Thursday, December 06, 2018

Your Turn

Office party hookup. Have you ever?


  1. I whispered to Wolfie, “take off my bra”, and he slipped it off.

    Then I whispered “take off my panties”, and he stuck his fingers down the waistband, and pulled them down.

    Then I screamed “STOP WEARING MY UNDERWEAR”.

  2. Nonononononononono!

  3. Anonymous10:06 AM

    No. I stayed away from office parties for this very reason.

  4. Nope. I've either had a date or been married at every office party I've been to.

  5. Who will in essence slut shame themselves today, start laying your bets people.

  6. I never go to holiday office parties. I don't care for parties. Period.

  7. Oh hell no. Gross.

  8. NEVER CRAP WHERE YOU EAT! Have followed it through school, college and now job! Maybe killed some chances of romance but have been able to focus 100% on my goals, and achieved them, dare I say!

  9. Nope. Have gotten thoroughly hammered (as did everyone else) but never hooked up.

  10. 👏 👏 👏! ! I’m so sharing that with my news junkie husband. Love it!

  11. I meant to say @ Candy Crowley- not the office party hooker uppers!

  12. I used to work for a very well-known, huge corporation, and when I was in college in a lower-level service job we would have big, raucous holiday parties and all levels of management would let loose. One year, a big-wig got pretty hammered and handsy with the staff, so after that there was a 2 drink max and the bosses didn't show. Lame.

  13. Anonymous11:48 AM


  14. I think that's the only thing I haven't done to cause myself embarrassment

  15. / hooking up with people I work with (even meet through work) is off limits.

  16. Two stories, neither about me. Cautionary tales.

    A company I worked for had their party in the actual office (usually companies rent a facility at a hotel or otherwise). One guy went to the men's room where he had to step over two people (married, not to each other) going at it like jackrabbits in order to use the facilities. The woman looked completely out of it.

    The current company I work for had their party at a tennis club. Two people were found in flagrante in the sauna.

    Everyone finds out.

  17. Nope, no hookups with co-workers. There wasn’t anybody remotely attractive, even if I was blind-ass drunk. I made out with an older co-workers son once tho. Not at a Christmas party, just a random drunken bar encounter. I miss the good old days!

  18. I didn't hook up with an colleague but there was a Christmas party the year after my divorce when I made out with the DJ....there was a LOT of talk about that on Monday (hangs head in shame)

  19. Don't sh!t where you eat. That's why it's better to go to other people's office parties, don't even use your real name.

  20. Yeah, no thanks. Big old 'no' from me.

  21. my spouse and i have been to each other's office parties for years. i'm going to guess that at some point we got lucky after an office party. i have to say yes.

  22. No, but there’s always this Saturday...

  23. NoOoOoOoOoOo way in hell!!! I was always the one who volunteered to work so everyone else could go to the party. It made me look like i was doing a selfless act .. but it was actually to steer clear of drunken work related entaglements. Works sucks enough by itself, If you crap sexual/relationship issues on top of it becomes purgatory

  24. Not a chance. Nooo way.

  25. No, don't dip your wick in the company ink.

  26. My very first Christmas party, a senior management man let me know that he could help me get ahead so to speak. I was not interested but news of his behavior made it back to the VP. I was called in and I told the VP and my supervisor what he said t me. They apologized and I said I did't want any sort of apology. I just wanted to forget it happened. Apparently I was not the first person he propositioned, he was fired. I worked there for over 20 years after that incident. Great company.

  27. No but saw it about to happen in person at our company party last night. Both single so whatever but I wouldn’t want to be the talk of the town like they were. She has said she is looking for a husband and he is a man-whore so I’m sure it will work out well.
