Sunday, November 11, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #6

November 5, 2018

Not only did this group give this foreign born former A+ list rapper a bunch of awards, they also gave her $250K to come collect them.

Nicki Minaj


  1. Paid a bit too much I think, must have been really desperate to get anyone people know to come.

  2. sandybrook: I can't recall a day on CDAN where there are virtually no posters. Does this mean that a large portion of our fellow posters live in California and are being evacuated? Or does it mean we are starting to burn out due to really juvenile blinds? What are your observations?

    And, by the way, Gerald Butler's home is toast. I mean ashes! How many California celebs are going to be homeless by tomorrow?

  3. @Boo: Rappers, Teen Moms, Reality Stars, Dancing Boy, repetitive blinds week after week—those are my observations. It’s very doubtful that so many posters live in CA, and even if they do, CA is a big state. My sister lives there (not far from the fires) and she’s been texting me all day.

    RE: Homeless celebs, who cares? I am much more concerned about homeless people living on the streets, even more so now that it’s getting colder. I’m also concerned about children who have no food or are being beaten to death on what seems like a daily basis. Oh, and let’s not forget the Thousand Oaks shootings, and all the other constant violence.

  4. ☝🏻This! I agree with aquagirl

  5. I enjoy the comments and reading everyones posts,but the political snark and hatred towards one another gets real old. That said, I think after the Hmmmm blow up, it's really not as fun.

  6. I am +1 with aquagirl Boo. The new posters that Enty got from his earlier publicity are gone now so all we've got left are legit OG posters and varied troll posters. Weekends are always slow though unless "dickless? Derek" does its meltdown

  7. Is the Hmmm blow up the article about Hmmm being Robert Downey Jr.? I do miss Him's comments.

  8. Thanx Sandy & Aquagirl. I concur on all points. I think it's wonderful that Bruno Mars will be feeding 45,000 people in Hawaii on Thanksgiving. All the homeless families from the volcano. If he can talk to his fellow celebrities all over the US and beyond to pitch in, what a blessing! I am sure you don't just talk about it, you do something as well, right?

    If you live in a big city with big drug/homeless problems, make a dozen peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Buy cartons of juice or milk. At Midnight, find a spot where the people congregate and pass them out. The look of shock and happiness you will see on their faces will propel you back into the kitchen time after time. It worked for me back in the early 60s. Still out there. Just make sure and ask if they have a peanut allergy first!

  9. @Kim: the Hmmmm blow-up was that people kept trying to guess the 4 hmmmm’s, even though they were consistently asked not to. That’s the basics, then it escalated from there which is sort of difficult to explain concisely, especially since I have a bit of a cold.

    1. Can't speak for everyone, particularly as I'm more of a lurker than an involved/active member - but yea, I definitely stopped reading as much after all of that too. The site suddenly seemed more ... sinister - can't explain it

  10. wow boo. Mad props for your philanthropy.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. "Homeless celebs, who cares?"

    What a disgusting thing to say about anyone who loses their home, especially to a fire where so many mementos, memories and in some cases pets were destroyed. In a lot of cases these were people's primary homes.

    Not every single thought needs to be expressed, you know.

  13. The concentration on Housewives, YouTube stars and tween/former tween stars, and the Dancing Boy blinds, have meant that a lot of people just scroll and don't even bother with those blinds. And the first three items brought in a lot of stans and fangurls.

    But I guess when he's trying to feed the daily gossip beast, Enty had to expend the playing field.

  14. Lady A: 'Sinister' is a fitting word to describe some of the posters over the years. Compared to some news sites, CDAN is Mother Teresa territory. Breitbart has gotten mean of late. I read Drudge Report because he has both US and foreign news sites posted & you can spend hours reading the foreign news. Daily Mail and The Mirror (Sun, sometimes) are always interesting. It's sad I have to go to a British website to find out about what is going on in my backyard, but there you go.

    1. Heya Boo. Agreed - I think the comments sections can be both a blessing and curse. Much like Twitter - people feel free to speak with impunity. Can be good, can be frightening!

  15. I know that I find a lot of the blinds here lately a huge turn off. But I already avoid the rapper, Teen Mom, Housewife and Kartrashian blinds to begin with.

    Anyway, I'm so used to nasty posters on forums that I tend to ignore them. They want your attention anyway. Why give into the naughty toddlers who want cookies but don't deserve them?

  16. The blinds don't seem as fun or as shocking as they used to be. Not sure if the well went dry or if Enty is saving the good stuff for the podcasts. As for the Himmmms, not sure. They started revealing their identities then got freaked out when people started guessing them. There was also some incident that got almost implausible immediate govt agency attention but didn't make the news at all. Also some things from their twitter posts and stories started not adding up. And yet they seemed to have legit dirt. I liked the theory that they were insiders but not who they were portraying themselves to be.

  17. PMK looked like a hitman.

  18. I have a family members that lost their homes so without being disrespectful, Boo, I don't care if Russell Crow or whoever else loses their property. It's shitty and I don't wish it on people but celebrities have the money to at least keep themselves comfortable. My family have nowhere else to go since we live in a different state and can't come to us.

  19. Also, I live in a big city with a huge homeless problem. They are all drug addicts and they are MEAN. They've attacked my car before when I didn't give them money at a red light on several occasions. I understand wanting to help but you seriously need to think about safety. Going to a homeless infested area at midnight is a dangerous idea. If you want to, volunteer at a homeless shelter but absolutely do not approach these people alone, especially not in the middle of the night.
    Also, everyone, get your concealed carry licenses.

  20. One more note, both my husband and I work with the police force. There is a reason you only hear about Johnny Bobbitt and those types of people occasionally. Just be safe, people.

  21. I agree with you@Orangesoda re safety. I've known drug addicts and known some of them to turn violent. I'm sorry about your family members and I hope they've found somewhere to stay.
    Re: snark and unpleasantness on this site - sometimes I don't want to comment because when I have in the past, I've been attacked or laughed at. Looking at you Plot, who called me an uneducated fool simply for expressing my opinion. I wouldn't dream of attacking or being nasty to anyone who may hold a different point of view.

  22. orangesoda: I agree with you on many of your points. I just don't understand when you say your relative is in another state and can't come to you. Simple: you send them a train ticket. When they arrive you get them a job. If you live near NYC, they will be able to get a job with the new Amazon headquarters that is coming soon. 25,000 job openings. That's the good news. The bad news is, a large percentage won't pass the drug and alcohol test, and won't be hired. This is a YUGE problem in NY. Even doctors are testing positive for Pot and Cocaine!
