Thursday, November 29, 2018

Blind Item #5

What would have been unthinkable a few years ago is being talked about at this cable network. The end of the show that has seemingly gone on forever starring people that seem to go on forever.


  1. Walking Dead?

    It's kind of a gimme, given Andrew Lincoln's departure...

    1. Hahah -jinx!
      I thought maybe it was a “zombie/people go on forever” reference...

  2. The show has gone downhill for a long time. Not sure about those movies they are planning.

  3. It's been a drag since after the first season. Fear the Walking Dead is far better. The Walking Dead began as a race from terror but became simply zombie whack-a-mole with settlement building from Fallout 4.

  4. I hope it is RHATL.

  5. I actually thought State of Decay 2 reminded me a lot of Walking Dead

  6. Stopped watching after about the 3rd season, it just doesn't go anywhere does it?

  7. PLEASE let this be E! and KUWTK!!!!!!!

  8. CNN in it's entirety?

  9. I guess cable network puts both "The Simpsons" and "Saturday Night Live" out of contention.

  10. Had it not stated cable, I would have guessed SNL.

    Another thought is The Real World on MTV, but I don't see it in the ratings decline that TWD is experiencing.

    I quit watching the show in Season 3. Tuned back in for the introduction of Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan), tuned out, came back to see who he killed (RIP to them) and haven't watched since.

  11. The walking dead just that DEAD and unrealistic

  12. How is this a blind item when the ratings are public?
    They've hit an all-time low with the current season, before and after Rick's departure.

  13. Please let this be TWD! I've been hate watching this ridiculous show for a few seasons now. It jumped the shark a few seasons ago and only gets worse but have too much invested and have to see it to the end. PLEASE LET IT END!!

  14. That being said I think KUWTK fits the clue better.

  15. The Kardashians please

  16. KUWTK has one more, maybe 2 years left on the last renewal agreement

  17. sandybrook, doesn't mean they kan't be bought out to end early.

  18. Supernatural has a dedicated base and draws a huge number of binge watchers on Netflix. Sure, it's kinda stale but the episode write ups on media sites continue to have long discussions with viewers.

    Who watches TWD anymore? I don't understand why anyone would.

  19. Supernatural is almost network, not cable.

  20. Oh right. Every time I think I have sorted out all those definitions, it bites me in the ass. No, I really don't.

  21. I think way more likely KUWTK than the Walking Dead. They just signed Melissa McBride and Norman Reedus to another 3 year contract. And, even though ratings down, it still wins the night every week. 5M viewers is considered pretty good on cable.

  22. Even though TWD is absolutely on the decline, I would LOVE IT if E finally canned KUWTK.

    Yes, I defended the crap out of Robert Kardashian in an earlier blind comment section. That doesn't mean I have any respect for PMK, Kim, and the gang. I think Robert is turning over in his grave over what they have become and they all just need to go away forever. With Kanye. And Lord Disick.

  23. Better Call Saul has seemingly gone on forever

  24. what about law and order

  25. AMC just recently announced they are planning numerous Walking Dead spinoff specials, mini-series, etc. for years to come.

  26. If there are two more seasons left, now is the time they would start thinking about renewal or cancellation, due to all contracts needing to be renegotiated.

  27. Twd isn't as good as it used to be but the time jump has revved it up. I am actually enjoying watching it again.
    My teen daughter was sick so I humored her and put on the Car-dash-e-uns and can I say- I want my hour back. Kim shinning about not being able to take a selfie because she had carpal tunnel syndrome from...taking too many selfies. I wanted to slap her.

  28. Whining not shining.

  29. The Bachelor/Bachelorette?

  30. Hopefully the Kardashian Show (Even tho I don't watch it) I'm just sick of them
