Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Blind Item #11

This B list celebrity offspring is soon to be married. She had a book a few years ago and was going to do a whole book signing tour but cut it short because the only people who showed up were people from her parents generation who were hoping to spot her parents. 


  1. Replies
    1. Schwarzenegger/Chris Pratt

    2. +1. No clue what advice she has to offer

    3. She wrote a book about achieving your inner beauty etc/self help type stuff. The goal is to raise self esteem on young women I believe-graduate of USV I think

    4. I think she’s lovely. Apparently she bright as well....
      Arnold and Maria proud

    5. I’ll take your word. Find Pratt so weird.

    6. Yeah he’s not my cup of tea ☕️ either

  2. She's a huge drop off from Anna Faris. But she prays along with Chris so there's that.

  3. She's written quite a few books about different things. Including family.

  4. Also a kids book and a book on how to follow up on graduating college.

  5. awesome. prior to Pratt i didn't even know she existed. i knew they had kids, but yall know what i mean.

  6. Yeah no way Pratt is staying faithful, if his church doesn't hook him up with sidepieces he'll definitely be using hookers again. Although she's a Kennedy, guys screwing around is the family's second greatest tradition after drinking.

  7. She’ll give him a kid within a year of marriage and be the SAHM he always wanted Anna to be. He can then fuck whoever on set and then “repent” when he’s done filming.

  8. i think she's cute as a bug. don't know anything about her, really, but i like her mom.

  9. On an episode of her podcast, Anna Faris was talking with some guest about frequency of sex, and admitted/bragged she liked to have sex pretty much every day. She seems sweet, self-aware of her neediness, and funny.
    Would one of you please introduce me to her?

  10. Do NOT like Pratt - there's something off about him. Like... he wears dirty underwear and/or keeps bottles of urine in his fridge.

  11. He's a slob who looks way older than his years. I hear he is funny. The Creepy Christian vibe is strong with Pratt, some part Jim Bob Duggar.

  12. LOL @AppleThief

    Agreed @Teirney

  13. I cannot stand Chris Pratt, he is skeevy.
    With that said, I am sure he wants to get into politics so this marriage is motivated by many things. Her pedigree/connections being the biggest part. She will always have money and always be accepted into high society, she is a Kennedy after all.
    He on the other hand, is a crappy actor who's only hope at being truly connected is to marry into it.

  14. @Tricia She's not that bright. She's marrying Pratt.

  15. Pratt and Anna are both pieces of shit because they give away old cats and dogs.

  16. She and the other females in the Kennedy clan are used to their menfolk cheating on their wives. Her dad Arnold is also a big ol' cheat, so when Pratt strays she won't blink. Sad, because she seems like a nice girl, if a bit dull and toothy.

  17. OK, well, I'll say, I like them together & am rooting for them!!
    OMG @Tierney, that made me laugh though!!

  18. Amen to your comment Shaddup Mimsey. I couldn’t agree more.

  19. @ Tricia 13 did you miss all the blinds about her thinking Pratt is an idiot and making fun of his church behind his back? She sees this as a step up and a power couple maneuver. She may be lovely but she is also an opportunist.

  20. Hasn't she made comments to the effect that she's one step short of an atheist?

  21. Pratt isn’t Christian. Hillsong is a cult. They just say they’re Christian.

  22. Arnold S. daughter —- Radar said her first was a child book—- name recognition paid a huge part of top seller
    I don’t think it’s love that quickly and marriages don’t last long in Hollyweird..
    The blind about praying before sex, that’s too much for
    Anyway do you, you’re going to do that anyway

  23. Pratt grabbed himself a giant cross, a few Easters ago and lugged it out to the desert to plant it on a hill. Pretty Christian, sounds like, except Jesus probably didn't carry the cross most of the way in a Silverado.

  24. Jesus was most likely a Ford Truck man like Toby Keith.

  25. That theological question did give me pause but I suspect you are right Heather. ;P

  26. Anonymous4:33 PM

    If her husband is in a cult, there will be nothing but trouble, and it will end in tears.
    I have a loved one...most important person in my life...who has been sucked into something like this. Trust me... It is pure hell
