Friday, November 23, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #4 - Anniversary Month

February 12, 2018

This is from an unpublished interview in 1990. The magazine, which is a monthly magazine, is known by all of you and fact checked the story. They refused to publish it though because they didn't want to ruin the lives of the men involved, based on the recollections of a person they knew would have her past actions called out. One of the editors also said that at some point, the woman gave consent to the sex. Umm, she was barely a teenager. There was no consent. I will use R for reporter and S for subject. The father they are discussing was a B list mostly television actor. The ___________ in the interview is a permanent A+/A list mostly movie actor who was a long time family friend of the B lister. The subject killed herself about a year after this interview.

R - When did it first begin?
S - I was about 12. My dad came in my room sometime during the night. He was drunk and told me it was time for me to grow up. He then crawled into my bed and slid down my underwear and raped me.
R - Was that the only time?
S - From that point forward, whenever he would get drunk I knew he would be coming after me. I started spending the night away from home whenever I thought he might go out and start drinking. I started stealing sleeping pills from a stash of them I found in the medicine cabinet just to not be awake during the rapes. I then started taking them during the day just to numb the pain. I have been addicted to some kind of drug ever since.
R - You mentioned earlier that your dad would sometimes bring others with him. Would you clarify that?
S - Sometimes, but not often, my dad would bring over _________________. He was a big movie star even back then. My dad would bring me to one of the guest bedrooms and tell me to make his friend happy and that if I didn't, he would beat me. This started after I had started taking pills and most of the time I was a zombie, but knew there was no fighting it so would just do what he or any of the other friends dad brought over, wanted to do to me.
R - How many times did ____________ come over?
S - At least five or six times. One time my dad brought me to a film set to watch ___________ make ____________. I thought it was really fun to be there until my dad told me to go to ______________' trailer and wait for him. I knew what that meant. I hated going to any movie sets after that. My whole life has been one f**ked up mess because of what my dad did to me. Do you think I like doing what I do for a living? I hate it. Every single time I have sex the faces of these men show up everywhere. I hate my life and I hate living.

Kelly Jean Van Dyke/Jerry Van Dyke/Robert Mitchum/Martin Landau/Lethal Victims


  1. ugh, just fucking kill me

    1. It's why Enty does this on a holiday weekend. so we can all drink through the worst of these.

  2. hey dick van dyke, what do you have to say about your brother? dont you have that Mary Poppin remake of yours coming out soon?

    fuck everyone

  3. I bet its Esquire! Anyway she became a porn actress as an adult and committed suicide in 1991.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Jerry died earlier this year.

    1. That's why its out. Robert Mitchum is the shocker!!

  6. Anonymous9:53 AM

    honestly these blinds are tragic and i cant fucking take it.

  7. JVD died about a year ago.
    What's "Lethal Victims "?
    nothing in IMDB

  8. More graves to add to the piss list.

  9. Robert Mitchum?!? No..i mean.there has always been something weird or just off about him, but this? This is disgusting, if true


  10. "Kelly Van Dyke-Nance committed suicide on November 17, 1991.[3]

    According to her younger brother Richard, Jack Nance, who was in Bass Lake, California, filming Meatballs 4 at the time, attempted to console her on the phone as she talked about suicide. After a lightning storm knocked out the phones in Bass Lake, it subsequently took over 45 minutes for Nance and the director, Bobby Logan, to find a deputy sheriff, who in turn contacted Los Angeles police and the apartment manager. They broke in and found that the 33-year-old had hanged herself.[4] "

  11. @s.s. - found it on rotten tomatoes.

  12. "Lethal Victims" , with Landau, isn't on IMDB but I found a reference here:

    Shame I always liked Martin Landau...

  13. Lethal Victims starred Martin Landau and Jerry Van Dyke was in it, made in 1987

  14. well this is horrible :(

  15. im sorry but all these blinds plus the Bryan Singer article being squashed & killed, maybe I cant read these today.

    I pinned so much hope that this expose on Singer and everyone was coming.

    Its not. Its bullshit. And reading all these blinds make me want to throw up.

    time to take a break

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. This is fucking disgusting. And it had to take Jerry Van Dyke dying for this to come out?

    And it looks like we have to wait for Kirk Douglas to die before the public hears about how he violently raped Natalie Wood.

    Call these motherfuckers out while they're still breathing.

  18. I'm most disappointed in Martin Landau, who I like and respected as an actor.

  19. Kelly Jean would have been 29 when Lethal Victims -- a movie about rape victims getting revenge -- was made in 1987.

  20. Martin Landau always gave me the creeps, even if he is an excellent actor.

    I always knew Hollywood was full of creeps, but it's getting to the point where I think it's nothing but.

