Saturday, May 19, 2018

Blind Item #8

This foreign born just about permanent A list singer of an A list group is cheating on his A- list actress/celebrity offspring girlfriend.

Blind Item #7

Apparently this serial cheating/loving her booze A list singer is pregnant. That is what her cheating new boyfriend is telling people. 

Blind Item #6

This B/B- list actor is slowly being pushed out of the show each week and probably won't be back next season for this long running hit show. He is using again. His girlfriend was basically the only person keeping him sober and now she is gone.

Blind Item #5

This foreign born celebrity offspring who has done frequent reality gigs cheated on his wife while she was pregnant. 

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 11, 2018

So, it appears that ending the feud was all for show and an attempt to create a buzz for this network show that is not up to the standards it used to be. Plus, the highest paid part of the show wants to come back so figured her stunt might help, especially if the former enemy appears on the show.

Katy Perry/Taylor Swift/American Idol

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 11, 2018

This movie director was threatened with being fired if he didn't defend and support this A+ list mostly movie actor even though the actor was in the wrong. This is going to be an awful movie.

Johnny Depp/Brad Furman/Labyrinth

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 11, 2018

This A+ list mostly movie actor who is also a director promised to do something with a bunch of his residuals. So far though he hasn't and no one has called him out on it.

Ben Affleck/donate the Miramax/Harvey residuals to charity

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 10, 2018

This one named A- list rapper recently split from his wife. I already told you that. I already told you he was cheating when he split with her. Now he is cheating on the mistress with another woman. The wife should be happy she got out when she did.


Blind Item #4

This A+ list singer/not so good actor is having trouble with ticket sales to his shows. Like so many others the past few years who try and make as much money as possible by jacking up ticket prices to astronomical heights, he is slashing prices and dates to try and increase sales. 

Blind Item #3

The last time this foreign born A- list mostly movie director was at this film festival I wrote about him. What is just coming out now is that he sexually assaulted this at the time A- list mostly movie actress during the festival. An actress who was in one of his movies.

Blind Item #2 - Reader Blind Item

This blind is about the biggest story in London that was never reported.

In the 90s I worked in a restaurant that was located on the 15th floor of building off Oxford Street in London.  It had great views of the city with wall to wall windows.  Half the building was a hotel and the other floors were occupied by the BBC.  Due to the location of these offices we often served big and minor celebs in the restaurant.  I once made John Cleese and Michael Palin laugh (it doesn’t get much better than that).  I also once snapped at ‘Chelle and Sharon from Eastenders because they dared to try and order a drink when I was frazzled and having a minor panic attack.  I shared a lift with Ewan McGregor (unfortunately he didn’t hit on me) and put up with a grumpy ‘ol Dell boy!

This blind though doesn’t evolve from the mouths of celebs, but from the mouths of BBC news editors and journalists who were having a posh lunch and chat as an end of year celebration.    There were about 15 of them and of course about 90% men.   I’m Australian and one of them asked me in a deliberately condescending tone, “So, which part of the antipodes are you from?”.  Yes, they were those kind of fellows. 

As lunch was served and wine topped up, the conversation turned to deciding what was the biggest story that they had never reported.  As the conversation continued, I made sure to stay close to the table and eavesdrop.  Wouldn’t you?  They tossed around a few ideas and then they all decided on one story that they all knew about, but never reported or even whispered in the press. 

According to the journos and editors one of the most famous marriages in history ended because the fiery wife actually walked in on her A list husband in bed with one of his male friends.  So why was this never reported?  .  They all really liked the  A list man who was sprung playing sword fights with his able seaman.  (they were quite indifferent about the wife, who has never really been accepted in the upper echelons of British society).  They respected him too much personally to reveal the truth. 

Are you surprised?

Blind Item #1 - Reader Blind Item

For this former child actor - probably one of the most iconic faces of the 1990s because of this one appearance - it was like Hollywood all over again. Despite the barrage of offers that followed his breakout role, he walked away from the business. Part of it was that people liked him for being famous, rather than for being himself, and part of it was the predators in his midst. He knew why they liked him too.

So, as an adult, he got a degree in international relations, and dedicated himself to humanitarian work. He worked on improving access to education for girls in the mideast and elsewhere, but was especially interested in the plight of trafficked children. It turned out to be ugly, grueling work, officials, even parents and family, turning their backs on his efforts. But where as in the business he felt his only choice was to walk away, this was his calling.

