Saturday, December 15, 2018

Blind Item #4

This foreign born former A- list model who still really wants to be an actress is still forced to yacht to make sure she has enough money because she sure isn't getting it from the guy she has been bearding for all these years. With even more fame coming to him, he has kind of blown her off a lot and she doesn't know whether to move on to greener pastures or not.


  1. Forced to Yacht? Is it a real condition?

    1. Catchy title for a goofy film.Forced to Yacht.

  2. Rosie Huntington-Whitely?

  3. She's wasted her youth, fake, and beauty on him.

    1. Supposed to say "fame" lol.
      As in, she was a hot commodity for a while, but not so much anymore. Leaving Jason is a gamble of she wants fame. She'll need a better horse to back.

  4. This will be Irina in a couple of years.

  5. Trust me he’s not gay! Certainly wasn’t when he modelled in London!

  6. Irina and BCoop.

  7. This could be Shayk now MD. But Rosie has bearded for him all these years and Shayk is maybe 2 years?

  8. Are we supposed to feel sorry for her? NOPE

  9. @Unknown

    "Trust me he’s not gay! Certainly wasn’t when he modelled in London!"

    sure boo, sure.

    this is easily RHW and Statham.

  10. Who is going to be a even bigger star? Irina is A list,isn't she? And a set for life baby,not to mention plenty of blackmailing material. Coop has been a huge star for years, and has always ignored her.

  11. Agree Sandy. RHW has been doing it longer and the fame part fits with Statham. Both are still smarter than Cassie.

  12. Definitely RHW. Is she yachting?

  13. Rosie had his kid too, she could kick back on child support. She is 31 though her youth in model years is on the tail end of a career. Yachting would pay more. Soul be dammed.

  14. Rosie and Statham are so cool to each other I forgot they had a baby,lol. So it really fits. Negotiate now,Rosie!

  15. Well Enty, not every dude to hires a beard is gay. I don't believe that Jason is. Some dudes just like the deflection of hanging out with a pretty young thing---although she's not that young anymore. He is loved. (Seriously, who doesn't like Jason?)

    He will continue to get parts and be successful. He's just that type of guy. She's not very smart if she's thinking about moving on. At her age, there's really not that much out there. What she needs to do is get a better lawyer and negotiate a better bearding contract. She's still a very attractive woman. She needs to talk to her man. I'm sure they will work this out.

  16. @JohnDoe

    where have you been????? you've been gone from the comments so long.

  17. What makes you think JS and BC are the fathers of these children? Several blinds have claimed Irina's kid is by a high end movie producer client.

    I live in LA and BC is never with IS - only come pic time for some promo do they hang out together. His mother is always with him, even at hotel dinner you will see her in the lobby on her iPad.

    As for Jason - all of you have seen the GIF of him sexy dancing as a young actor for some spending money. He sure moves in a non-straight way.

    Every time I see that GIF I am reminded of Timex Social Club's Rumors song - "Hear the one about Michael, some say he must be gay
    I try to argue, but they said if he was straight he wouldn't move that way..."

  18. Doesn't Rosie make decent money through her M&S collections? She is really so gorgeous.

  19. That the real John Doe?

    1. If so, I like him better when he doesn't talk

  20. bless you @said....that GIF is a GIF that keeps on GIFing. :P

  21. Or she could get a real job.

  22. Not Rosie. She’s worth an absolute fortune in her own right.

  23. RHW has the personality and brains of a doorknob. She's like Alexa Chung. Both relied heavily on their looks, never had to develop any personality or intellect, and don't realise just how stupid and shallow a girl has to be, to be this good looking , and not to have been able to bag some rich dude in all these years .

  24. RHW and Statham have screaming fights in public. You really think she's bearding for him? Why wouldn't he trade her in for someone he could get along with? There'd probably be a hundred thousand applicants.
