. Your friends, for example, sound like idiots who never knew when the party stopped. But this Blind didn’t indicate it’s an ongoing habit.

  10. My mind immediately went to Ireland Baldwin but I don't pay enough attention to know who is on which list these days.

  11. It's a sad, sad world when "a little coke" means nothing to some people. Cocaine destroys lives. Pot never has.

  12. +1 Kate Hudson but mostly bc she’s the only one I can think of where it would be “a little” surprising and newsworthy. The rest just warrant an eye roll 🙄

  13. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Kate Hudson had a baby 6 weeks ago, seriously doubt its her. She’s no Cardi B. Lol

  14. Francesca Eastwood?
    Had a baby 2 months ago but history of using I think

  15. This is news? Actress does coke at a party?
