Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Blind Item #4

The drug use is getting out of control for this alliterate former boy bander turned A- list adult singer.


  1. @Trisha13 I don't disagree, but would the Jonas Brothers be considered a boy band? That makes me think of a random group of boys put together just to sing instead of a family where they actually played their own instruments. Like, I wouldn't call Hanson a "boy band."

    Maybe it's just me.

    1. I think so.. even though not really to me either in the traditional sense...?

    2. All those tween targeted band were boy bands. They were boys and bands. A band can be a singing quartet too. A band isn't only with instrumentalists.

  2. I think "boy band" has more to do with the audience than the actual men/boys who are in the band.

    "Boy bands" appeal primarily to young women and gay men, and they sing pop music, as opposed to the rap/hard rock that straight male critics take seriously.

  3. Zayn Malik was my first thought

  4. i don't think is Zayn bc that TURNED " adult" singer makes me think of people that once were teenagers boys, so, The Jonas brother fit better

  5. Zayn Malick isn’t alliterative either....though the drug part for sure:(

  6. ( and then the blind says "alliterate " which Zayn Malik name is not, but Joe Jonas is )

  7. Anonymous8:21 AM

    he looked like crap in the pictures of them coming out of the restaurant

    1. That's enough for Enty to turn it into a blind.

  8. @Nutty_Flavor As a gay man, I'd have to check your statement about gay men as a whole being into boy bands. It infers some kind of overall weird pedophilia by gay men. It's a bigoted thing to say and pretty offensive.

    It's also amazingly classless and weird to assume that most music critics are "straight males" and are somehow more professional and serious than non-straight, non-male critics. And as a trained musician, it's also pretty ridiculous to say that "rap/hard rock" should somehow be taken more seriously than pop tunes. That's like saying you should take Burger King more seriously than McDonald's because they flame-broil the burgers.

    It's 2018, check your privilege and your assumptions.

    1. I didt get the gay/paedo inferrance at all from nuttyflavour comment. In the UK Boy band take that deliberately target the pink pound as a demographic.

    2. "check your privilege"

    3. Thank you! These whores are morons.

  9. My God, you are an idiot.

    First of all, most boy band members are over 18. No paedophilia necessary.

    Secondly, boy bands regularly perform at clubs like G-A-Y in London because they know they have a substantial gay audience. Surprise, surprise, gay men like to look at attractive male entertainers.

    I really would like to know when gay men, who traditionally have been some of the most creative, freedom-loving members of society, turned into scolding church ladies. Freddie Mercury would be aghast at what his beloved subculture has become.

    Get over yourself.

  10. Countervail - i suggest you have a word with the record companies who sign and promote them alongside the managers like lou Perlman/simon cowell who develop/manufacture them. Because that is exactly the target demo they are trying to appeal to/cater for. Looking at the $$$'s made, it a formula that sure as hell works. BTS are currently following the playbook to the letter.

    1. No. If you look at the concerts, most of the fans of One Direction were originally tween girls - elementary and middle school age. I would say older groups like Backstreet Boys had more male teenage fans and teen girls because the guys were older. It depends on the age of the musicians. Most of these singing groups aren't very talented so they appeal to younger kids who have little critical taste.

  11. Joe is looking a little rough, but nobody is looking 100% everyday.

  12. Let's be honest, boy bands probably have plenty of straight male fans, but they're way too embarrassed to admit it or buy concert tickets lol.

  13. Are you on crack?

    I do not know a single gay person who is somehow into boy bands, and who was ever into boy bands, somehow more than any other particular demographic. Again an amazingly bigoted thing to say. My observation is subjective, but as an example, at their height, One Direction had as many 50+ FEMALE fans as -25, and a minority of male fans. If, as you suggest, they are targeted at gay men because gay men somehow are into boy bands as a target demographic, why are there no publicly out gay boy band members?

    And again, most boy bands form when the kids are underage. You justifying that "boy bands" aer of legal age and formed to target the interest of gay is bigoted and gross. I am not aware of boy bands specifically playing G-A-Y, I only know of ex-boyband members who have performed there as solo, adult performers.

  14. I can buy Bobby Brown for this.

  15. Bobby Brown could be a candidate here. But, if so, this blind either means the drug problem has recently resurfaced or this is 25 years too late. Because the drug use had been out of control a long time ago. Joe Jonas would be a more timely candidate.

  16. I thought teh gays only listened to show tunes and Britney Spears.



    2. You're stupid. Do "straight" people only listen to Metallica and gangster rap?

  17. Agree,most,boy bands start underage,Jackson 5,Backstreet Boys,NSync, Jonas Bros. All had underage members. Many had pervy managers. Some deliberately appeal to gay men.A fact isn't bigotry. It doesn't mean All gay men are into this, anymore than the "poptart" image that teen girls are molded into means their audience is creepy old guys. Both have mostly female fans. But the industry wants that extra audience. I think this is Joe Jonas,it seems to be his description lately.

  18. Was Joe ever an A- adult singer?
    I agree that Bobby Brown could fit, but I shudder to think what constitutes "out of control" drug use for him.

    It is probably Joe Jonas.

  19. I have to step in here and say of ALL THE SHIT TON OF GAY DUDE FRIENDS I have (it's a lot) they aren't generally into boy bands.

    They like Tori Amos and Madonna and Janet Jackson and Gaga and Britney.

