Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Blind Item #13

This celebrity offspring YouTuber of a celebrity YouTuber has been seeking treatment this year for her eating disorder.


  1. REALLY? This is what it's come down too?

  2. Seriously WTF since when do 12 year olds write for CDaN?

  3. It's strange how obesity isn't considered an eating disorder.

  4. Brayson I think it is if it's from binge eating. Pretty sure you can binge without purging and its still a disorder you can seek treatment for

  5. Obesity is a result of compulsive overeating, which is definitely considered an eating disorder.

  6. That's it. I quit.

  7. Morons on youtube are not celebrities.

  8. YouTubers are old enough to have kid YouTubers now? Where's my cane, girdle, and is some darn kid on my lawn again?

  9. Seems to be slim pickings with the blinds lately

  10. I think Hollywood might be a bit preoccupied this week & their usual shenanigans are on hold... a lot going on in California right now :(

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. A friend of mine said, you know there are a lot of people along the border that they could bring up to help fight the fires. I was like whoa. Busing up immigrants to help fight fires, guess it could work, kind of harsh though. Welcome to America, Welcome to a burning Hell, here's a fire hose, your green cards are on the other side of the flames. That's kind of messed up. She said Hey I didn't mean that at all! I meant all the extra troops stationed for border security. ;)

  13. Olivia Jade. Things a rail.

  14. Good for her. Enty, repeat after me: "seeking therapy is brave and admirable. It should be lauded and supported, not shamed. Lifting the stigma surrounding substance abuse and mental illness is important work and will save lives."

  15. Jesus Christ. OFFSPRING of a 'Youtuber?' Who gives a fuck about the 'youtuber' first off, let alone their 'offspring'??

  16. The only youtuber who worries me is Eugenia Cooney but she doesn't fit the blind

  17. Olivia Jade's mom is Lori Laughlin off Full House, she isnt a youtuber

    It is probably one of those channels that are of the entire family

  18. Actually in Canada, we get help fighting fires from Mexico and even hire companies who bring in people from South Africa. We tend to look at immigrants and forget that most have trades and skills beyond fruit picking and cleaning.

  19. A blind about an offspring of a Youtuber? Really? Scraping the bottom of the barrel for juicy tidbits?

    The outrage!!!

    The horror!!!

  20. Wait...we have offsprings of YouTubers now who have their own blind!!!!!

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Is it one of the Pinkett-Smith brats? Don't remember the daughter's name. Mama Pinkett has some kind of show/podcast/whatever.

  23. Offspring YouTube blinds are to distract from the teen mom, Tesla, Ariana blinds. Something else to complain about!

  24. One of the "Shaytards" girls? It wouldn't surprise me... Seeing as how Shay is a cheating drunk, Collette is a doormat, and they're all vain Mormon weirdos....it makes sense.

  25. Youtubers are probably more famous than MTV stars from 10 years ago or any C-list celebrity offspring enty keeps posting about so stop complaining and get with the times and realize that people can get legitimately famous from the internet.

  26. Anonymous2:54 AM

    not getting all this hating regarding youtubers being a subject of a blind. not all YouTubers are bad but in any case I am all for youtuber blinds as some of them are influential enough that letting out the truth when needed can be great..youtube celebs shouldn't be the exception when the tea is necessary. sorry for this unpopular opinion

  27. Anonymous6:01 AM

    all the people that talk bad about youtubers clearly have never watched davids vlog.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Jordan Peterson's daughter

  30. Anonymous6:22 AM

    @kfitz love the vlog squad! Also all the hate directed at youtubers is pretty out of touch. a lot of youtubers are bigger stars/make more money than traditional entertainers. Liza Koshy just made Forbes 30 Under 30 list..

  31. Anonymous6:23 AM

    this blind has to be about Olivia Jade. Poor girl is a stick, her mom is a famous actress but she dabbles in Youtube.

  32. @tinker, you're on your own there I think, but at least Enty knows that someone cares about youtubers.
