Friday, November 16, 2018

Your Turn

Do you still have your wisdom teeth?


  1. I went to Anderson’s costume party dressed as a tea bag.
    On the way there, I got mugged.

  2. Yes I have every tooth that I'm supposed to have.

  3. No!!! Had them dug out in 11th grade. Geez, that may have been worse than child birth tbh.

  4. I never got my wisdom teeth. Yay me!

  5. 3 out 4 removed this year - I opted to have them removed since I get sinus infections frequently

  6. Got them out in college. Insurance co. only wanted to pay for the one that was abscessed. My mom yelled and they acquiesced - they'd cover the bottom two. My dental surgeon said fuck off and removed all four so I didn't have to miss so much college with two separate surgeries. Shout out to all the fellow dry socket sufferers.

  7. Nope. Which explains a lot.

  8. I didn't have any, very lucky.

  9. Nope, had all of mine yanked years ago, they were all a problem. That's ok, I have plenty of other teeth 'cause I'm a gator.

  10. Yeah, all four of 'em

  11. Still got them, when they came in I was 18 no dental insurance. I rubbed them with whiskey till the pain went away...

  12. Technically, yes! they are in a little box in my printer's box. I developed only 3 of the 4 and had them cut out while a teen.

  13. All four back teeth are gone. Three via extraction (dental insurance) and one via excavation (medical insurance). I was asleep for 2-3 hours of bliss, then the shot wore off and I couldn't eat for three days. Suddenly I got hungry, and cooked and ate an entire box of spaghetti and jar of sauce. Winning!

  14. One was coming in wrong so the military cut them all out. I always wondered (but not enough to go look) what the long term effect on the jaw bone was from losing them. I was 21 when they started coming in, is that late or in the range?

  15. Only had 2 & they came out when my husband scored great dental coverage. I keep them in my jewelry box. They freak my hubby out & it’s fun to watch him squirm. I also like to remind him that I’m more evolutionarily advanced than his knuckle dragging self, as i only had 2 wisdoms to his 4.

  16. only had one, and it was pulled.

  17. Yep.
    Still awaiting the wisdom part though๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‚

  18. Nope. I've got a small mouth and was overcrowded. Glad their gone. My hubby had like 6 or 7 removed, yikes!

  19. They keep growing back.

  20. Had them taken out in college -- the tope were the biggest teeth I had ever seen. I asked the nurse:'What about the bottom ones?' She said 'You want the pieces?' I asked her: 'Why does my chest hurt?' She said 'That's where the doctor had to kneel to pound out the bottom ones'...

  21. Correction: 'tops', not 'tope'...

  22. Lol! Thanks for making me laugh! @Gator

    I had one out, a bottom one which was abscessed. I suffered the agony of it over a 3-day Public Holiday before I could see a dentist. In desperation,my partner at the time made up a huge cannabis joint for me to smoke - he told me it would help with the pain. All I remember after inhaling is feeling sick & dizzy, like the room was spinning, I think it must have been strong stuff like skunk. I couldn't believe that people smoked weed for fun! Was so glad to get that tooth out!
    Also, a friend had all 4 extracted at once and had the teeth made up into dangly earrings! She is a strange Aquarian though, lol;)

  23. Yes. Can't afford to have them removed. Fucking America.

  24. @.robert - yes, that is within range.

    @Enty/CDAN - Yes, I have all four. I thank God they came in straight because I had no insurance of any kind when they started to come in. I would rather have menstrual cramps and a migraine at the same time.

    I would like them gone because I think one of them is pressing on a nerve. Also, the wisdom teeth put pressure on my other teeth and the surrounding gum tissue. The problem is I have multiple allergies to all sorts of things. I could stay in town and use nitrous oxide or I would have to go to a different part of my state to be put to sleep. I do not want to risk anaphylactic shock or angioedema again so in they stay.

  25. I was born without them!

  26. I have the four of them, but the ones on the left side are kept in my gums, as the space was too narrow. Never had any particular pain due to it.

  27. Mine never came in. The dentist said they were there but under bone.

  28. Got them out about 25 years ago, and although I've heard horror stories it was honestly the easiest thing I've ever experienced.

  29. All four came in when I was 15. They pinched a bit, but no real discomfort and nothing impacted.

  30. Yes, they were impacted, 1st Dentist was going remove them, in his office, using local anesthetic.

    Mom said, “Hell, NO!” Got me into the State’s University~ Dental College (You might want to try that, if you lack insurance. Cost me $24 bc I was 19 & they based it off my income).

    Mom was on Chemo in different part of the hospital, she came to be with me, dragging her Chemo Drip alongside her. Got a Day pass to get me goodies at the grocery store. (My Aunt was there, too).

    I was completely out, woke up clutching my broken teeth. Nurse said I fought and carried on the entire time, I’ve been a sleep walker & had night terrors my whole life. I suspect that had something to do with my reaction while under anesthesia.

  31. Those of us who've had them taken out, did you get a dry socket? I've had worse pain but dry socket was memorable.

  32. All four were yanked when I was in my early 20's, they dug the bottom ones out in pieces. I swear the pain was worse than childbirth, my cheeks and throat swelled up so badly my mother was shooting water down my throat with a turkey baster. @Lexi, no dry sockets, just big bruises on my cheeks.

  33. The top ones are totally normal teeth. but the bottom ones are impacted. Nothing I can do as dentists are for rich people.

  34. Check into going to your State's Dental College.

    Upside; Way less expensive, probably newest technology used, all work overseen/done by Oral Surgeons.

    Downside: Waiting list maybe long (ask for them to call you if there are any cancellations) while you wait. There maybe State Prisoners,
    with Guards waiting to be treated too.

  35. I have all a drawer in a jewelry box.

    Not sure if I was lucky to be in England (because the work was free back then for students), or unlucky not to be in America (UK orthodontic work is usually appalling - see Royal family for proof - they pull out healthy teeth and shuffle the remainder instead of encouraging the jaws to expand to fit all the teeth). But going by the number of you who had to have them out (or leave them painfully in), maybe American dentists are bastards too.