Sadly, he died in August of last year. His death, by drowning, in a certain (basically) colony, was ruled an accident. But missing from his belongings was his latest and last notebook, which contained not only his usual musings - poems, musings, lyrics (the latter is the reason you'll know him - not his, but this probably permanent A list gen x front man's) - but extensive accounts of child trafficking by wealthy and powerful men in countries he had worked, and involvement by Westerners, including at least one music mogul known around here. He died a martyr's death, like his screen counterpart.

Friday, May 18, 2018

Blind Item #15

This former A list reality star who is a celebrity offspring and frequent reality show starrer recently went up one size in her breasts. She did it so people will think she weighs more than she does. She is tired of hearing people tell her she needs to eat more.

Blind Item #14

This foreign born A+ list athlete in his corner of the athletic world spent the past few nights trying to find a beard. He has been unable to find anyone in several years. Apparently word spreads quickly about how poorly he will treat you. His last long time beard recently has been telling people she was beaten multiple times by him.

Blind Item #13

I will believe your lame excuses about being too far along in the season to replace this disgraced actor. If I am to believe that was your only reason for not calling out his behavior though, then why invite him to do press for the show? Why have the rest of the cast there supporting him (except his on set wife who hates him more than just about anyone else she has ever met) and posing for photos with him and none of cast allowed to say one negative thing. Watch how fast your viewers flee. Amazon said no to him, but you keep saying yes in every word and action.

Blind Item #12

A guy is claiming that the money this former stripper/reality star and whatever else she has been was spending like crazy this week was money she stole from his safe after they hooked up with. She would probably just say it was her fee.

Blind Item #11

Whenever this couple gets papped as happened this past week, it can mean only one thing. This permanent A list mostly movie actress who was A+ list for almost two decades got busted cheating again with a co-star. Our actress then goes into loving couple mode and hey paps even though you never can find us, here we suddenly are so take your photos to see how loving we are.

Blind Item #10

This flash in the pan A- list singer turned celebrity turned reality star turned talk show host is doing her best to support the singer/child molester she hooked up with back in the day. Maybe she thinks he will help her music career.

Blind Item #9

With the feds investigating multiple companies belonging to this permanent A list rapper he didn't want that alliterate rapper out of his sight so that surprise trip was canceled.

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 11, 2018

This alliterate former A list singer turned out of shape aging guy who takes a lot of drugs is trying to rewrite history and convince the world his ex wasn't bisexual.

Bobby Brown/Whitney Houston

Four For Friday - The Curse

There was a room on the set of this back in the day hit sitcom. It was a room that the young stars of the show were told to never enter if they wanted to keep their careers alive. The adult actors stayed far away from the room. They were taking no chances. Apparently a year after this house was built, three young girls were murdered in the room. A horrific murder that took place after each had been raped by a man who then killed himself after.

Of course, kids being kids, most of them went past the temporary barriers set up to keep them out by the owners of the house. What happened to the kids?

The A list star of the show saw his career for no reason turn into a dumpster fire and he went from A to not working really quickly.

Another star of the show, went from having unlimited career possibilities to suddenly just getting a guest appearance or two a season and making crap movies no one knows exist.

One actor who had been an A list tweener made a guest appearance on the show and his career went from A-/B+ list to nowhere on the list.

There is no one from that show that went in that room that didn't have their career just wither on the vine and die. Or just die in real life like this once promising A-/B+ list actor.

As for the room? When the show ended, the owners tore down the entire house and built a new one.

Your Turn

Are you going to watch the royal wedding?

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 10, 2018

This permanent A+ list singer is on two dating apps but uses the picture of one of her assistants. Apparently, a first date is an invitation to the singer's home where the surprised men are subjected to a good hour of questions from the singer and a NDA to sign.


Blind Items Revealed #3

May 10, 2018

This A- list mostly movie actress says her businessperson/celebrity ex keeps texting naked pics of himself.

Amber Heard/Elon Musk

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 10, 2018

This former A+ list singer took his girlfriend out in public this week, but no one ever talks about the four underage teens that also live with him that no one does anything about because the four have no family that cares or even knows their situation.

R. Kelly

Blind Item #8

This seen every single day on every cable station media personality who desperately wants his own show cheated on his wife with multiple women and told his wife that was the way their marriage was going to be. She kicked him out.

