Friday, December 21, 2018

Blind Item #4

This A- list mostly movie actor who is higher in another part of the entertainment world threatened to alk out of n interview if the reporter asked another question about the actor's ex.


  1. Anonymous8:15 AM

    john cena

  2. Come n, nty, get a new keyboar .

  3. +1 Lonely Bastard

  4. anybody ever feel a little ping on their gaydar over john cena? just wondering.

  5. Cena you're on my radar you freaky steroid beast.

    I question anyone who takes on a role of the demon Pazuzu in Tina Fey's Sisters. Same demon Murdoc Niccals cane is made of from The Gorillaz, same demon in The Exorcist which is based from an old sumerian/babylonian god/demon that some of these people in power are STILL worshiping to this day.

  6. notthisagain said...

    anybody ever feel a little ping on their gaydar over john cena? just wondering.

    Wha? All those WWE and most sports stars are BI or GAY...

    ...for the right price. Don't you know anything? How do you think most of these people make it through the off seasons?

    Betcha don't even realize how gay wrestling really is either huh? Wiat till you start hearing about the child sex traficking in THAT industry. Oh yeah. Who else is another big name wrapped up in wrestling with ol Vince McMahon? Donnie Trump. Oh yes, wrestling is SUPER GAY. Just ask the roadies.

  7. WWE does not have an off season, it goes on for 52 weeks a year!
