Saturday, May 12, 2018

Blind Item #8

It was a do this or your fired kind of moment for the employee of this A list reality star with the lucrative side gig. They will probably fire him anyway because they don't like anyone else feeding from their same bowl of thirst.

Blind Item #7

What this foreign born B+/B list actor/host forgets when he tells his story is that he had sex with the fan/groupie. That kind of changes the whole narrative he is trying to spin his way.

Blind Item #6

This random underage teen was given some random title and is making a living off it. The thing is though, the coke is destroying her one day at a time.

Blind Item #5

This former A+ list singer wasn't shy about having underage teens backstage at a show last night. It appears no one is going to stop him from doing what he wants to do. The police and security personnel backstage just turned a blind eye to the whole thing.

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 5, 2018

His fans think the significant other of this B+ list actor/singer was doing the cheating in their marriage. Nope. It was the actor/singer who frequently cheated.

Colton Haynes

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 5, 2018

Apparently this A/A- list reality star has forgiven her serial cheating significant other. She should look for that tiny flip phone he has which he uses to speak to his other women.

Khloe Kardashian/Tristan Thompson

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 4, 2018

This former A- list singer turned worldwide reality show judge thought she was getting a much needed yachting gig while out of the country. Nope. It was actually just to sing. The person she thought she would be hooking up with went with someone much younger.

Nicole Scherzinger

Blind Items Revealed #1 - Mr. Hedge

February 7, 2018

You all remember a couple years ago, when that former child actor filed lawsuits against the now-disgraced A-list director, and 3 of his friends.  He was part of that film that you all know about, which was released for free online a few months ago. 

Those lawsuits ended with a public apology to at least 2 of the accused, and allegedly paying a low 7 figure settlement to them.  There was never even a fight before the lawsuits were dismissed. One day they were there with a huge public splash, and seemingly the next, they were gone.

What you don’t know was the real plan behind this, and how well it all actually worked for the parties who orchestrated the whole thing.

The former child actor was not lying.  He believed what he told the public.  His accusations look much more credible these days, given what we now know about the disgraced A-list director, and his recently exposed serial child molesting friend.

Obviously, it would be very difficult to prove in court exactly who raped him 15 years earlier, given that he was being force-fed drugs and alcohol to the point of being barely conscious, if at all.  The former child actor had previously taken his case to others, who turned the case down for those very reasons.  Despite the case being very thin, the publicity surrounding the announcement was huge.

The motivation for such a public announcement was the expectation of more recent underage sex victims, with more solid evidence of their rapes by these people - to notice the huge amount of press, and get legal representation.

This succeeded beyond anyone's wildest dreams.  At least 4 victims came forward.  The public is not aware of this yet, but there is incontrovertible proof.

The private settlements are rumored to have totaled over $10 million dollars combined.  The A-list director and his legal team were quite happy, because it resulted in these even more disturbing accusations being settled privately, and never seeing the light of day.

That lawsuit which you all heard about just a couple months ago, against the same A-list director, accusing him of underage rape - it’s the same game being played again.  The one alleged to have taken place on a boat in the Pacific Northwest.  Just a thin, old lawsuit with no witnesses, designed as public bait - in hopes of luring in more recent big money victims, with much more proof.  This time, there was no press conference, just leaked news of the lawsuit instead. So, thankfully, this victim will not have to be publicly embarrassed if the case doesn't move forward.

The former child actor was offered a mere $100k by the A-list director to keep his mouth shut forever, but turned it down.  There is also incontrovertible proof of this.

Former Child Actor: Mike Egan
A-list director: Bryan Singer
3 friends of A-list director: Garth Ancier, David Neuman, Gary Goddard

Blind Item #4

This recluse of a former A- list reality star is taking some kind of high and mighty road when it comes to the actions of others when he is by far one of the worst offenders ever. He cheats on whoever he is with so the sanctimonious stuff he is pulling is just crap. 

Blind Item #3

As I previously told you, these two foreign born co-stars on a hit foreign made television show can't stand each other. They aren't even willing to put aside their differences for charity. The higher listed of the pair who is a dual threat A lister insisted on doing this big charity gig without the co-star. 