Blind Item #7

This one named rapper who has so many other women pregnant at the same time as his A+ list rapper girlfriend that I can't keep track was with yet a different woman yesterday even though he told his girlfriend he was with other guys. He risked arrest just so she wouldn't find out.

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 10, 2018

Apparently that child molesting director is having no problems finding cast for his next movie. What he is having problems with is the studio wanting to announce he has a new movie in the works or finding anyone in his soon to be released movie willing to go out and talk about it.

Woody Allen

Blind Item #6

This underage celebrity offspring who every once in a while pops up on a reality television franchise was asked to leave an establishment for doing bumps of coke in a patio area with her significant other.

Blind Item #5

This one named rapper/producer/reality star sends his people to wait outside high schools or popular places for high school students to hang out. If they see someone attractive they go up to them and offer a card and explain they work for the rapper/producer/reality star and find some excuse to get the high school student to go over to the home of the rapper/producer/reality star. Once there they will be pressured to perform some type of sexual act before they are allowed to leave.

Blind Item #4

This A- list reality star with a side gig that keeps her from having to sell lollipops on Instagram missed a business event because she got hammered to the point of unconsciousness. That is not the story she gave her manager or the public though.

Blind Item #3

Don't believe the hype or whatever this A list mostly movie actor who shares a famous name says. He doesn't date women of color, well his own color at least. 

Blind Item #2

This late night talk show host likes answering questions from the public. Turns out though, the public needs to as the questions he wants asked or his staff just writes them and pretends they come from the public.

Blind Item #1 - Reader Blind

He was one of the first to arrive at the scene, and it was a scene he had witnessed several times before, but never with someone of this person's age.

You see: back in the day, before this world famous host classed it up, she swam in the same waters as the others, always trying to do a show more outrageous than the last. The one in question was on the theme of Parental Concern (which was the usual way of deflecting criticism about certain topics), and it involved a practice allegedly popular with bored and risk-taking teens. I remember watching this episode myself, boys on stage with their dads talking not just about a generally uncomfortable subject, but one that featured this added element.

Apparently after this episode aired there were copycat cases across the country, including at least two boys in this posh town basically across the water from a coastal city - the same place the celeb lived and died.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Blind Item #15

Despite him spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to support her when she was struggling, this former actress turned A+ list celebrity threw her dad under the bus. He now lives in near poverty.

Blind Item #14

This B+ list mostly movie actress all of you know is propping up her side business to make it look like it is doing well. It isn't. It is in the red almost $100K per month and she needs to bail on the business but thinks it will make her look bad.

Blind Item #13

She loves publicity more than anything, so yes, this former one season wonder turned spinoff reality star turned celebrity is perfectly willing to beard for this closeted wannabe full time reality star with the famous friends.

Blind Item #12

This late night talk show host/producer likes to think inside his head that he didn't try and do whatever he could to make sure this former A list comedian/reality star lost some work and force friends to make decisions about her which impacted her ability to get work.

Blind Item #11

In order to give the story an edge, this producer/long time manager needed a villain, even if it was just a documentary. Enter someone who isn't around any longer to defend herself. I think what the producer/manager didn't count on was all the dirt this former A list singer has on the producer/manager. Should be some interesting fireworks this summer.

Blind Item #10 - Early Retirement - Mr. Hedge

About 3 decades ago, he was the producer of a very hit network TV show.

He left the business in his early 50s, at the height of his success. 

About a decade ago, he was found with a large stash of particularly horrific child porn, and sent to prison. 

If you read an arrest report from the Feds online - he expressed a clear interest in having sex with a very young boy, when busted by an undercover officer in the online chat room.

The last 2 TV series he was involved with featured many children.

Considering all of this - why did he retire from Hollywood at that age, at the height of his success?

Who knows what he may have gotten away with, while around all those child actors in Hollywood for decades.  If there is anything to be exposed, you know the sorts of people to contact.

last hit show:
next to last hit show:

Blind Item #9

Yes, he is cheating on his B list (A list in her mind) singer/wife.  No, it's not the gorgeous costar he gets papped laughing with while they film.  He wishes.  His costar will have no part of his obvious hints that he's open to cheating.  She just laughs along and then keeps him at arms length.
Yes, there's reason for his wife to constantly stalk him because anytime he gets more than a mile away from her, he's looking for a conquest.  But the wife is looking in the wrong direction.  For now he's cheating with just an assistant of the show...but if his newly single costar gave the word, he'd be there. 

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 10, 2018

The record label of our favorite foreign born B+ list actress/singer spent a ton of money to make sure the new single of our singer went to #1 on the charts its first week.

Rita Ora

Today's Blind Items - The Payments

If you have ever wondered how this former A list mostly movie actor who is basically a disgraced bum at this point in his life has enough money to live on every year, it is not because of his residuals. It is because of something that happened a couple decades ago. There was this very young actress on the set of this very very hit movie. She really had no reason to be in the movie, but this A+ list director always finds a reason. Apparently our former A list actor found the director molesting the young actress. They made a deal and our actor agreed to not tell anyone. The actor then joined in on the molesting. The actor has money deposited in his bank account every month or legal bills paid when he needs it. It is why the actor still can get work too, when so many others wouldn't be able to.

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 9, 2018

This former A+/A list singer is burning through money at a rapid rate. So, why not do what she did back in the day and go on tour. The thing is though, this is not back in the day. She should have taken the residency offer she got, but she thinks it is beneath her.

Christina Aguilera

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 9, 2018

This stripper turned celebrity turned reality star turned part-time porn star turned celebrity might have played that pregnancy card the wrong way. It looks like her boyfriend realized being tied to her forever was not what he wanted.

Blac Chyna/YBN Almighty Jay

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 9, 2018

This mainstream newspaper is trying to get the world to normalize child porn so that people will see it the same way as alcohol addiction - as a sickness rather than something criminal. Umm, no.

New York Times

Blind Item #8

After a good three months being clean and sober, this former Disney actress turned future porn star is back on meth. I blame her boyfriend who constantly uses it in front of her.

Blind Item #7

This former A+ list mostly movie actress who doesn't really act any longer was kicked out of a grocery store this past week for vaping pot inside it.

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 9, 2018

The season finale of this network show really was a real life cliffhanger. Apparently the star of the show has not decided if he wants this city named actress to return and wants her to dangle a bit before making a decision. He thinks she wronged him, so her fate is in the air until he decides if he can work with her.

Michael Weatherly/Geneva Carr/Bull

Blind Item #6

Don't believe the hype. This A list singer wants no children. None. So, whenever I see anything about he and his celebrity girlfriend wanting kids, it is coming out of thin air. I suppose it could be coming from her people trying to force his hand, but that seems odd. He likes focusing on himself.

Blind Item #5

This network show recently got picked up from a pilot. The lead actress was told she wasn't going to be part of the series because of several reasons but it is mainly because the network thought she was too old. They want someone a few decades younger who will sometimes get half naked. The lead actor quit the show in solidarity with his co-star.

Blind Item #4

This former A+ list singer who has been in the news a lot in the past couple weeks has not been getting along at all with her duet partner for a performance this weekend with this former tweener turned A- list adult singer. There is no talk of canceling the song they are supposed to sing, but the former A+ lister has asked for the other singer to be removed.

Blind Item #3

Three out of the four invited of this former A list group have slept with the groom. Two of the four have slept with the groom's brother.

Blind Item #2

This former actress turned upcoming bride arranged to have one of her exes paid $250K if he would remain silent about their past. It looks like it worked.

Blind Item #1

It is always the foreign born long time closeted A- list mostly movie actors who say the worst things about homosexuals isn't it?

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Blind Item #15

Every year I think this is the year that this foreign born just about permanent A list model known for a certain kind of modeling, will quit yachting. Every year I am proved wrong and this year is no exception. Apparently what she earns in a few weeks in the spring far exceeds what she makes in modeling and endorsements which is a significant sum.

Blind Item #14

This widow is relieved that people will never get to see certain pictures because it wouldn't take them long to put two and two together.

Blind Item #13

This foreign born A- dual threat actress who is in a very big upcoming movie and is in a very big television show was hitting the coke hard last night at a party. 

Blind Item #12

This former A- list mostly television actress from a hit show still on the air even if she isn't, is chatting up young tweens on the internet again. It wouldn't shock me if she was part of NXIVM or wanted to be. 

Blind Item #11

That serial cheating one named A- list rapper who finally broke it off with his wife so he could be with his favorite mistress didn't disclose all that when he dumped his wife. He led her to believe they would be best friends and had her sign a NDA. Now that she knows the truth, she wants to tell the world about some other things, but can't. 

Blind Item #10

I think this former reality star turned celebrity turned former reality star with a side gig turned reality star should pay attention to one of the people on her new reality show. Psst. They are sleeping with your husband.

Blind Item #9

No need to play it safe Mr. technically born in a foreign country former A list tween actor turned less famous sibling when calling out a former teen actor turned adult actor/singer and all around tool. You and I both know he doesn't ask about age before sliding into those DM's.

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 9, 2018

I didn't think it was possible that this former A list tween actress could go any older in the men that she dates, but the barely in her 30's former actress went from a guy in his 60's to one in his late 70's. She is becoming the Padma Lakshmi of her generation.

Ashley Olsen

Today's Blind Items - Don't Ever Come Back

Want to watch a solid acting career go down in flamed? Look no further than this former A/A- list mostly television actor who was only that high in his corner of the television world. Sadly, there is not much left of that corner any longer. Anyway, this actor had a good run going and then walked away when he thought he could make it bigger in movies. As I have said many times, never leave a hit. He did, and when his movie career crashed before it even started, he limped back to television. For about a month. Our actor is married, but kept trying to have sex with extras and walk ons. Apparently the complaints were numerous and he was fired.

Word got around and he had some trouble finding work for a few years. Finally someone gave him another chance and the same behavior repeated itself. He was fired even more quickly than the last time. Unbelievably, someone gave him yet a final chance and he blew that by doing the same thing. He hasn't worked since. He took a career and threw it away because he was used to being able to get away with what he did at the show he left, but at the other shows, people actually cared about what happened on set and put their foot down. 

Your Turn

At this point, I pretty much think anyone who says Yanny is just messing around, but give it a listen and let me know if you hear Yanny.

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 9, 2018

Everyone thinks this is a PR stunt for the new season of her show, but nope, this former A list singer back in the day really did start dating a married man who has a wife who is pregnant. I'm not sure what kind of publicity the former A lister is expecting, but it won't be good.

Sandra Denton aka Pepa

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 8, 2018

It is very interesting that yachting photos of this former actress turned future bride popped up out of nowhere. There are way more detailed photos out there which are no big deal in the grand scheme of Hollywood things, but would be a very big deal to her future husband and his family, especially considering she hasn't told any of them about that part of her past.

Meghan Markle

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 8, 2018

Met Gala

This A+ list reality star was wishing her significant other could have attended. Umm, he was persona non grata this year, not because of his recent stances, but because of something else he did the last time he was at the ball a couple years ago.

Kim Kardashian/Kanye West

Blind Item #8

Apparently things are not going well without this A list producer, so executives at this large movie studio are going to just give him a slap on the wrist for all his bad behavior towards women and welcome him back with open arms.

Blind Item #7

It isn't the former partying this former almost A- list mostly movie actress is scared about when she hits town, it is all the people she owes money to or wronged that she is scared of seeing and being confronted about it.

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 8, 2018

Met Gala

This permanent A+ list singer was invited, but said no. Actually she said hell no, but you get the point. Some of the people she dislikes the most all at one party is not a recipe for success. A family member did attend, and had some remarks she made to that foreign born B+ lister we all know.

Beyonce/Solange Knowles/Rita Ora

Blind Item #6

Things did not go well when this married permanent A list mostly movie actor asked this former A+ list rapper/wannabe actor whether it was true if the rapper was gay. Apparently our actor has a huge crush. The rapper/wannabe actor thought it was a setup and almost got physical with the actor.

Blind Item #5

This A- list initialed rapper/wannabe actor publicly admitted this weekend that he cheats on his wife but expects her to stick with him. He probably also expects her to be faithful. Well, he is going to be a bit disappointed with that one.

Blind Item #4

This celebrity offspring gave her best yachting recruitment speech the other night to this model who is the latest to be spotted on the arm of this A+ list mostly movie actor. It was no coincidence the actor brought the model to that restaurant. He knew the offspring would be there.

Blind Item #3

This directionally challenged rapper had his people combing through this camshow porn party for women to take back to his place after. I don't know if it was to just hookup or if he was going to try to use them in his other money making venture.

Blind Item #2

Speaking of closeted, apparently this married B_ list mostly television actress from a hit network and almost network show is set to come out with the full support of her significant other.

Blind Item #1

This closeted former A+ list rapper walked away from his secret lover when he discovered the secret lover had been hooking up with an A- list singer.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Blind Item #15

This permanent A list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee continues to get more violent as he ages. His actress wife tends to spend as much time away from him as she can. She only shows up for family vacations and work events.

Blind Item #14

I have written about this alliterate actress wannabe yachter several times over the past few months. Apparently she has signed on with that madam I wrote to you about yesterday. She was told about her from that former D list alliterate celebrity.

Blind Item #13

This A- list reality star who used to be famous for something else in his life should be on the lookout for that coke filled sex tape he probably doesn't remember shooting. It will end whatever career he has left, which shouldn't be any after his past actions.

Blind Item #12

It is now an annual tradition that this A-/B+ list mostly movie actress who seemingly only works in a long long running movie franchise is back yachting. Her only rule is there has to be at least one other woman involved.

Blind Item #11

This foreign born A- list mostly television actor who stars in a decent hit pay cable show is not looking forward to the press for the new season. Our still beloved by former teens and young adults everywhere says he needs to lose 20 pounds because the producers are starting to whisper he looks nothing like his character this season.

Blind Item #10 - Circle Of Friends - Mr. Hedge

This mogul was an investor in a pedophile-front entertainment company back in the day.

A few years ago, he financed a film.  The film has the sort of story you would expect.  The film was written and directed by former lovers / current friends of that disgraced A-list director. 

Disgraced A-list Director
Director’s friends / film’s writer & director:

Blind Item #9

This former A list mostly movie actor who is in a family of actors says he loved the most recent movie he made because it gave him a chance to be king of the hill again and also because the director encouraged him to have sex as much as possible with the cast.

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 8, 2018

Met Gala

This foreign born A- list celebrity just because of who she is was spotted half in the bag and making out with a man who had to be four decades older than our celebrity.

Princess Beatrice

Today's Blind Items - One Crazy Week

What do you get when you cross a business trip with a personal trip with an upcoming marriage? You get a lot of lies, broken hearts and some really messed up situations. This A+ list power broker has been in the news a lot this past week. During that crazy week, not only did he cheat on the at the time A- list mostly movie actress he was supposed to marry, he also had sex with another soon to be bride and busted up a third relationship by hooking up with an ex who was dating an at the time A- list mostly movie actor.

Of course our power broker tried to hide all of this, but even he couldn't keep up with the web of lies and trail of used hotel suites he was maintaining all that weekend. The A- list mostly movie actor got back at his girlfriend by hooking up one night with this foreign born permanent A+ list model. The A- list mostly movie actress? She never recovered. It broke her heart forever.

Your Turn

Favorite food to get delivered.

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 8, 2018

Met Gala

This mogul/wannabe rapper ditched his date multiple times last night in an attempt to rekindle a romance he had back in the day with this foreign born A-/B+ list mostly movie actress who is no stranger to being the other woman. She didn't say no and the pair are supposed to meet up today.

Sean Combs/Cassie/Sienna Miller

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 8, 2018

Met Gala

For the second consecutive year, a fight nearly broke out. This year it was between this foreign born A list model/horrible actress who nearly came to blows with this foreign born former model turned actress/drug addict. The reason? The celebrity offspring of this permanent A++ list celebrity with whom they have taken turns sleeping with. Apparently the bad actress took offense to the way the offspring was treated by the drug addict.

Cara Delevingne/Ruby Rose/Paris Jackson

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 8, 2018

Met Gala

This B+ list rapper/possible recent father was seen hitting on this B+ list mostly movie actress who has a franchise under her belt. He got really upset when she turned him down flat. He said some not kind words to her.

Travis Scott/Laura Harrier

Blind Item #8

The widow is pitching a new documentary. Her last one was rejected. This one she really wants to be a Making A Murderer type documentary which she is slanting heavily to her side of the story. She wants to hire some of the medical professionals from Being Jon Benet to have them tell the version of events she believes to be true.

Blind Item #7

This reality star from the show in the bar says she once sexually serviced this permanent A+ list mostly movie director after a dare.

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 8, 2018

Met Gala

A war of words last night between this A list singer and a former featured act on one of her songs. Their feud has been going on quietly behind the scenes, but last night was one of the first times they had been in the same place in a long time. A couple instances of some yelling directed at the A lister.

Katy Perry/Migos

Blind Item #6

This three named actress is heading back to work soon and has already been having one on one dinner meetings with one of the producers. I'm sure her significant other loves that.

Blind Item #5

It would probably be a good idea if this foreign born former A list syndicated actress would tell everyone she is being paid a huge sum of money from an industry to make the ads she says are a public service.

Blind Item #4

This alliterate former A list singer who has a different given name is bragging about how he got this three named singer pregnant once and made her get an abortion before he would give her a song.

Blind Item #3

This pregnant A+ list rapper is self medicating. Probably not a good idea.

Blind Item #2

It seems that this rapper didn't really care about the escorting work this former stripper/model/reality star did to earn a buck. What he cared about is that she hooked up with her baby's father and tried to get pregnant by him.

Blind Item #1

Since she has kicked her drug and booze problem, this foreign born A list rapper thinks she needs some work, After the less than stellar reaction to her fillers and botox, she wants to go under the knife.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Blind Item #15

This A- list mostly television actor from a long running hit network show is a celebrity offspring. He also brutally beat an escort just before Christmas last year and wrote a very big check.

Blind Item #14

Look for this alliterate A- list mostly television actress to be called out for behavior she is accusing others of.

Blind Item #13

This foreign born B- list actress was famous as an actress at one point in her life, but that fame now seems to be linked to her very famous husband who used to have a very big job. It won't be for long if she has her way. He is once again cheating on her.

Blind Item #12

This foreign born A- list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee was expecting her actor significant other to show up at a very big event for the actress. As usual, he managed to find an excuse not to.

Blind Item #11

This former A list reality star was on a hit show and has kind of revived that hitness. Always a jerk towards women, apparently much of that jerk attitude stems from the fact he has performance issues from the drugs he takes but always blames the women in his life.

Blind Item #10

This A list mostly action movie actor is really going full a-hole mode in an attempt to make him look like the victim in his recent marriage breakup. Couldn't be further from the truth. He is the one to blame.

Blind Item #9

There was a law passed a few years ago in California, which was supposed to help protect children working in entertainment from child molesters.  Unfortunately, it looks like nobody in the business is in compliance with this law, and nobody really cares, either. 

Blind Items Revealed #5

I went back looking for this blind item, convinced it had been revealed a decade ago. Apparently it never was, or at least I can't find that it was. I remembered the generalities of it, but wanted to review it in light of what happened to him this week. Here it is.

April 4, 2007

So this publicity hungry singer has a pretty bad reputation already. Seems that at a show he did not so long ago he went completely out of control. (He would've given Joe Francis a run for his money) Before the show even started he presented a challenge to his crew. "First one who scores 20 Xanax for me gets a plasma television." Thirty minutes later a member of the crew was looking at new plasmas on the internet.

During this particular concert our singer was the opening act. Instead of retreating to the dressing room or his bus, the singer decided to hang around on the side of the stage. There were several attractive young women and he went up to each. While he was talking to them he would grab their butt and bring them closer to him. If they tried to get away he would grab them and make them struggle to get away.

After the concert, the tour bus was crowded. Primarily on board were girls/women of the late teenage variety. Some were openly making out with members of the backing band and crew. Other girls/women were passed out. Those that were passed out were being drawn on with a Sharpie by our singer. His favorite thing to draw were pictures of male genitalia around their mouths and obscene words on any exposed part of their body. If there was not enough skin exposed he would expose it.

If a girl was passed out and didn't have a friend with her to take her home, they would just leave the girl there passed out and drive to the next city. When the girl woke up, they would kick her off the bus, no matter the location and let her fend for herself. Of course they can choose a different option instead, but it involves every member of the band with the singer going first.

Howie Day

Today's Blind Items - She Wants To Be Called Madam

She has done multiple cable reality shows and she has done porn. She knows she won't get anything other than a few one season type reality shows, and her yachting days will come to an eventual end. So, what does she want to do? She wants to be a madam. She has dabbled in it in the past with some success and one very big public failure which was previously documented here. Because of friends she has made, she has more connections with Eastern Europeans. This week, she has managed to assemble a group of about a dozen who will be fanning out for the next few weeks all over the southern coast of France. She has been remarkably efficient at this, I think because she actually has experience doing this. All of her past entrepreneurial endeavors have been doomed to fail because she didn't know what she was doing and has to rely too much on outside help. She knows this business model. It would not shock me to see her really succeed at this and make a ton of money. I do think her ego will eventually lead to her downfall, but for now, she really does have a good thing going. 

Your Turn

The fictional character you would most like to hook up with.

Blind Item #4

May 7, 2018

This former A+ list singer is playing down her being denied an invitation to the Met Ball tonight, but she called in a million favors to try and get the invite, but Anna was having none of it.

Lady GaGa

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 7, 2018

I honestly didn't even think this foreign born A- list celebrity who is only that high because of marriage drank. It is kind of surprising in the context of her relationship that she wouldn't, but I had never really heard anyone talking about it. Last night though, she got hammered. Absolutely hammered and she was delightful. Her husband wasn't thrilled, but who cares what he thinks at this point. All that covering she does for him all the time.

Amal Clooney

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 7, 2018

Speaking of drugs, this permanent A list comedian didn't even bother trying to hide the wide variety of drugs he takes every day. He was fumbling for a piece of paper in his pocket and out on to the table came a pharmacy.

Dave Chappelle

Blind Item #8

This foreign born A list superhero is back on the underage teen bandwagon after hooking up with someone from his home country in the past couple of weeks. 

Blind Item #7

This A-/B+ list actress most well known for a now defunct hit network show had been doing pretty well maintaining her sobriety. The actress did some day drinking the other day though and took multiple stumbles and falls during the 20 foot walk to an Uber.

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 7, 2018

This B+ list actor/writer sure is enjoying the freedom not to hide his serial cheating. He actually left back at his place the woman he has been seeing the past few weeks to go on a date with this A list mostly movie actress. The one back home didn't figure it out until she saw pap pics the next day.

Justin Theroux/Emma Stone

Blind Item #6

This daytime talk show host is still technically married, but her husband doesn't live with her any longer. She won't tell that to anyone of course and insists her marriage is perfect.

Blind Item #5

Everyone knows the child exists. The thing is that the general public doesn't know the child's father is this permanent A list rapper even though the child lives with his father. It;s interesting because he refers to his children so often in his work, but is strangely silent about his son.

Blind Item #4

The PR team of this oft troubled A-/B+ list actress who is a former A lister from multiple hit network shows is trying to get her work. No one wants to hire the actress so the team is leaking a bunch of feel god stories to try and get producers interested again.

Blind Item #3

it's amazing how hands off this disgraced A- list dual threat actor was with the woman he was with until he saw the paps. At that point they were all over each other until the paps left. Then, it was back to separation.

Blind Item #2

Apparently this legendary permanent A+ list band is about to lose another band member if things cannot be put right very quickly.

Blind Item #1

One half of this familial modeling duo has been noticeably absent from recent modeling assignments as of late. Her drug addiction is so bad it is really hard for her to go overseas for long unless she knows there is a supply source. 

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Blind Item #8

This A list mostly television actress who is a celebrity offspring doesn't want to come out. She thinks if she does, people will talk about that rather than her acting. 

Blind Item #7

This permanent A+ list singer is footing the legal bills(so far) for this recently disgraced record producer.

Blind Item #6

This former tween actor turned perpetual arrestee is talking a lot of talk, but he is so messed up on drugs that is the only thing he is focused on.

Blind Item #5

This probable flash in the pan A+ list rapper is having a meltdown because she found out about yet another two women her significant other is hooking up with. I think that brings the total to six.

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 7, 2018

This former A+ list rapper said he doesn't care about the past of people, only their future. I guess this is why he invited a convicted child molester to be on his new record.

Kanye West/6ix9ine

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 6, 2018

This entertainer/actor has already moved on and is hooking up with one of the stars of this reality show which involves the entertainment part of the actor's career.

John Cena/Becky Lynch

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 6, 2018

Speaking of permanent A listers. This mogul/wannabe singer is about to be taken down by some former employees who were also reality stars. Look for them to start talking about their horrific experiences when they were alone with him.

Sean Combs

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 6, 2018

Within the next week or two, everything is going to come crashing down for this permanent A list rapper. The sexual harassment and discrimination at his companies is going to come to light and many of them will be talking about him.

Jay Z

Blind Item #4

He didn't just come right out and call this permanent A+ list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee a racist, but this A- list director made it clear to everyone who can read between the lines that is what he is saying in an interview. It is true too.

Blind Item #3

This openly out A- list mostly movie actress in a relationship is hooking up with her French ex. This, after she was hooking up with a different actress not so long ago. Quite the solid relationship she has.

Blind Item #2

Pretty telling that the PR team for this perpetual yachter/celebrity offspring is using a very old photo of her kissing her foreign born celebrity ex. Everyone assumes it is current.

Blind Item #1

This foreign based tabloid is ticked  because they offered this never before a celebrity some money for photos but he turned them down. Turns out he just got a much higher offer so they want to turn it into a scandal now when they tried to do the same thing.