Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Blind Item #4

What is not mentioned in the real estate listing but an inspection found before a buyer backed out during escrow is that this house and property has nearly 1,000 cameras installed by its previous owner. It also has several rooms which have reinforced doors which are being touted as part of a panic room type thing. Nope. They are meant to keep people in rather than keeping people out.


  1. Is this R Kelly’s house?

  2. Ugh, so many sickos. I thought R Kelly was just renting his torture houses, not owning?

    1. I don’t know...I know he owned and had one for sale but it was year probably still on market with all his press.
      I though HH right away but wasn’t sure it was for sale... proabbaly him.

  3. I thought Hugh Hefner's house was automatically bought by a neighbor or something, no need for listing.

    1. Or his son.
      Was there once ions ago —don’t remember cameras but definitely remember his red bat ☎️ bat phone. Was cool AF

  4. And what were you were doing there Tricia? ;)

    1. Oddly enough it was a book party for the late great Leslie Nielson (they were friends)... funny as that sounds lol... proper cocktail
      Party-surreal though for sure.

  5. Im glad hugh hefner is dead.

    there, I said it.

  6. What was surreal besides the grotto?

    1. That bat phone /emergency phone was hella crazy... glass encased.This was mid nineties so before the advent of cells really so that was a pretty cool “landline”. The grounds were fairly majestic. The way people were around him...awed, was odd lol

  7. Hefs house has been owned by young rich guy for a few years. He saved twinkies and is suppose to restore mansion. He was able to live at the mansion until he died.

  8. That does sound surreal, they should have made that place a historic site/museum lol

  9. Omg I bet it’s Neveelamd Ranch and has to do with that recent blind about the basement “recording studio”

  10. Yes the ranch is still on the market. They never like to put "multiple rape rooms" on real estate listings.

  11. Multiple rape rooms????

  12. Eddie Murphy’s house is still for sale.

  13. @p swer, "It also has several rooms which have reinforced doors which are being touted as part of a panic room type thing. Nope. They are meant to keep people in rather than keeping people out."

    I don't think those are time out rooms.

  14. I always knew Tricia was legit.

  15. Eva Longoria’s house. She bought it from Tom Cruise...

  16. @Tricia13 what was Leslie like. He was one of my first crushes

  17. Thx@cc423 though I failed to
    Mention the irony and hilarity of pulling up in like a 1978 Datsun(I invited along my actor friend Louis) in a staggering sea of RRs... we were rebels like that ๐Ÿค—

    @filmfanb ~as you would imagine... Humble, gracious, extremely wry and witty. Ultimately a raconteur. He could tell a story and hold a tables attention for sure. Glad you a fan... I know it’s not then most hip party at that famous abode... butI think he was great as well.

  18. @Tricia13 that is so good to hear. He was such a handsome man. I remember watching tv with parents and instantly going...he is a bit of a interesting. It wasn’t until I finally came to terms with sexuality how much he impacted my taste in men. My partner looks like a love child of him and George Peppard

    1. You have good taste! Both handsome men(I reckon you watched Airplane “Don’t call me Shirley as often as I ๐Ÿ˜‚).
      He was a bit of a scoundrel too I think-4 wives lots of alimony lol.Lots of golf ๐ŸŒ️ .

    2. Boy, do I understand this. I swear to God when I saw Wonder Woman and Pinky Tuscadero when I was about 6 years old it set my type up for good ❤️

    3. Omg! WW/Linda Carter =Goddess.

  19. I’m dillusional enough to convince myself they were beards :P

    1. Not necessarily delusional๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰

  20. Dan Schneider put his house up for sale after his departure from nick, did anyone ever buy it??

  21. Anonymous2:54 PM

    I'm trying to imagine the servers needed for nearly 1000 cameras. You would need server for about every 20 cameras. You would need about 50 servers. You would need a pretty large network storage array for the archives. You would need electrical power for the servers and equipment. Air conditioning for all the aforementioned.

  22. ^
    That's unreal Unknown. Good info!

  23. I've had the opportunity to meet lots of famous and powerful (politics, few celebs, few musicians) people in my life, and the only one I ever acted like a goofy fan girl over, was Eastwood. I met him at a political fundraiser/cocktail party and felt like a 13 yr old at a Bieber concert from back in the day.

    The house is Neverland Ranch, for sure.

  24. Just to be different, i think this may be Kirstie allie’s house, which just hit the market
