Thursday, November 15, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #2 - Kindness

November 8, 2018

Apparently at least once a week or so, this foreign born A- list dual threat actor who does have a franchise goes around London to various places homeless sleep outside and passes out 100 pound notes and prepaid phone cards for cellphones. There are several hundred he knows by name and many have his phone number in case of an emergency.

Tom Hiddleston


  1. does this mean Loki is officially Chaotic Good?

    1. Did the math! Chaotic mess if he hands £100 to hundreds of homeless a week. ( About £50,000 weekly?) . £10 is more believable. Also the gov pays rent, and pocket money to the unemployed unlike the US

  2. I'm sure the sentiment is correct, but we dont have 100 pound notes in the UK, £50 is the largest note in circulation.

    1. Scotland has 100£ notes. His dad is scottish. His money prob.

  3. Sorry Unknown but if the site says you have £100 notes, then you have £100 notes. Everything on here is absolutely true

    1. Oh yea absolutely. They definitely exist. In fact, you give me two £50s and I'll give you a £100 note. Deal? ;)

  4. Hm, isn't he often made out to be like a somewhat shady dude? Hopefully, he is a nice guy.

    1. gay rumours and some recent isolation from society are no shady business.

  5. I thought that we decided some areas within the UK do have them, after Entern was called out for being full of shite.

    1. I have a few £100 notes. Bank of Scotland issues them. Still unual in soem areas of London

    2. Do you ever take a single day off from flooding the entire Internet with your psychotic obsession with Tom being secretly gay? Is this literally what you do 24/7?

  6. According to trusty old Google, Northern Ireland & Scotland print 100 pound notes, but I cannot say if they're widely accepted in the UK. I would assume so but it seems that they're fairly uncommon.

    If they're not then this is a shady way to look good without actually losing anything - also I feel like it would be more useful to give them smaller change.

    But hey for the sake of not spoiling our precious kindness blinds I'll hope that they are accepted!

  7. Thank you, U.K.ers for explaining! This is much more useful than me attempting to navigate foreign economics online lol

  8. Well lets hope he's not just keeping in touch with street hustlers.

  9. It's very unlikely that he has £100 notes despite his dad being Scottish, they aren't common even within Scotland and he certainly wouldn't give them out to homeless people in London because very few places in London accept Scottish money, and nowhere would accept a Scottish £100 note except a bank, and most homeless people don't have bank accounts.

    I hope the BI is true and it's just the details that have been embroidered.

  10. I think it is likely. Maybe it is just a mistake to sound more generous, also because a £50 note would buy peanuts nowadays.

  11. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Why does it have to mean he's literally handing out 100 pound notes? I read it as "he's handing out 100 pounds' worth of notes," which could easily be two 50 quid notes or maybe even divided into tenners or ponies? All the blind says is that he passes out 100 pound notes. Given Enty's penchant for all this grammatically correct, if this is a true kindness blind, I don't see him literally handing out a 100 pound note per person. The denomination is far too high for a person to easily break and many would probably get the money confiscated for fear of it being counterfeit (as such high demoniations aren't common and are often huge red flags to shop keeps and clerk, etc.)

  12. @Ophelia.

    Ulster boy born and bred and yes, some Northern Irish as well as Scottish banks do issue their own £100 notes. But, unluckily, I've never ever seen one. But I know there's a few out there somewhere staying well away from my grubby grasping mitts.

    And try to spend and ordinary £5 Ulster Bank or Clydesdale Bank note in London or anywhere else in England and the shop assistant will look at you as if you've just what in their hand. It may be legal tender but theyre not obligated to take it in return for goods and services and through their ignorance (they're usually southern English, so you have to treat them like a dullard child) are very suspicious of them.
    You'll have a fucking ordeal trying to get rid of it.

    So where it's not beyond the realms of possibility that Loki would be wandering around the Great Web doling out Scotch or Norn Iron funny money willy nilly to Harry Ramps, I would think it very very unlikely.

    Where would he get it in the first place for a start. Like I said, it's rarer than unicorn shit down there.

