Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Blind Item #2

This former A list ten movie actor didn't voluntarily shut down an account trying to raise money from fans. A parent of an underage teen complained about what the actor was saying to his daughter through the messaging function on the site that got it shut down.


  1. Corey is one of the usual suspects, but there could be others.

  2. We have some really sick people that prey on children. This is not funny at all, they are ruining young lives and they think nothing of it...

  3. What is a "ten movie actor"??

  4. @Thia, I think its a typo and is meant to be "teen"

  5. It's corey. It's on his twitter feed. The father is a guy called Carl Brecht who has Coreys messages to his daughter pinned to his twitter.

  6. Oh sh!t, good catch Sarah! I forgot, Corey Feldman is the MVP (Most Vile Pervert) of the former A list teen movie actors.
