Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Blind Item #4

Our celebrity CEO gets more manic every day. He also loves pressing his thumb down on those who cross him. The latest example is a whistle blower for an entity within one of his companies. He has doxxed the person and reported them to CPS while also trying to have their professional license revoked and private detectives stalking the parent 24/7. He really is a terrible person.


  1. Maybe someone should report him to CPS. I am sure there is a case to be made. Asshat.

  2. Defos the Musk-ateer. Wondering if it's the whistleblower's parent who is being stalked or the if it's the celebrity CEO's parent. I remember reading there's some bad blood there.

  3. The whistleblower is probably a single mother. There is nothing more evil than setting CPS on a woman out of spite.

  4. Here is the lady

    Here is the story

  5. Those aggressive "back off, Elon" Tweets this week from that Lady who is a friend of Musk and Johnny Depp were epic..... I thought that's what this one was about

  6. +1 PS, that's the one, someone even tweeted this blind there

  7. Tesla's stock got too high, obviously time for another controversy.

  8. Never mind, maybe soon he'll get plenty of time to spend in his fancy new ultra modern, high tech, underground carousel, whizzing round and round under his company parking lot. Its amazing how you can waste tens of billions on holes, isnt it.

  9. But how will he solve the CHUD problem down there?

  10. Mr. crazy himself Elon Musk for the craziest of all.

  11. @Brayson87 He might not solve the CHUD problem, but it's a perfect place for him to get a firsthand look at it. He could even repurpose that submarine to do some sewer spelunking. And of course he could use his Boring Flamethrower to eradicate those little CHUDders.

  12. @Joseph, But the CHUD problem is the root cause of why almost all US underground transportation projects appear to be slow overpriced jokes! Analysts and experts will tell us that it is corruption, inefficiency and incompetence that makes US public transportation a laughingstock to the rest of the developed world, but we know it's the CHUDS! Like how NYC tunnelers need 2-3 times as many workers as similar projects in Europe and take longer. Those extra nonessential workers are actually manning the flamethrowers to keep the CHUDS at bay! Or like how maintenance is rarely performed on existing US subways because workers are afraid of the CHUDS eating them in the tunnels. It's got to stop!

  13. BasiljH, this is why you just keep your mouth shut. Because you ain't doing your friends any favors. You are more of a help by not saying a damn thing. But people are under the impression that aggressive "I'm just defending myself/friends" social media posts somehow help the situation. They just add to the suspicion. Step away from the keyboard if you want to be of help.

  14. The unsafe conditions at Musk’s plants are legendary in their industries.

  15. This is more the CEO of FB Mark Zuckerberg's style.
