Thursday, December 06, 2018

Blind Item #2

This former A+ list mostly movie actor is in even worse financial shape than previously imagined. He took out loans using what he thought would be the payment for the next installment of a franchise. When that fell through, the bank forced him to sell property and personal items to pay off the loan. 


  1. Johnny Depp. Oh boy.

  2. And he's kicking his sister out of her home because he's a fucking moron.

  3. Cry me a river. Over-hyped, overpaid junkie long ago lost touch with reality and can't manage his money so he has to have a top-notch garage sale. Boo-hoo. He can go cry about it on his private island.

  4. Stop spending 30k a month on wine

  5. doesnt he have a business manager? Counselor? Anything?

  6. When he sold out, I thought no biggie, he did a bunch of indie sh!t, paid his dues, time to stash some cash for the kids and retirement. Nope, no way, he really just needed to f*ck up at the next level.

  7. Unknown, perhaps the same ones that Amy winehouse had.

  8. Love it. What a stroker.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. @MDAnderson don't tell me how to live my life!

  11. @Ophelia if you have it like that and can afford it. I like Cabernet and Malbec.

  12. He had a top notch money management group and sued them for screwing up his finances. They came out with his budgets, spending habits and warning letters they'd sent him and he looked like a moron.

  13. He's never going to be poor, stop feeling sorry for him.

  14. Yes, this probably is Depp. Overspending sometimes manifests in people suffering from depression or who are deeply unsatisfied with their lives and/or careers. I hope he gets the support he needs.

  15. @MDAnderson lol I WISH. I'm also a Cabernet or Malbec girl!

  16. I like me some $3 chuck myself.

  17. Definitely Johnny Depp he’s selling his Kentucky home and his sister is angry with him..

  18. Nic Cage: "Boy, that Depp guy sure has money issues!"

  19. LOL @Do tell

    Feel sorry for his sister, but she (and anyone around him who relies/relied on him) should have prepared for this possibility.

    Regardless of his drug / addiction issues, the offers will stop again at some point. (And perhaps they already have....)

  20. Hey Viking Song, have any luck hooking up with your kids lately? Nieces maybe?

  21. I still cannot grasp how Depp could be the highest paid actor on the planet at one point, still working now, have a very long resume with steady superstar wages , and yet have money issues. It takes serious self destruction to do this.
    so many people seem to be hell bent on hurting themselves...

  22. Johnny Depp has a lot of relatives, and grifters of all sorts who are hangers-on.
    Depp is unable to say no, or kick everyone out.

  23. Didn't he buy a Caribbean island and a whole village in France or Italy?

  24. Ahh, I see Kohnny Depp’s karma is finding him. Lol.

  25. Hortensia, the same thing happened to MC Hammer. He was just way too nice to people and they took advantage of him and his bank account. You know, there comes a tie when you need to just get it over with and say "Get a job". But it's hard. Because people make you feel like you are the bad one for not giving them money. I finally got some freeloaders off my back and they treated me like I was a horrible human being for not just paying their way. It's awful. It really is.

  26. Johnny Depp purchased an undeveloped Island. It did not have running water or electricity. His accountant told him not to, and that he would need to earn $200 million/year to support his life style. He has been acting in anything he can but will never go back to the level he had been earning.

  27. No, @J. I'm not a paedophile or a lesbian. You're still a misogynistic cunt who should have been aborted by his Mother though, parasite.

  28. Another candidate to the Hall of Morons award for blowing $650 MILLION!!!


  29. it was booze and drugs that destroyed Depp

    POTC gave him unlimited funds imo

    he was such a fine actor (Ed Wood)
