Thursday, November 08, 2018

Blind Item #8

I have said it repeatedly the past month or two that this former A+ list singer is a drunk and if you hire her you do so at your own risk. Finally, people are starting to catch on and she is going to find a lot of doors closed until she goes to rehab. 


  1. Anonymous8:45 AM

    lauryn hill?

  2. This might be Christina A.

  3. I thought of Xtina too

  4. I'm sure everything will be all sorted out after a short period in rehab.

  5. Was Lauryn Hill ever anywhere near A+ at anytime though?
    Even in Entyworld's weird innacurate rating fantasies.
    I dont even think Christina quite hustified the '+' but at least she had more qualifacation for it than the eternally over-rated Hill.

    1. What? Both were absolutely A+ at one point. Especially Xtina.

  6. I've been reading a lot of Xtina-is-a-drunk-needs-to-go-to-rehab blinds, but can't make the connection. Have there been tv appearances where she's been sloshed? I don't get it.

    1. Yeah I see posts from people on my social media that have been to her concerts and she seems completely alert and sharp. Either this isn’t about her or enty is pulling things out of his ass because I’m not seeing it at all

  7. LoonelyBastard, yes. Her "Miseducation..." won 6 Grammys the year it was released. She was definitely everywhere in the late 90's.

    1. And what an album it was! Miseducation❤

  8. Lauryn hill was Also in the fugees. Her one album was a classic so I say she was A+ in the late 90s.

  9. Can't she counteract the booze with some coke? Was I misled about the formula?

  10. Can I just apologise for my spelling in my above post. Fat fingers on 'justified' and a hurried, confused and clumsy changing of 'justification' to 'qualification' are to blame.

    I rail on Enty for his (and his Ent-elves) bad using of spelling, so fair dos, I better come clean when I fuck up too.

  11. +1 on the Xtina guess - apparently a bad photoshoot

  12. I see a lot of pics of Xtina on red carpets looking a little blank behind the eyes. Seems like she's drunk or on something

  13. Have we ever discussed that Xtina may have suffered abuse early in her career resulting in her generally unbalanced adult life?

  14. @hayden, Oh that look is from years of being in the business, just look at Britney, like a damn animatronic robot from the House of Mouse.

  15. Mariah Carey or is she permanent a+

  16. Sorry but it can't be Lauryn Hill. She canceled concerts and was NO SHOWS way back when and dropped out of sight. She's been known for that for IONS. Anyone dealign with her now has to deal with THIS history not a current (only) issue perse.

  17. @OB - "Have we ever discussed that Xtina may have suffered abuse "

    They all have. All of them. Every single one. No exceptions. They. All. Have.

    So no, I don't bother to consider this because it literally applies to 99% of all young stars who are at the A list level.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I really like Christina and I hope she gets the help she needs. If memory serves her dad was an abusive shithead but I may be wrong.
