Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Blind Item #6

That spouse of a reality star from a huge family is back to being an a-hole again and is stealing from fans again, He doesn't care. They think it is for church stuff and not things like his man cave or escorts.


  1. One of the Duggar’s husbands?

  2. What a slimeball.

  3. Their idiot fans won't care. He's a Christian, y'all.

  4. Well, I'll say it again....goddamn Christians.

  5. Dear Jesus,
    please let this be true crucify him along with all the other molesters and morally corrupt in that family.

  6. It's not stealing if the dumb Fundies who throw money at Derick do so willingly. Since he was kicked off the reality show (with his slow witted wife) Derick makes a point of attacking children in particular, who live outside the biblical norms. He has fans who love this kind of thing.

    Derick is attending law school right now, to try to end abortion and female health initiatives (like no one has tried that before!) in the future. No one can figure out where he is getting the money to do this. He's cut off from Duggar and TLC money. Seems like he really really needs some cash.

  7. @p swer thank you for returning to your kitten avatar. Too cute!
