Thursday, December 13, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #1

December 5, 2018

This permanent A++ list singer got into an argument in the grocery store about 35 cents. It lasted about five minutes before the store backed down. I mean she goes there just about every day she is in town, so give her a break. She said the store changed containers to a heavier material so they could charge more for food to go that is sold by the pound.

Diana Ross


  1. She must not understand tare weight...

  2. Sounds like Whole Foods in Greenwich CT. She's always there LOL

  3. I used to work at a grocery store and you always entered the tare weight for containers. It's not something the customers see on the screen, but it is done. What probably happened is the price of whatever she was buying went up slightly per pound. I'm sure it was the principle of it, but come on. I wouldn't even cry about that and I make about 0.001% of what she does (if not less).

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I am just in shock Miz Ross does her own grocery shopping. Did she run through her Motown money and Naes divorce settlement?? It's a sad time when a Diva has to let the staff go and do things for herself

  6. To be fair Dianna Ross is the kind of diva who is allowed this kind of behaviour.

  7. I'm just going to share this article right here that showed up in my google headlines this morning:

  8. Thanks, Ophelia!

  9. FYI: Grocery Store's profit is really, really low.

    e.g.: On your $100's worth of groceries, the profit might equate to the cost of a bottle of ketchup.

  10. Anonymous9:04 AM

    I saw Diana Ross in the early 1980s at a drug store in Sun Valley, Idaho. I have to admit she was the most flawless human I had ever seen! It did kind of register with me that she was shopping in a regular drug store and I thought that was kinda weird, but in Sun Valley if you were a local (or passing as one) you ignored the celebrities. I think I turned around and ran!

  11. @MontanaMarriott, it's not that she's broke (in fact she's apparently worth hundreds of millions of dollars). Rather, she's always seemed to be very hands-on in terms of doing things that someone of her wealth and stature wouldn't do, especially cooking. Presumably not all the time, but more than you'd think. I believe Tracie has spoken on talk shows about how her mom makes huge holiday dinners. And by all accounts she's an excellent mother - much more hands-on than the typical star, and all five kids seem to have turned out just fine.

  12. I remember a story years ago by someone who had worked for her. It was something to the effect that no one could take leftovers from her dinners home. Even though it was going to be thrown away. Said it was grounds for firing.

  13. Diana has been crazy old rich lady for a few decades now, we all know it.

  14. Seems to me that she is just counting her pennies. Ain't nothing wrong with that. Probably why she stay rich.