    Of course, given Enty and his Ent-elves frosty relationship with the English language, it's grammar and, well, let's be honest here, reliable sources, it could be he meant £10 notes but either slipped in that extra zero by mistake or maybe he thinks that pound sterling is akin to the Vietnamese Dong or the Zimbabwe dollar and one pound is worth much less than a dollar by a large amount. When in reality one pound has always been more than one dollar. Not as much now than years ago, granted, but most people still use one and a half dollars to the pound for a very rough mental ready reckoner when working out prices.

    It's not spot on but usually in the ball park....or should that be cricket field.

  13. "Great Wen" not "Great Web" godammit!
    That'll teach me for trying to use a William Cobbett quote on fucking CDAN, won't it.

  14. They used to tell us not to give money to the homeless. Food, blankets, useful things like that but not cash because it ends up going straight to the drug dealers or liquor stores.

  15. I used to work in retail up North and we were told to never accept Scottish hundred pound notes. I think one of the staff had one come in once. Never seen one myself. Either Enty is thinking of fifty pound notes or this blind is horseshit.
    Also neither of my parents English but that doesn't mean I carry different currency around England. Come on, guys.

  16. Also “several hundred he knows by name” is that even posible!? They say we remember emotions easier than names.
    I think it is more likely £10 notes if there are hundreds of them.
    He is not going to spend £50,000 pounds a week, more likely £5,000. Currently he does not even have a job other than the Harold Pinter and ComicCons.

  17. Neither one of my parents ARE English*
    It's late. (also my parents aren't English, hahaha :p )

  18. Uh, I'm actually English, and no, the government does NOT pay rent and "pocket money" to unemployed people. In fact many hundreds of severely disabled people have died due to having their benefits stopped. Google Universal Credit deaths, or ATOS deaths. And that's people who are disabled. Able-bodied people struggle even more.

    The number of people living rough on the streets has shot up under Tory Austerity.

    You really are a vile little bigot aren't you News, along with being a liar?

    1. Sadly, I know a lot of people living on benefits, or that have lived on yhem temporarily, with rent paid and pocket money. Check the HRMC or your local jobcentre for details. Facts come first!

    2. Not defending Tories, the Universal credit was today critisised by the UN povert envoy. But if you happen to work and then get unemployed there are benefits that other countries simply do not have at all.

  19. Hundred pound notes aside, the part of the blind that reeked of BS to me was, "many have his phone number in case of an emergency". Possibly, possibly they might have been given the phone number of some flunky who works for him, but I don't think homeless people have Hiddleston's personal phone number like the blind implies.

  20. You would struggle to spend £50 notes in London as nowhere accepts them ... good luck to all those homeless folk trying to spend Scottish £100!!

  21. Did his publicist put this blind in? He never recovered from his TayTay days.

  22. You clearly don't know people living on benefits, News/earths/Yaoi fangirl or whatever sockpuppet you're using today. You've been busted claiming to be "a native Londoner", claiming "to be European but have lived in London for a while" claiming to be American, and in other posts made under the same username you've also deliberately posted in broken English to give the impression that you're not British/American at all.

    You're obviously a pathological liar as well as a bigot and I do not believe a single word you say.

    NO person gets "pocket money" that's an incredibly offensive thing to say. Benefits go to cover essentials like heating, transport and food. Using the term "pocket money" to refer to food money is so humiliating and demeaning, like you think disabled/unemployed people are children. No one in the UK would ever use the term pocket money to refer to anyone above the age of about 12.

    1. Ignore her, she’s a loon. She’s been blocked by everyone on at least two other sites after being busted sockpuppeting.

  23. yeah, I'd go with them being fivers or even twenties. cash machines don't give out hundred notes anyway, and all that brilliant stuff @Lonely Bastard said. either way well done Tom. least he sees them as humans, and doesn't care what they spend it on.

    Scottish comedian Frankie Boyle said when he gives money to a homeless person and someone says they'll only spend it on cigarettes and booze, he said 'I'm assuming they're gonna spend it on cigarettes and booze.' He delivered it much better. Hilariously actually! ha.