  21. At this point i just hope Hollywodd crash to the ground

  22. Lethal Victims is this movie:

    "In this gritty thriller, a woman who suffers the pain and humiliation of sexual assault is appalled to discover the man who raped her has gone free. Enraged, she joins forces with a number of other women who have survived rape and together they set out to meet out justice on their own terms."

  23. @william lawrence, good point

    I don't know... the last part about lethal victims, the plot of that film, and the fact she would be 29 "and hated visiting film sets after that" which means just the past 2 or 3 years of her life, makes this blind seem like fanfic, at least that part.

    To be so messed up and died so young, i dont doubt something happened to her in her childhood though

  24. So is this why Juliet Landau never spoke to her father?

  25. Thinking now....what does this mean about the beloved Dick Van Dyke? Some of the following point are probably more relevant than others, but all worth knowing:

    > Renowned Disney actor
    > Worked a lot with kids beyond Disney [Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, etc.]
    > TV Career launched by Carl Reiner, who Al Franken "joked" pimped out his son actor/director Rob at a very young age.
    > Self-proclaimed "Halloween addict"
    > Old world blue blood who can trace his ancestry to Mayflower passenger John Alden
    > Claims to have considered priesthood
    > US Military experience in "Special Services"
    > Breakout Broadway "Bye Bye Birdie" role was handed to him as an unknown on a silver platter.
    > Day of JFK's assassination, Van Dyke shrugged it off and continued recording his "Songs I Like" music if he knew it was coming
    > Claims his first acting role was that of baby Jesus in a church Christmas pageant
    > Good friends with Malibu neighbor Charles Bronson, who loyal CDAN readers will know well
    > Left handed
    > Birth date was a lie
    > Series co-star Rose Marie one of Hollywood's most predatory lesbians

    Take it or leave it. But we know most child abusers were abused themselves. If Jerry Van Dyke is a likely victim who went on to victimize, what are the odds his younger brother escaped it?

    1. DDonna Tarttty - You really are an A+ idiot.

  26. Every since I found out she OD and was a porn star, I figured some thing f*cked was going on at home.

  27. Mitchum and landau? damn another two heroes bite the dust.

  28. Stunned about Martin Landau. Just stunned.

    And Esquire squashed the Bryan Singer exposé?!? Fucking hell.

  29. @DDonna Tartty what the f@ck does “left handed” have to do with any of this sick sh*t? What about “mixed handed” and “ambidextrous” (which is actually 2 different conditions) people? Are we extra malevolent? Perhaps, maybe, more open to “mind control?”

    SMH! Got me so riled up, I’m cussing!

    RIP-Kelly Jean Van Dyke
    I am so sorry that you didn’t have anyone to protect you

    1. I just can’t with her. Saying this medieval archaic nonsense and then wants to enlighten people. FOH

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Martin Landau always gave me the creeps, could never understand what Barbara Bain saw in him for 36 years....

  32. @Ddonna, go on I'm curious what left handed suggests lol

    1. I'm left handed too and im guessing because there used to be an old wives tale that being left handed was a sign of the devil. Sinister comes from sinestrus (sp?). It's a silly way to think.

      All I can say about the blind is that poor girl.

  33. Brokenhearted for what this poor girl/woman went through. Please let there be a hell and let Martin, Robert, and Jerry be there to roast on a spit through all eternity.

  34. Esoterically, there is the left handed path and the right handed path.

    Even though I prefaced everything I wrote with "Some of the following points are probably more relevant than others...." there seems to be some effort behind focusing on my one standalone comment about the left hand. I suppose I should've left it out, even though it was meant as a minor point in combination with the many, many, many, many other incidents noted about Dick Van Dyke.

    As mentioned, you can take what I wrote or leave it. But by people honing in on such a minor point when there were so many points to be made suggests I'm on the right path, so to speak.

    1. I think DDonna is onto something. Anyone who says religion dumbs people down and makes them believe retarded superstitions is just wrong. I googled famous left handed people and one of them is Tim Allen, a Christian Republican who supports Trump. Undeniable proof that he is one of the army of the prince of darkness.

      Beware the left handed. They are marked by the wicked one.


  35. @Ddonna Tarttty - You forgot to say Dick Van Dyke is an alcoholic. I guess that was left out because that is common knowledge here. I do thank you for the list.

    I never liked Jerry Van Dyke. I watch "Coach" re-runs from time to time. That guy gives off bad vibes and they come through the television screen.

