Friday, December 14, 2018

Blind Item #1

This media corporation is willing to take money from this cult like organization to write stories that are not true as long as it is about members/former members of the cult like organization.


  1. Definitely seems like $cio, but wondering what the media corporation is. My first guess is NewsCorp/Fox just because they're shady af and it seems like something they'd do.

  2. Looking for cult-like organizations in the news lately I found this little tidbit. I don't think it has anything to do with this blind so feel free to skip:

  3. The BBC is quite happy to say nice things about any terrorist organisations for free!

    Some cult is missing a significant discount opportunity here.

    Maybe the Scio fucktards are willing to pay the Les Moonves redundancy packsge for CBS.

  4. i get my news from carrier pigeons. CANT TRUST THAT MSM, yeehaw!

  5. The BBC is just state propaganda for the current govt. It makes N Korean news look independent, shame it used to be great, informative and impartial. Now it's a joke taking money as tax and keeping the public ignorant. I'm guessing TMZ and Co$.

  6. The Enquirer since the POS that owns it has no ethics.

    1. Yup SB!! They have had an agenda for years. Stopped reading it many years ago

  7. What do you mean the owner of the Enquirer has no ethics? Next you'll tell me he's not really trying to save batboy!

    1. That's the news of the world .akbar Johnson. My coworker used to buy it for the crosswords but maybe those Alien stories are true.👽

  8. CNN and the Democrats.

  9. The SCBBC is so good they have to force people to pay for it.


  10. Weekly World News was the home of Batboy. They are keeping him safe.

  11. +1 Me Again, Batboy is the hero we need.

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  14. @Brayson.

    The British equivilent of Weekly World News was called The Sunday sport and had a few great headlines.

    'World War Two Bomber Found on Moon' was one of their first ones but my favourite was, 'Woman, pregnant sixty five years, gives birth to pensioner.'

    They also had a column...erm...ghostwritten for famous Uk medium Doris Stokes called 'Messages from beyond the Grave' where she...I mean...they would publish short messages they recieved from, you guessed it, beyond the grave.
    Two I remember were, "To Ethel T from Calder Bridge from Kevin: You'll find the money in a jar under the sink." and "To Tracey S from Wednesbury from Mam: Your Grandad doesn't like that our Shirl is marrying one of 'them'."

    Unfortunately after a year or so, Doris Stokes herself passed into that state where communication with her messengers was so very much easier. But the Sunday Sport did not let Doris' untimely death interupt her column. Because, duh! why should it? And it went from strength to strength for another few years.

  15. @Lonely, Haha The Sunday Sport sounds awesome. They were both far ahead of their time with one source news stories.

  16. The Enquirer has stopped supporting big fat orange monkey, they have higher standards, which is just above basement level of rock bottom.

  17. Batboy LIVES.
    Don't ask me how I know this but I do and have proof of life.

  18. @LonelyBastard
    Nothing is for free.

  19. I'm politically conservative in a middle of the road kind of way. I vote for the candidate who I think will do a good job regardless of which party they belong to.

    I don't trust anything at all reported on the so-called news media because they ALL lie. I hate what these fake news networks are doing to divide the country and spread hate. We don't have to agree about politics, but we are still all Americans who love our country. Screw the fake news media!

    This could easily be Fox News of MSNBC. Both are large piles of dog doo doo.
