Tuesday, November 06, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #4

October 30, 2018

This permanent A list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee went through an interview of carefully planned tough questions with even more carefully planned explanations. I don't know why he and his actress wife are still afraid to have their dirty laundry aired when everyone already knows most of it.

Will Smith/Jada Pinkett Smith


  1. They are so lame and boring.

  2. You dont understand Enty, coz you dont have millions of dollars depending on your appearing relatable!

  3. Who the hell even cares? They're stuck in the 90s, when he was still relevant.

  4. Anonymous9:46 AM

    They are so weird. Make up a fake creepy life to cover your real creepy life. How creepy is their real life that they have to go to these extreme lengths?

  5. Welp there's one bit of laundry that most of the general population hasnt been made aware of yet isn't there Entern?

  6. I think that they are less relatable the more they talk. The more "honest" they pretend to be,the more light is shed on the lies.

  7. Years back on LSA someone posted a second-hand account of Willow talking about, and asking a boy she liked about, backdoor sex. I believe she was 9 or 10 at the time.

    I doubt most of us have any idea what has gone on that household over the years...

  8. Their careers are practically finished compared to what they were. They're old and irrelevant hasbeens.

  9. More than one,@sandybrook. If it was just them being gay or bi,most don't care. But there was supposed to be a big story about him and rough sex incident with a man. Of course,that's when they made up an affair with Charlize Theron. Gave time to clean things up. It wasn't just here.

  10. Read something elsewhere today that Jada and Leah Rimini had a 20 minute sit down to hash things out.

  11. Will has never won an Oscar.

  12. Why did he feel the need for a "tough" interview?

  13. There's nothing boring about these two. Just look how they raised their kids.

  14. I am so glad I’m not the only one who finds all the “revelations” about the state of their union completely uninteresting.

  15. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Why does he need a tough interview? This is the exact same thing as Tom Cruise's couch interview. This is $ setting an interview up, to control the narrative. They are control freaks.

  16. He'll always be the Fresh Prince to me, f*ck Hollywood.

  17. Was Will holding two metal can-like things while being asked questions? Could this be an auditing?

  18. The only couple faker that these 2 fake fucks are Clooney the moron and his terrorist witch-looking 'uman wites lawyer who never won a case.
