Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Blind Item #13

Usually this one named closeted permanent A list singer goes to a hotel when he is going to hook up with another guy. He feels like he can control the situation more. Apparently though, he found a guy he likes and took the chance a couple of nights ago and invited him to his house in LA. Hopefully there was lots of protection involved.


  1. I guess the last line gives this one up.

  2. I imagine hazmat suits

  3. Ushers house is for sale In LA. So maybe

  4. Just think, this could lead to ... The Fall of the House of Usher!

  5. @ Sandybrook

    @kelli grrrl

    Thank you both for making me laugh!

    I heard Usher is going broke trying to settle the cases out of court.

  6. I did buy the podcast.I really enjoy it, especially the true crime. The herpes tree was interesting.

  7. It's weird to me that Usher can be permanent A when I know absolutely nothing about his career. Now I understand the blank looks from my kids when I bring up Michael Douglas or Jack Nicholson.

  8. I was going to say Bono from U2 but yaaaaaa Seal makes sense. I'm putting all my imaginary money on the person who said Seal. Remember when he threw all that shade at Oprah? I did.

  9. This is definitely Usher can Enty update us about the STD case. Two women and one man said Usher has herpes. Yet have not heard about the case in a while. Did Usher settle with his male accuser or not?

  10. Urshur got the herp that makes your booty go nast.

  11. Nonya Bidness - YEAH.
