Sunday, December 30, 2018

Blind Item #6

This former A+ list reality star who is still trying to stay relevant and ALL of you know says she has hooked up with this closeted A- list reality star multiple times over the past several weeks.


  1. Paris Hilton and Kendall

  2. What? She is just sharing her basket of diseases. How altruistic of her!

    1. Paris new fiancée really dodged the bullet! Talk about a lavender marriage...shes been stone cold gayelle since the Lindsay and britney days

  3. wow, enjoy the gift of herpes kendall

    1. You're not a member of the Kuntrashians until Parisite gives you an STD.

  4. Finally, Kendull has something interesting going on. Even if she had to contract it.

  5. Paris knows Kendall since she was a toddler. That is fucking gross.

    1. Anonymous6:20 PM

      Maybe Paris was one who turned her out

  6. It's strange all of a sudden Paris and the KTrash are friends again.

  7. I guess ken doll likes trashy ladies with big ol man feet. Ewww

  8. I do find the thought of this pairing the most interesting thing Kendull has done. I wondered what allowed her back into the coven's fold after all these years and bad blood.

    1. Pmk is setting up the kendull is bi plotline and parasite needs publicity

    2. If she kisses Paris and does not kiss any of her "boyfriends," I do not think she's bi. I also do not think Kris would like kendall with Paris

  9. Paris and her trashy infected ass

  10. Here's a Your Turn topic. Would you ever sleep with someone you knew had herpes? I did, a long time ago, (he was a JFK Jr look a like, and funny and charming) but I knew beforehand and that he was on Valtrex and condoms were used. I never contracted it, fortunately, all of my annual exams have been clean, but that was the only instance where I knowingly slept with someone that had it. I don't know that I would again.

    1. This will probably get deleted but I have herpes and it’s really not a big deal. There are a lot of people out there who have it and don’t have symptoms so they don’t know. You could easily end up sleeping with one.

  11. Oh HELL NO I would NEVER knowingly sleep with someone I knew had herpes, jfc there is nobody worth that risk imo...

  12. Yeah, I admit there was a lot of discussion, interrogation, and online research into Valtrex efficacy beforehand.

  13. I really found this disgusting... think I saw a photo of Paris with teenage kendall

  14. Since when has Paris been gay? Or is she bi? This is news to me.

  15. Coconutcrazy - girl if you think your comment will get deleted, you haven't been reading long. Anyway, props for your good attitude !

  16. @coconutcrazy get screened regularly for cancer. A large amount of it is caused by viral infection.

    I really hope they can cure as well as vaccinate against HPV as the drop in cancer would shock.

  17. I am all for free love and do what you want as a consenting adult but the number of cases of herpes far exceeds 50%. Lots of silent carriers. Protect yourself and those you choose to enjoy.

  18. That would be far exceeds 50% of the adult US population. Look it up, It is frightening really.

  19. Paris is conveniently on vacation in Aspen with Kendall, Kourtney, and Kim.

  20. What happened to Kendull’s alleged girlfriend? What about the girl who allegedly has her initials tattooed on her body? (If they aren’t the same person?) Anwar.... Ben.... random chick......Paris? All of these planted stories and alleged hookups is making her look, um.....not so good. Not that anyone’s buying it anyway.l

  21. I hope the dental dam (ed) up:))

  22. I'm also annoyed by the herpes hate - like all of you don't have three very close friends who totally have it and have never mentioned it to you, especially with that attitude, they never will.

  23. Also take Lysine, this will help with an outbreak. My friend had it and was never the same. That's how i know about the lysine

  24. mountain mama, i dont know if you read coconut crazy's posts but ill repeat some of it this time coming from a medical professional.... a lot of cases dont even know they have herpes. not everyone has intense symptoms all the time.

  25. @coconutcrazy i applaud you for being so open! you're a brave soul.

  26. Anyone who kisses/fucks and has herpes simplex 1 or 2, without full disclosure beforehand, deserves a freaking bat to the head and to be prosecuted.

  27. Kendall is not into blondes so if this is her and Paris, I call bullshit

  28. @Katelyn Quinlan-Hinton, exactly thus the post about protecting yourself and those you engage in sexual activities with. Some figures from a medial professional exceed 80% of the US adult population. Many have no clue they have it, so assume you do and assume whom you are engaging in sexual activity do. I have no hate just letting people know as I am sure many have no idea the numbers are so high.
