Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #2

December 3, 2018

This height challenged former A-/B+ list mostly movie actor who is hoping for a career changer with the pay cable television franchise had to play a game of please don't see me at a party this weekend. The actor, who is known to sleep with multiple women each week tries his best to avoid those he has recently dumped. Apparently one was in attendance at the event, so the actor, who has a name that sounds nerdish would stop to talk to someone and then rush away in a hurry of he spotted the recent lover.

Stephen Dorff


  1. I always get him mixed up with Steve Zahn.

  2. How mature of him.

  3. I mix him with zach braff

  4. I picture the theme music from the Benny Hill Show playing while he scampers around the party, avoiding the women he did dirty.

  5. I never got the appeal. I always found him icky.

  6. The only thing I know him from is Blade. I'm fine with that.

  7. I had no idea he was still working, or that women still found him boneable.

  8. You'd be amazed what women find bonable, even if there's a hint of D list celebrity on you. Some chicks have no shame at all when it comes to celebrity.

  9. I get him mixed up with Maggie Gyllanhaal's man - forget his name.

  10. Wow! He would prefer to avoid women he has recently dumped!! That's shocking as most people seek out and want to hang with recent dumpees and vice versa- what a dumb blind!! ps- shouldn't this be a kindness blind if true??

  11. I get him mixed up with the small guy on Hawaii Five O.

  12. I get his name mixed with the black guy who played the klingon on one of the Star Treks.