Blind Item #2

Let the #MeToo backlash begin!  What B/B+ mostly movie actress from an acting family was just canned from a pilot that was picked up to series by a major broadcast network?  The producers used her name and revitalized recognition after coming forward with her story about the disgraced Hollywood producer.  When the network picked up the pilot to series, the producers dumped her — at the request of the network. This is not going to turn out well for the producers or network.

Blind Item #1

The company of this permanent A++ list singer has a paid army of online defenders of the singer's image.  They're always creating new accounts which appear to have the sole purpose of defending the singer against any negative accusations.  Say one thing about this singer and child molesting, and they swarm.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Blind Item #15

If he wants more support from his former co-star, this disgraced former A+ list mostly television actor is going to have to do what he did last time. Write her a very big check.

Blind Item #14

Good luck to this foreign born A list singer and his back on again girlfriend. In the two or three weeks since they previously hooked up, he has been with multiple women which was the reason they split last time. Nothing is going to change.

Blind Item #13

This alliterate actress is trying to spin her departure from a network show that portrays her as a victim. That is not how everyone else remembers it.

Blind Item #12

Apparently if there is going to be a lot of drinking, this permanent A list celebrity leaves her significant other at home so they won't be tempted to booze and fall off the wagon again.

Blind Item #11

This B+ list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee/celebrity offspring is being cheated on by her husband.

Blind Item #10

I think this B-/C+ list reality star from that southern show who is talking about her new love interest is just happy to be actually having sex in this relationship.

Blind Item #9

Eventually this A list singer is going to forget which excuse is which and everyone is going to know the truth about what happened that night she got hurt.

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 4, 2018

Apparently our favorite foreign born B+ list actress/singer is not satisfied with the songs that her current producer/boyfriend has managed to find for her that she can say are her own. So, she just hooked up with a producer while overseas and got herself three more songs.

Rita Ora

Four For Friday - Tickets

Tickets were going on sale on a Friday. That was always a tough day because it meant skipping school, or at least part of it. It also meant convincing the parents that the concert was important enough to not only camp out in a parking lot, but also miss some school. One of the more tricky aspects of skipping school WITH the parents permission is that I had to write and sign the excuse note. Oh sure, my parents would write one, but I would then take their note and tear it up and write my own.

I learned during my Sophomore year of high school that the school office looked at the signature on the enrollment form to see if your excuse note was a forgery. So, beginning my Junior year, I signed the enrollment form in the way I would sign my parents' names. Worked like a charm. Except for when they gave me permission to skip.

Anyway, the people I usually camped out with for tickets all had an exam that day. I had a different teacher and no exam. None of them wanted to camp out either because they knew it would involve drinking and a high probability of missing the first period exam.

One of the calls I made was to someone I sometimes hung out with. She lived nearby but went to a private school and had a different group of friends. We had known each other forever and knew she was always down for a good camping out for tickets kind of night. She said sure and was going to bring TB. I have given her other initials in the past, but I am too lazy to look it up right now. One of my friends had dated TB which is how I spent most of my time with her. At that point in time, I don't think they were still dating, but I can't be sure.

The night came and we trekked it down to a grimy parking lot that had our ticket wonderland on one side and a liquor store on the other. A liquor store that was perfectly willing to sell to hundreds of minors who were waiting in line. I don't ever remember the police doing much caring about it either. I also don't ever remember there being a fight. I think we all kind of knew that we had a good thing going with the liquor store and a bunch of people getting in a drunken fight would jeopardize that.

Usually when I write about TB, it generally involves her doing me a favor or something. In this case though, she was there, but not really a part of the story. Yes, she is famous, but this incident is about another person who is famous and was there that night. At one point he was A+ list. An obnoxious A+ list, but he was. The flashiest of flash in the pans. A one year wonder, but, he has made a lifetime living off that one year of fame. He was there that night and several years from any kind of level of fame, but he acted as if he was already A list. He hit on every female in that parking lot and he used every line from every movie that you could think of. People were crying from laughing so hard but he was deadly serious. He thought his lines were working. Honestly. It got to the point where TB and my friend and others would engage with him just so they could hear more of his lines.

After that night, I didn't see him again until many years later at the peak of his fame. TB says she ran into him a couple of times, but never brought up the night to him. She did say he would always look at her with a strange expression because she would think back to that night and break out laughing all over again.

As for tickets? 10th row for that concert. I don't ever remember getting closer than that by purchasing them. 

Your Turn

I know I have asked what your first concert was, but I don't think I have ever asked the best concert you have been to. 

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 4, 2018

I haven't thought about this in a long time and then someone reminded me of it. See, if you remember it or if you can figure it out. Back in the day this actor was an A list tween on a hit network show. Later, he became an A- list television actor who progressed into made for tv movie acting. Anyway, back when he was still a tween on that show of his, he hooked up with this permanent A list singer, who at the time no one had heard of. It is crazy if you think about them hooking up.

Ricky Schroder/Whitney Houston

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 4, 2018

This convicted child molester turned rapper went into a girl's restroom the other day when he saw a teen go in there. She screamed and he left.


Blind Items Revealed #2

May 4, 2018

I love how this former A+ list singer has changed she was fired from a show to she quit a show. Please. She would have stayed in a second and will go back in a heartbeat if they asked. They won't though because no one liked working with her. That was easy money and she blew it.

Christina Aguilera

Blind Item #8

So, it appears that ending the feud was all for show and an attempt to create a buzz for this network show that is not up to the standards it used to be. Plus, the highest paid part of the show wants to come back so figured her stunt might help, especially if the former enemy appears on the show.

Blind Item #7

You want creepy? This way underage actress is probably B list and is only that high because of the hit show she is on is being asked by the creators/producers to do a sex scene. Yep. They say it is realistic because plenty of high school kids have sex. The thing is, they want her to be nude for the scene. She says she is feeling pressured and that if she refuses fears losing her job.

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 4, 2018

Apparently this former A+ list singer/child molester has delivered a record to his label. The question is now whether the label will release it. My guess is they will delay it as long as possible.

R. Kelly

Blind Item #6

This movie director was threatened with being fired if he didn't defend and support this A+ list mostly movie actor even though the actor was in the wrong. This is going to be an awful movie.

Blind Item #5

I'm not sure how long these two opening acts are going to last on this huge tour if they continue to party like they have this week. They both love their coke but the headliner freaks out about stuff like that.

Blind Item #4

This reality star who has been making the news the past couple of days got her start when, as a minor she hooked up with this permanent A lister. 

Blind Item #3

This A+ list mostly movie actor who is also a director promised to do something with a bunch of his residuals. So far though he hasn't and no one has called him out on it.

Blind Item #2

This alliterate former A list singer turned out of shape aging guy who takes a lot of drugs is trying to rewrite history and convince the world his ex wasn't bisexual. 

Blind Item #1

Pretty interesting that two closeted actors are starring in movies about an openly gay celebrity.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Blind Item #15

This one named A- list rapper recently split from his wife. I already told you that. I already told you he was cheating when he split with her. Now he is cheating on the mistress with another woman. The wife should be happy she got out when she did.

Blind Item #14

This A- list actor/director who has been in a relationship forever, cheated on his significant other with this A list dual threat actress co-star from an acting family.

Blind Item #13

I think this A- list singer is going to be really shocked when her future husband finally comes out to her.

Blind Item #12

This permanent A+ list singer is on two dating apps but uses the picture of one of her assistants. Apparently, a first date is an invitation to the singer's home where the surprised men are subjected to a good hour of questions from the singer and a NDA to sign.

Blind Item #11

This A- list mostly movie actress says her businessperson/celebrity ex keeps texting naked pics of himself.

Blind Item #10

This former MTV star has made it much easier for her Japanese customers to spend time with her. It was pretty much nonstop bookings and it wouldn't shock me if she does it next time for a month, rather than just a quick trip.

Blind Item #9

What happens when you take some guys from the mob trying to figure out a new way to make a buck and put them together with well over 100 female teens who can travel the world with ease? The most out in the open prostitution ring you have ever seen. As a bonus, they make a lot of legit money from them too. Why so many? So, they can cover for the ones who are with rich men. That was the problem with Pussycat Dolls. If one was hooking up with someone, it was tough to cover for the missing person.

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 1, 2018

Don't believe whatever spin this one named singer is selling. She has a coke problem and everything relates from that. She wants everyone to think she is some super saint and that she is fighting a battle and playing on your heart strings. Don't fall for it.


Today's Blind Items - NXIVM

Some tidbits that I have picked up in the past few weeks talking to someone who was at the very top levels of the group. There is a former A list tweener actor turned failed adult actor who has been reaching out to former/current female members, especially the ones in the news to see if they would be interested in joining his group of followers. He imagines himself as some kind of spiritual leader. The thing is though, he doesn't have the finances. He likes to think he does, but he doesn't.

Apparently one of the members who got away a few years back turned to someone she had been ordered to hook up with about a decade ago. That person? A permanent A++ list celebrity known all over the world. She turned to that person when she escaped so she would be safe. I'm not sure just how safe it is now though because there are all kinds of files and e-mails and it wouldn't shock me if there were notes about who and when the A++ lister would visit the compound and have sex with followers.

One of the sisters is in the process of turning on the other to save herself. 

Your Turn

What movie was your favorite when you were in high school?

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 3, 2018

This former A+ list host is going all in to show support for her old/maybe new again network and her old co-star because the network is dangling that huge carrot in front of her. She always kinds of looks after herself first which is why none of her most recent gigs really worked out.

Katie Couric/Matt Lauer

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 3, 2018

This former tweener turned adult singer/former network reality star called in every favor she had and then promised this tabloid multiple exclusive interviews over the next year to get a cover for an annual issues. When she found out after she did all of that and ended up having to share the cover with other people, she was ticked off at a level she has never been before.

Demi Lovato/People en Espanol Most Beautiful

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 3, 2018

He was supposed to take a bodyguard/assistant with him om a trip, but this former A+ list rapper said he didn't need the employee with him and ditched him. Now, people are worried for the personal safety of the rapper and think he might harm himself.

Kanye West

Blind Item #8

Back in the day this talk show host and this former A+ list singer used to hook up. Probably explains the talk show host's soft stance towards the singer.

Blind Item #7

Apparently that child molesting director is having no problems finding cast for his next movie. What he is having problems with is the studio wanting to announce he has a new movie in the works or finding anyone in his soon to be released movie willing to go out and talk about it.

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 2, 2018

This back in the day reality star was an A list reality star when she was on the show all of you know. Now, she is probably a B- list celebrity and if you never watched the show all of you know, you have no idea who she is. That being said, apparently she is thisclose to getting a restraining order against a former co-star of the show.

Sammi Giancola/Ronnie Ortiz Magro/Jersey Shore

Blind Item #6

I forgot to tell you that the three named singer got dumped by the married neighbor she had been hooking up with. Apparently things are not going well over at the house as our singer is very much into getting revenge.

Blind Item #5

This designer is trying everything she can to save her dying company. The victim card is probably not the best way to go since she is not actually going through any type of divorce at this point and she knew exactly what was going on at all times. I mean, not details, but generalities. People told her.

Blind Item #4

This former A+ list singer took his girlfriend out in public this week, but no one ever talks about the four underage teens that also live with him that no one does anything about because the four have no family that cares or even knows their situation.

Blind Item #3

The record label of our favorite foreign born B+ list actress/singer spent a ton of money to make sure the new single of our singer went to #1 on the charts its first week.

Blind Item #2

As many times as this A list singer has been cheated on, she has done the same to others. That was the case this time around. She and the director of her new video.

Blind Item #1

The offspring of this foreign born A++ list singer needs rehab. He also needs to learn to be nicer to people. Never having anyone say no has been destructive to him.

Wednesday, May 09, 2018

Blind Item #15

This former A+/A list singer is burning through money at a rapid rate. So, why not do what she did back in the day and go on tour. The thing is though, this is not back in the day. She should have taken the residency offer she got, but she thinks it is beneath her.

Blind Item #14

This A- list mostly television actor who has some decent film roles to his credit is best known for one big hit. Anyway, this past weekend, he was drunk and made some very inappropriate passes at this married reality star/celebrity offspring

Blind Item #13

This permanent A- list celebrity was a reality star on multiple shows and still makes me shudder at how popular she was. Anyway, she recently discovered that a STD she picked up years ago is the probable cause for why she can't have children.

Blind Item #12

This frequent yachter is supposed to be doing some yachting right now. In the past she hooked up with this foreign born former A+ list tweener. Well, as I type this right now she is making out with this married foreign born A-/B+ list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee. 

Blind Item #11

There was buzz that this foreign born A- list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee was not going to turn up to a very important event. Apparently her husband had beaten her pretty badly, but she decided to go and did a great job covering the bruises.

Blind Item #10

This stripper turned celebrity turned reality star turned part-time porn star turned celebrity might have played that pregnancy card the wrong way. It looks like her boyfriend realized being tied to her forever was not what he wanted. 

Blind Item #9

Much like that musical contemporary of hers, our favorite former tweener singer/actress turned adult A- list singer/worse actress is in such bad shape that she had sex with a guy in front of a half dozen people. I'm guessing there must be video. She is just so out of it right now and a walking zombie. I'm hoping that like her contemporary who did the exact same thing, she realizes this is bottom and needs rehab. 

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 2, 2018

This former A- list mostly television actress who probably hasn't acted in a decade but is still A- list, maybe even higher as a celebrity honestly. Anyway, she didn't say this in a recent interview, but she has told those close to her that she fears for her own life and stays in different hotels or vacation rentals almost every night. She says where she lives it would be far too easy for her to have an "accident."

Pamela Anderson

Today's Blind Items - The Secret Child

They don't have to be long to be juicy. This permanent A+ list celebrity who has been the subject of books and documentaries and movies based on her life has a secret. Knowing her, she will take it to her grave. Way back in the day, when she was just beginning her career, she hooked up with this foreign born permanent A++ lister. Our A+ lister became pregnant and went on sabbatical the final two months of her pregnancy. She then gave the baby to a distant family member to raise. Apparently that baby, now a grown person was having some health issues and that is how they found out who were his real parents. Amazing. This is a legitimate jaw dropper.

Your Turn

Favorite college based movie.

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 2, 2018

I haven't seen a gift for cheating that expensive in a long time. That is what this former A- list mostly television actor turned failed leading movie man felt he needed to do after those cheating pictures were flashed all over the world.

Charlie Hunnam

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 2, 2018

Often, celebrities will invite paps on their vacation or tell them where they will be. Vacation pictures sell well. This former box office champ/singer is not one of those people and has tried to have security get rid of all paps on her vacation. The other day she yelled at a pap and kept saying what the pa was doing "wasn't cool."

Jessica Simpson

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 2, 2018

Things are just not going to settle down for this A list singer. She needs to end this before things really get out of hand. She says she had no idea that the significant other of her current boyfriend was pregnant when the singer started dating him and certainly didn't know about any miscarriage either.

Miranda Lambert

Blind Item #8

The very rich sex trafficker paid a visit to this lawyer/frequent passenger on his jets this past Sunday. The lawyer says he swore off the sex trafficker. This would suggest otherwise.

Blind Item #7

This mainstream newspaper is trying to get the world to normalize child porn so that people will see it the same way as alcohol addiction - as a sickness rather than something criminal. Umm, no.

Blind Items Revealed #1 - Mr. Hedge

May 2, 2018

This foreign born A-list model must be horrified by her CEO husband's plunging stock price today.  The company burned through over $1.50 in cash for every $1 in sales.

The CEO didn't want to go to jail someday, which is smart. The downside of that meant that he was only allowed to sell a very small percentage of his stock in the company, since its fortunes began to collapse. 

Before long, the rest of his stock will be virtually worthless, and he will be far away from the billionaire club. There is only about a year and a half worth of cash left at his company. 

Miranda Kerr/Evan Spiegel/Snapchat

Blind Item #6

This permanent A list singer wants the world to know which side she is on in the feud between A list singers. She is firmly on the side of the one who is on your television screens each week and very much dislikes the other.

Blind Item #5

The season finale of this network show really was a real life cliffhanger. Apparently the star of the show has not decided if he wants this city named actress to return and wants her to dangle a bit before making a decision. He thinks she wronged him, so her fate is in the air until he decides if he can work with her.

Blind Item #4

This mogul/frequent visitor to your television screen in front of and behind the camera who always tries to play up to the world what a wonderful guy he is - not so much. He is doing his level best to blackball this former A list comic from any gig she tries to get. Apparently she hired an accuser of his and he considers that sacrilege, so he is doing his best to smear the comic.

Blind Item #3

I didn't think it was possible that this former A list tween actress could go any older in the men that she dates, but the barely in her 30's former actress went from a guy in his 60's to one in his late 70's. She is becoming the Padma Lakshmi of her generation. 

Blind Item #2

Everyone thinks this is a PR stunt for the new season of her show, but nope, this former A list singer back in the day really did start dating a married man who has a wife who is pregnant. I'm not sure what kind of publicity the former A lister is expecting, but it won't be good.

Blind Item #1

Speaking of Russian oligarchs, this mogul/wannabe rapper is in debt to one who sends most of his time in the US. Apparently our mogul is having trouble paying back the money owed and may have to declare bankruptcy in the very near future if things don't improve.

Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Blind Item #18

The paternity test of this long time MTV reality star should be interesting. Oh, how I wish it was on Maury.

Blind Item #17

It is very interesting that yachting photos of this former actress turned future bride popped up out of nowhere. There are way more detailed photos out there which are no big deal in the grand scheme of Hollywood things, but would be a very big deal to her future husband and his family, especially considering she hasn't told any of them about that part of her past.

Blind Item #16 - Met Gala

This A+ list reality star was wishing her significant other could have attended. Umm, he was persona non grata this year, not because of his recent stances, but because of something else he did the last time he was at the ball a couple years ago.

Blind Item #15 - Met Gala

This A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee must be convinced the other woman is gone from the writer/actor's life. The last thing she wants is a repeat of the past several years with that foreign born A lister and the way he juggled our actress with others, including the public other.

Blind Item #14 - Met Gala

This permanent A+ list singer was invited, but said no. Actually she said hell no, but you get the point. Some of the people she dislikes the most all at one party is not a recipe for success. A family member did attend, and had some remarks she made to that foreign born B+ lister we all know.

Blind Item #13 - Met Gala

This foreign born A- list celebrity just because of who she is was spotted half in the bag and making out with a man who had to be four decades older than our celebrity.

Blind Item #12 - Met Gala

This mogul/wannabe rapper ditched his date multiple times last night in an attempt to rekindle a romance he had back in the day with this foreign born A-/B+ list mostly movie actress who is no stranger to being the other woman. She didn't say no and the pair are supposed to meet up today.

Blind Item #11 - Met Gala

This foreign born A list model has a yachting gig that starts in a few weeks and will last almost a month. On a real yacht even. The question is will she pretend she is on a modeling assignment and still with the A+ list actor or will they just call it quits.

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 1, 2018

This former A+ list mostly movie actor is playing a game of will he run out of money before he dies or not? He is in big financial trouble and he might not have anything to leave anyone which will come as a shock to those people because he told them he had secret accounts. He doesn't any longer.

Charlie Sheen

Today's Blind Items - That One Night - Met Gala

Ask the people that have been going to the Met Gala for a long time and they will point to one year as the year that blew all others away for partying and debauchery.

AB - This celebrity offspring of an A++ lister was there and he had his parents at the ball, but still managed to hook up with AC who only agreed after being paid $2000 by AB right there at the party. AB had previously been shot down by AD and AE who were not even old enough to drink but were hammered anyway and chain smoking. The two were in peak move from one thing to the next mode and both tried to hook up with AF who was also at the ball last night. AF turned them down but it wasn't because he was with his actress girlfriend AG at the time. Nope, AF turned down AD and AE because he wanted to hook up with AH who was married at the time and is married now, but to a different person. AH, who was A list at the time and who all of you know, ditched her husband (not for the first time) and hooked up with AF. Interesting side note. The future wife of AH's then husband was also in attendance. Lets call her AI. She was wasted out of her mind and probably sharing some of AD and AE's supply. She was trying to hook up with a billionaire who was there but was turned down. She then made out with with the wife (AJ) of a now disgraced mogul (AK), before hooking up with this then actor who is now A list but not at acting (AL). AM was a washed up former A list mostly movie actor at the time who only now is making a comeback in television. AM was there and tried to hook up with this foreign born alliterate model (AN) and was turned down cold. He also started using the never ending supply of AD and AE before hooking up with AO who was then and now an A- list actress. In a no one ever saw that coming, this foreign born A- list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee (AP/not my friend AP) went home with this at the time A- list comic type reality star/actor (AQ). Apparently AQ and AP didn't hit things off sexually and the next day while AP was at lunch she met the person (AR) she would be with for the next decade.

Your Turn

A vice you don't think you will ever be able to give up.

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 1, 2018

Over the weekend, once again this permanent A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee was asked about the child molesting director and once again he took his side.

Diane Keaton

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 1, 2018

This former A- list mostly television actress who is probably A- list in movies is ticked because she thinks her PR people are doing a lousy job of trying to make her publicity idea for a new movie go viral. Even the suck up tabloids are meh when writing about it.

Blake Lively/deleting Instagram

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 1, 2018

I'm guessing that the truth of the ongoing affair and possible pregnancy of the current mistress is what finally caused the turn of events yesterday between this reality family and this celebrity who seems to be going down in flames like so many who came into the orbit of the family.

Tristan Thompson/Kim Kardashian unfollowing him

Blind Item #10 - Met Gala

Once again this foreign born former A+ list designer dressed multiple women from China. Once again also, this designer made sure most of the models who showed off the dresses for the Chinese women and their millionaire boyfriends were 14-16. The men were treated to the teens showing off multiple looks and close circuit video of the teens changing outfits. Most of the men also tried to make deals with the teens for sex. The former A+ lister needs the money so is ready and willing to help out however he can.

Blind Item #9 - Met Gala

At some point in your life, when you are still bending over to do coke or even trying to be discreet, you have to wonder why. This foreign born model/actress/mother looked ancient last night and one wonders if the non stop coke use has anything to do with it. She looked rough and used any excuse to dip a finger in her vial or pour a little on the table in front of her. I think she thinks she looks cool and hip. 

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 1, 2018

This A list rapper has been told by doctors he will die in the next two months if he doesn't kick his sizzurp habit. Despite almost nearly dying a few months ago, he is doing as much, if not more than he was before hospitalization.

Rick Ross

Met Gala Photos Part Nine

Brooke Shields
Kate Bosworth
Donatella Versace
Amanda Seyfried
Lily Colins
Rita Ora
Olivia Munn
Hailee Steinfeld

Blind Item #8 - Met Gala

The duo who did the most drugs during the night, not even waiting for an after party was this actor/singer and the ingenue who sings, but has not had a hit in a bit. They were also all over each other.

Met Gala Photos Part Eight

Amber Heard
Anne Hathaway
Ruby Rose
Mindy Kaling
Ashley Graham
Diane Kruger
Uma Thurman

Blind Item #7 - Met Gala

For the second consecutive year, a fight nearly broke out. This year it was between this foreign born A list model/horrible actress who nearly came to blows with this foreign born former model turned actress/drug addict. The reason? The celebrity offspring of this permanent A++ list celebrity with whom they have taken turns sleeping with. Apparently the bad actress took offense to the way the offspring was treated by the drug addict.

Met Gala Photos Part Seven

Nick Jonas
Greta Gerwig
Taylor Hill
Sarah Paulson
Shailene Woodley
Shawn Mendes and Hailey Baldwin
Zoe Kravitz

Blind Item #6 - Met Gala

The Anna disapproval of what you are wearing should have probably gone to Kendall Jenner, but that family can do no wrong in Anna's eyes. Instead, the scourge was this permanent A list model. When told, the model said, "F**k her, she won't be back next year anyway."

Met Gala Photos Part Six

Tessa Thompson
Sofia Coppola
Sean Combs and Cassie
Paris Jackson, Stella McCartney and Miley Cyrus
Idris Elba and Sabrina Dhowre
Janelle Monae
Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen

Met Gala Photos Part Five

Juliette Binoche
Michelle Williams
Priyanka Chopra
Paul Bettany and Jennifer Connelly
Mackenzie Davis
Naomi Watts and Michael Kors
Emily Ratajkowski

Blind Item #5 - Met Gala

This talk show host was being pious with his ice water in public view. That flask however made multiple appearances. 

Met Gala Photos Part Four

Emilia Clarke
Sarah Jessica Parker and Andy Cohen
Lana Del Rey and Jared Leto
Bella Hadid
Kerry Washington
Alicia Vikander
Scarlett Johansson

Blind Item #4 - Met Gala

This B+ list rapper/possible recent father was seen hitting on this B+ list mostly movie actress who has a franchise under her belt. He got really upset when she turned him down flat. He said some not kind words to her.

Met Gala Photos Part Three

Michael B Jordan
Selena Gomez
Donald Glover
Gigi Hadid
Ariana Grande
Mary J Blige
Blake Lively