  36. I remember reading something about Landau's daughter where she had nothing to do with him. I think it was an interview.

  37. Now that DDonna mentions it, I do recall a JFK theory said Dick Van Dyke was spotted on the grassy knoll. Two eyewitnesses reported hearing a man say in a very unconvincing cockney accent "Cor blimey, guvnor, Kennedy is gonna be brown bread and no mistake!"

  38. If D vD can tracechis line that far, he's probably one of the 13 families. Kelly Jean could have been a ritualistic sacrifice.

  39. Dick Van Dyke was quite well known and famous before "Bye Bye Birdie."

  40. Double D, what does being left handed have to do with anything? I am proudly left handed. My best friend is left handed. There's nothing weird about being left handed unless you mean to say that Dick lied about it or something. Which given the time he grew up in could have been the case. As in forced by teachers/parents to be a lame ol' righty.

    Your list is weird and you are weird. Are you a troll or totally for real?

    Anyway, I like Jerry Van Dyke. Hope this isn't true. But Kelly Jean killed herself and had some serious problems. So something must have happened.

  41. Woot! Two nasty responses from Hamid! Now we know I'm on the right track!

    In fact, I count three--Three!--more comments that seem laser-focused on my "Left Handed" point. The continuing attempts to misdirect from all the other things I had to say are duly noted, and hopefully not only by me.

    Adrastia dear, you write like a stupid person, so I won't take your insults to heart. Best of luck to you!

    I will repeat my suggestion CDAN readers download that free copy of "Bloodlines of the Illuminati" from CIA's website. I honestly can't believe it's there.

    1. My secret is out! Oh, well, might as well admit it now.

      We in the Illuminati New World Order Freemasons do not like what you are saying! Cease immediately!

      Hail! Hail my illuminati brethren! Ubius et Orbi de lux Expeliamus!

    2. I’m your biggest fan.

  42. So strange. JVD always gave me the creeps, but when the whole Jerry Sandusky story came out, he always reminded me of JVD for some reason. Probably the hair and the football coach thing, etc... Just an interesting observation.

  43. DickVan Dyke didn't drink a drop till his early thirties. This is typical of someone trying to be the opposite of an alcoholic parent, which his father was. Then he says he succumbed to the heavy drinking evironment of the late fifties and early sixties and that he was an alcoholic for 25 years. He had four kids in his twenties and I hear no hint of problem with them. L Got sober in 2000. Alcoholism does not mean child molestor. It means family dysfunction. Jerry as younger sibling may have been the brunt of whatever was going on.
    Don't buy that if one sibling is a pedo that the other is also.

  44. Noo! Not Martin Landau.
    Cannot imagine him being a creep.
    Just know nice stories about him!

  45. The movie is on IMDB, under the title of Death Blow: A Cry for Justice.

  46. i read dick van dyke autobiography, i remember two things

    - while making Dick Tracy al pacino never spoke to him (method acting)

    - Dick told gene hackman to fuck off (before he was famous)


  48. I think I'm going to be sick. I will push past it because I want to know the truth. That doesn't mean my heart grieves dearly for these children and I secretly wish for a giant meteor to smash into Hollywood sooner rather than later.

  49. Yeah, the Twin Peaks connection is hard to deny. Kelly was married to Jack Nance, a long time collaborator with David Lynch going back to at least Eraserhead and appeared in many of David Lynch's movies and played Pete Martell in Twin Peaks and is the man who discovers Laura Palmer's body wrapped in plastic.

    And then back in 2015, Michael J. Anderson, who played The Man from Another Place came out with all these crazy allegations, or anti-allegations, as he worded it, about David Lynch.

    I don't really know anything about Anderson except he played on Twin Peaks and an HBO show called Carnival which I only ever saw a few episodes of. I don't know why he would have such animosity against Lynch or if he actually knows anything.

    Nance died in 1996, about a year before his last collaboration with Lynch came out, that being Lost Highway. A film that also featured Robert Blake who would go on to be acquitted of murdering his own wife in the early 2000s.

    I don't remember Lost Highway very well, only saw it once but I think the plot is about a man who murders his wife then becomes another man in order to escape justice.

  50. This is horrific. All of these men were heterosexual and married can we please get all the wackadoos saying heterosexuality causes pedophila like y'all do when men rape boys? Come on . Jerry Sandusky was married to a woman for many years and had kids with her yet molested boys. So it's obvious, heterosexuality=pedophila . Yes it sounds just as obnoxious and ridiculous when the homophobes on here spout off .
