Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #2

November 8, 2018

This permanent A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee sounds kind of foolish these days when she tries to spin a yarn about talking to some of her children. She doesn't, and everyone knows it, but she always is out there just trying to come up with some kind of statement that at least makes it seem like she does.

Nicole Kidman


  1. Jeez, we got bigger dirt about this situation in the comment section of another blind a few days ago, you be slippin'! ;)

  2. Well at least she never yachted or couched to get famous...

    1. That we know of. When everything came out about Harvey Weinstein I started to wonder about all the actresses in Hollywood, and what they did to get roles.

  3. Brayson--whick blind?

  4. So ... she broke with Scio-Freak Tom & has continually refused to badmouth the father of her children OR the children for their choices. Wow! What a cow she is!! Hate to break it to ya Enty, but that is how a loving Mother conducts herself... regardless of who the freaky little father of her children are. Nothing but respect for her - - for that alone.

  5. She didn't fight for them when her & Tommy divorced. She knew Scientology was a cult, and she wouldn't see them again.

    Tommy & the cult must of had a lot of dirt on her that she didn't want public.

  6. @Manger, I'll see if I can find the blind, it might have been last week. Even Boo was impressed.

  7. I don't think Scientology needed any dirt on Nicole. She probably wanted to protect her kids. Any contentious public fight for them against Scientology would have been damaging. She stays open to their presence in her life, never cutting them out or displaying any whiff of criticism of them, or their father, in public. Solid.

  8. @Manger

    Sunday, November 11, 2018
    Blind Item #2

    It was actually courtesy of plot discussing the bio parents.

  9. I see her statement as a clear message to thoae children. I dont think she broke her silence about them for how it looks, I believe ahe felt they might be receptive to her message.

    "I'm your mum always. I love you forever. Call me anytime."

  10. People are always ranting about TC. Wasn't her father, before dying after a fall down some stairs, accused of being part of a pedo ring? That's pretty crazy. Wonder how her childhood was?

  11. When someone leaves Scio, the other family members, including kids, have to disconnect. She didn't have a choice, plus Scio would have all her recorded auditing sessions, and at that time, they were extremely aggressive in attacking covertly people who caused scio trouble. She did the best she could

  12. Thursday, not true. She took the kids with her when she moved to New York. They lived with her there. Then the kids decided they wanted to move back to Dad's, where all the toys were.

  13. Plot has this perfectly.

  14. Nicole Kidman's father, Antony Kidman, was accused by Australian Fiona Barnett of rape during a satanic ritual in Sydney, and she says a 13 year old Nicole Kidman was present during the ceremony where another woman was murdered in a ritual sacrifice.

  15. Nicole is just like 90% of the working mothers in the US.

  16. @Dahling That alone does not a good mother nor a good person in itself make, although it is praiseworthy, of course.

  17. Because if she had stayed at home to raise her family that would have made her a bad Mother? Why aren't stay at home Dads/working Dads not slagged off like stay at home Mums/working Mums are? The fact that many SAHMs are self employed and/or double up as full time carers for elderly/disabled relatives never seems to be taken into account.

    Why are Fathers put on a pedestal and given preferential treatment simply for ejaculating? They didn't grow, give birth, breastfeed or do the lionshare (if any) of the parenting like the Mother did, yet they're given preferential treatment while the Mother is treated like shit.

    Oh, and if the kids don't like you that's your fault for being a crap Dad/lousy husband and not because "she poisoned the kids against" you.

  18. @Unknown

    A shrink has a delusional patient. What are the odds.

  19. @Unknown

    The accuser doesn't sound credible in the least:
