Tuesday, December 04, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #5

November 27, 2018

It is not so much the fact that this A- list actress who was on a now defunct long running network television show did the whole fake date thing with her husband, it is that he told a friend that he was being paid to be there and had no idea he would be even going until her PR people called him and said he needed to be there.

Kerry Washington


  1. In Soviet Russia beard pays you!

  2. Hes never seen with her for the most part except at the biggezt functions, he shows up gets papped and disappears

  3. I honestly don't get the motivation behind the fake marriage, if she's really with Tony and he left his wife for her it wouldn't hurt their career that much, it's Hollywood cheating with a co star is so run of the mill.

    1. I was just going to say that. Neither one is a big enough star that this would even be a blip on the news.

  4. I’m over these blinds about this “couple.” There is no plausible reason for them to maintain such a fiction.

  5. Anonymous12:02 PM

    I don't understand why it would be a big deal to anyone that she and Tony Goldwyn are a couple. I would bet they are making it a big deal to themselves and fueling their passion with "Muh Racism" and that the world would not accept their love blah blah blah.

  6. Some folks like to have their cake and eat it too.

  7. Why oh why do they keep this up jeez

  8. Tony does not want to divorce his wife and lose half of everything. Kerry would marry him in a NY minute if he did. I have always wondered why there is not one single photo of either of Kerry's children. Could it be that Goldwyn is the father? To live your life as a complete lie is very, very sad.

  9. She was showing pics of her and Tony on Colbert's show. She always shows pics of them together. I thought the kids look very mixed and that's why no pics.

  10. They act like they are David D. and Gillian Anderson. Please!

  11. I remember seeing Tony Goldwyn interviewed a while back (can't remember who) asked him if his wife got jealous over the sex scenes with Kerry Washington and instead of giving the usually answer that oh its not sexy at all, he got all wierded and freaked out and I remember thinking OMG they are doing it for real !