    Not boy bands.

    Dirty old men like Lou Perlman like boy bands yeah, but that's not the same.

  20. Thank you @hunter. Exactly.

    @guesser, I'm still trying to figure out which boy bands "deliberately appeal to gay men." Again, this implies that there is somehow a legion of pervy gay guys into young boys (there aren't), a majority from how you phrase it, but also that some boy bands are created specifically to appeal to gay men. Can you give me an example because nothing is coming to mind? Pervy managers, like @hunter mentioned, do create boy bands for their own pervy extortion. But they know their sales demographic is impressionable young girls, not some overwhelming interest of gay men.

  21. @Sara, Joe had huge success with Cake by the Ocean

  22. @AlleyKat Take That started by playing gay clubs because their first couple singles caught on at gay dance clubs and their manager was gay and probably had connections, not specifically because they were marketed to gay men. As soon as they had more exposure, they almost exclusively appealed and were marketed to young girls. Gary Barlow has said "Starting out, we played gigs here and there, often in gay clubs, simply because they paid us."

    The "pink pound?" I didn't think this thread could get more homophobic. Paedophilia is not a gay thing. Boy bands are not created for gay men. Please just stop saying stupid, bigoted things.

  23. @countervail
    When you mentioned Hanson, I was suddenly reminded of this vulgar shirt I saw online. It said "I fucked the girl in Hanson". Totally crass and tasteless, which is the selling point of all these shirts sold on the site. I ofc laughed at it, due to the fact that Hanson in my area was most hated and annoying back in the day along with being the subject of many jokes or being hurled as an insult at some of your buddies.

    It was amusing so I thought I'd share.

    Btw, that site does have some hilarious shirts, despite being mostly lowbrow, rude and/or offensive.

  24. I like the Bobby Brown guess for this. He has lost his daughter so I could see him relapsing (if he ever stopped to begin with).

  25. Boy the comments on this site have changed the past few years. What a shame

  26. Joe Jonas had a pretty good struggle with drugs in past years. I remember reading about it on other sites.

    With DNCE, he's had some hits including "Cake by the Ocean" and "Toothbrush."

    I think it's him.

  27. Good grief,I meant the managers created the image,not the boys in the band.I don't hold them anymore accountable than the girls in the schoolgirl uniforms, I still think it is a target audience. And where did I say the majority? I said most boy bands start underage that is what makes them boy bands. I actually said boy bands main audience is female, just like the female singers who are sexualized. They get their share of pervs and I think with the girls you can say this without accusing all straight men.

  28. I'm with you @counterveil there is always homophobic and transphobic comments being posted on here and no one seems to monitor it. It's pretty sad reading stuff like that on a public forum (or anywhere for that matter). Teenage girls generally fit the demographic of boy bands, not gay guys. These comments get pretty toxic, I look for Trish's guess to see whether I am in the ball park of getting it right and then click out.

    1. Gossipy articles about entertainers attracts a lot of low-intelligence trash.

  29. @Guesser your justification doesn't make it right. You say that most boy bands are created when they are underage, and then you say that at least part of the target audience is gay men. You are mixing up being gay with being a pedophile and that's not right or even true. I don't know a single boyband in modern history that had any specific gay following before or after they were of age.

    Maybe it's common for straight men to lust after young girls, that seems to be the case. And there is probably a segment of the gay community that prefers young MEN to other ages. But there's not a general interest by gay men in underage boys. Your comments about boy bands being targeted to the gay community make no sense and are offensive.

  30. @countervail,please stop twisting my words and words of others. To make myself clear to everyone who can read,I know for a fact most pedophiles are straight. I know for a fact most gay men are not pedophiles. I am not mixing up anything, I am rather certain you are a concern troll. Everyone here knows I have spoken out against the Disney and Nickolodeon machines,who are mostly targeting females. I have called others out on homophobic slurs. To ignore the intent of managers and producers does the victims no favor.

  31. Don't be stupid. Joe Jonas is on drugs. Nick is a pothead. Zayn is a druggie. Jonas B was a band and was boys. Only teens and tweens mainly liked it. It's a boy band. 1D is also a boy band - a singing band.

  32. @countervail...you were doing ok with your point until you just HAD to throw out the P-word (privilege). I'm so sick and tired of SJWs throwing it around every time they speak. We are ALL privileged in one form or another...So just let it go already.

  33. Ok so how do you explain the "MAP" at the end of the LGBTQ...etc line?
    Minor Attracted Person, right? I think that's code for PEDOPHILE!

    1. What the fuck are talking about moron? Statistics show most pedophiles are men who abuse girls. Nobody uses Map as an acronym in "LGBT" or "LGBTQ." You don't have a clue what you're talking about.

  34. OK, gays aren't interested in boy bands as a form of entertainment. But are they attracted sexually to boy banders?Absolutely. Most gays are pederasts: that is, they lust after postpubescent boys, in the 14 to 16 years old range.

    1. Are you lusting after girls 14 to 16 years old? You're just flat out incorrect. You are obviously an uneducated moron. For you to write this type of uneducated bigotry, it shows you need to go to higher education with more diversity of people around you because only an uneducated hick who is around only the same type of inbred people would think this type of garbage.

  35. What does being gay have to do with Joe being illterate and on drugs and who said it's too late for him? And he knows how to read btw. Someone please explain for me thank you
