Friday, November 23, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #6 - Anniversary Month

January 16, 2018

If you can actually sit down and talk to this former tweener turned adult actress/singer she will come straight out and tell you that she is counting down the days until she is 27. She will tell you that she thinks she will be a member of the 27 club. The last several years have been a mess for her. She has tried to kill herself multiple times. She had a long time boyfriend who passed her around like a party favor while keeping her hooked on drugs the entire time. The thing is he rarely ever had sex with her because he has performance issues so would send her out to have sex with others or make her have sex with men and women in front of her.

From an early age she was molested and saw nothing wrong with the behavior of the long time boyfriend. With the help of two friends she managed to pull away for awhile but the guys she would date would end up being verbally abusive or just have sex with her and toss her to the curb. Her drug use spiraled out of control at one point to near death. She managed to pull herself back from the brink and was clean and sober for a few months.

She has been sexually abused by directors and producers and recording stars and record producers. She is being controlled and manipulated every second of her life. She wants it all to end. The thing is though, she is so focused on celebrity and being famous that she is literally holding out as long as she can in order to kill herself when she is 27.

Demi Lovato (and she almost did do it, but a year earlier than planned)


  1. My god. That poor girl. Where were her parents?

    Counting the cash, no doubt

    Wilmer is a fucking creep

    1. She's no longer a minor, her parents can't do anything until she pulls a Britney.

  2. Very sad. Is Wilder Valderamma the abusive ex boyfriend?

  3. She really needs to talk publicly about what she's suffered.

  4. There are some things worse than death. Living like this would be worse

  5. Yes Wilmer is a POS and is being written up as the person who is helping her more than anyone right now (I think I saw it the other day on TMZ).

    1. Naah, he is to busy going to Mandy Moores wedding. When she was in the hospital, he showed up a few times. What a horrible story. Writing a book would help or going to University to be a substance abuse counselor. There is a life outside of HW but the money is drastically lower.

    2. Wilmer gas lights her too for being fat and he is just one ugly MF

  6. Wilmer has a habit of dating girls as soon as they turn 18. He did this with Lindsay Lohan and did it with Demi. Maybe it was only going public when they turned 18, who knows?

    1. And Mandy Moore as well. Though she was honestly probably still 17 when they were together.

  7. Thank you Sandy, but I would expect her family to keep Wilmer away from her if he treated her like this. I hope that her family was not aware of the situation.

  8. When this was originally posted, I swore it was about Selena.

    1. Both were on Barney so there could be another story about SG

  9. This is heartbreaking. I wish her nothing but love and healing and I hope she can find a way to move past these horrors.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Poor girl and Wilhmer is a P.O.S. When will his day come to be called out?

  12. Anonymous10:42 AM

    She's pretty open about all the stuff she's been through. Wonder why she isnt talking about this.

  13. Sorry but if she dies at 27 no on is going to remember her. She can't just die at 27 and that puts herself on the same level as Jimmy, Kurt or Amy. Maybe the mediocre club at best.

    If she wasn't so addicted to fame she might have a chance if she left the industry for a few years.

  14. “It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.” ― Fight Club

  15. Calling BS. Demi was sexually abused as a child, but this grossly contradicts what she's said in the past about how it happened. Exploitative garbage that misogynistic sheep will lap up from some sociopathic blogger. In other words, it's Friday.

  16. Eye roll at Brayson87 Jeez, enough with the “relevant” song lyrics and trite movie quotes. Does Enty pay you by the word?

    It would be interesting to see if Enty continues to post his usual judgemental, unsympathetic blinds about DL after this big “reveal”. We all know this already, and he must also, so why is he such a misogynistic prick about her (and Selena,

  17. @Mango, Sorry, what are your contributions again besides whining?
    So many survivors just keep suffering from the effects of their abuse, keep ruining their lives again and again. It doesn't seem like staying silent is protecting them that much. Maybe if they can find the courage to speak out, they could prevent others from being abused or assaulted.

  18. She needs to just spill it all, give up the 'career' which is really nothing more than her being mediocre and a couple of things, doing drugs and being reckless on social media. Just spill it all. Do interviews, write a book, call people out, just do it.

  19. you guys talking about how her family should help, THEY WONT, THEY DON'T GIVE A SHIT!
    her life is hell

  20. I saw an interview of Demi where she said that when she was younger a psychic/palm-reader type of person told her that she was going to be a major influence to millions of people one day and at the time of the interview, Demi attributed that to her already found fame and her public journey with addiction. I thought it was a bit cringy of her to say something like that about herself at that time, especially since we all know she isn't 100% upfront and honest.

    Anyways, I think back on that interview when I read something about Demi and I think that maybe the childhood premonition could be true -- and that her major influence hasn't happened yet. If she is able to find self-love and awareness, and make herself "the one" to expose pedophilia,etc. in hollywood on a mass scale then she would find what she is looking for - unconditional love and support

  21. @Brayson87

    What is Mango doing? Reminding everybody that the BI should be taken tongue-in-cheek, rather than the EXCLUSIVE scoop some of you imagine it is.
    Anybody can write something that vaguely applies to Demi Lovato. Her dating history, her substance abuse history, the time she reportedly had sex in public during a party, everything has been well documented by many sources for years, with this site not being particularly at the forefront for this.
    So, she's 25, she's somewhat self-destructive. So, you write up some crap that claims that her obsession is to join the 27 Club. You pretend that you know her from very close sources, as you can even say what her inner thoughts are. There was a likelihood she would relapse and OD at some point, and you're not really taking a big risk.

    It turns out that she ODs at 26, long before she "planned" to. Which shows that her issues are real and serious and not some bullshit projection about the "club" that is a favorite subject for hack journalists rather than actual celebrities, as somebody 25 or 26 today is not really concerned by the fate of Jimi Hendrix or Jim Morrison half a century ago. Your maths are wrong, your theory is wrong, but you take credit anyway. She did it a year earlier than planned. I swear, I swear...

    And that's why Mango is posting. Somebody has to remind others that their blogger may not have the tight connections he claims to have, as many details from the story have already been debunked. So you can keep a few questions in mind about every blind rather than taking them at face value. It's never a bad thing to keep a critical mind.

  22. @ Brayson87 - Your righteous little speech at 3:01 is absolutely true but has nothing whatsoever to do with my post, and nothing to do with you monotonously spamming song lyrics and pretentiously quoting movie lines, but you do you, boo boo.

  23. I agree with a post above, her parents don't give a shit about her.
    She's their cash cow. When you grow up being forced to perform, being only valued by your ability to earn, you become what you have to in order to 'please' or be loved.
    My heart goes out to Demi. Some of you think that she wants the cash and that's why she doesn't get out of the business.
    If that's all your worth has been your whole life, you need it to feel worthy.
    She will never find the love she's looking for if she doesn't get away from people like Wilmer. They seize onto young women who've been abused and manipulate them, that's their game but in her mind, it's better than what she's known ~ or so she believes.

  24. I think all those Disney actors and singers were molested. We hear about Selena and Demi, but I think so were the three Jonas idiots and Miley Cyrus and the older ones like Britney and Christina and Justin.

  25. Mangoes, papaya, chestnuts from the fire
    In my house of straw I have so much more
    Pie from the peach and I fix in the kitchen
    Each bite is just right for your appetite

    Now if you like-a the way I cook
    And if you like-a the way I look
    Then step inside my shady nook
    And you'll find mangoes and papayas, anything your heart desires

  26. She is shading you guys on Twitter for falsifying her overdose and sexual abuse story. You people should be ashamed.
