Saturday, December 08, 2018

Blind Item #7

The offspring that this foreign born permanent A++ list singer favors more than any other offspring is in some trouble. Apparently he is being investigated for a date rape. He got someone drunk and then took advantage of her.


  1. Replies
    1. Calm down unknown. Its a goddamn joke

    2. Take a xan, martini, or something. It’s a joke on a Saturday. And while you’re at it get a better name than unknown.

    3. Jr isn't his favorite the 1st daughter is.

  2. Is the foreign born singer alive still?? I thought of Sean Lennon??

    1. Julian looks more like John @Md. But yes it probably is Sean

    2. Agree. I still choke up hearing Hey Jude. The singer could be Yoko Ono. She has a another child but I be only see her with Sean.

  3. Mick Jagger/ Gabriel Jagger?

  4. sounds like someone with a lot of kids, so jagger would fit.

  5. Rod Stewart and Sean Stewart??

  6. Hopefully not Celine Dion. Her son is only 17.

  7. John Lennon favoured Sean rather than Julian, so yes I think it's Sean.

  8. Blindfight!! *popcorn*

  9. Obviously not Don Jr. Everyone knows POTUS's favorite offspring is Ivanka.

  10. Favored meaning looked like, or favored meaning preferred. Both are legit. Julian looks like John, but Sean was "the favorite".

    Anyway, hopefully not either of them. Although Sean dated Bijou Phillips for a while, so maybe garbage attracts garbage.

  11. But also, it's the anniversary of John's death, so fucking really, Enty?

  12. Yeah, Yoko has an estranged daughter. The daughter's Japanese father took her back home and won full custody. I don't think the daughter has had anything to do with Yoko, at all. In some interview from way back, John opined that he and Yoko had spent so much money trying to have contact with the daughter and shared custody. I never believed that. Yoko wanted to be an NYC artist and Lennon's woman, not possible with the kid hanging around.

  13. Im glad Sara brought up what today in history was. Nice to do EntwatšŸ˜¬

  14. I don't think it's a Lennon, because it says he favors, not favored. Present tense. The father is alive.

  15. Andrea/Matteo Bocelli

  16. @plot, Yoko's daughter Kyoko was abducted by her father Tony Cox. He was not Japanese. They joined a cult in the early 70's. They left the cult and became fundamentalist Christians. In 1997 she reunited with Yoko Ono and met her half-brother, Sean Lennon, for the first time.
    I doubt VERY much this blind is about Sean Lennon. Sounds more like one of Mick's kids.

  17. There's only one thing worse than a dirty rapist...a nasty Trump supporter!

    1. Jesus. You dont need to be an asshole. It's a gossip blog, ffs.

  18. @lute

    Thanks for the correction!

  19. @plot, her first husband was Japanese. He actually had her institutionalized after she overdosed on sleeping pills. Tony Cox helped get her release, she became pregnant by him, and divorced her first husband. She was married to Tony Cox when she pursued John Lennon.

  20. I'm gonna go w/Mick Jaegger and that one son of his that sings/acts.
    It's probably meant to be the Lennons tho

  21. Could be Celine's son.

  22. Guess not...too young.

  23. If it's Lennon then the tense is messed up. But that could be a mistake. I don't know anything about Jagger's kids. It doesn't say the singer is attached to a band though. But maybe that's intentional to make the blind harder to guess. Legendary band or something like that would have people guessing Rolling Stones or Beatles right off the bat.

    I was gonna say the singer is Ozzy. But I don't think Enty would call him A++. It's the type of thing where, to a metal fan anyway, he's a god. Others would just consider him really really famous. I could rattle off dozens of metal singers I consider A∞. But others would go "who?" or say they aren't rated that high.

    I am not good with female vocalists because I don't really like them that much. But this has to be a major player who has been around for quite awhile and has well known offspring.

    Are Celine's kids known that well? I only know the Titanic song really. I can't say I know much about her life. Someone said her son is 17. I don't want to throw a teen boy under the bus by speculating he's a predator. And I have a feeling this is an adult. Otherwise I think Enty would say "underage offspring".

  24. I’m going with Celine.

    Jagger’s kids don’t need to date rape, (just being Mick’s son would get them laid) and I don’t think he favors one over the others. If he did, it would probably be one of the girls.

  25. Nobody "needs" to daterape, and rich, goodlooking or rich fugly people do it just like poor, goodlooking or poor fugly people do it. When are people going to understand that rape is about power more than anything else?

  26. Replies
    1. That was my first thought, too. Checked his age, he's 18...but in just not sure if Madge favors him over her other kids.

  27. Not sure if he is favored over the daughter.
