Thursday, January 17, 2019

Blind Item #11

This alliterate permanent A list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee was passing out edibles to TSA agents this week to thank them for working without pay. I also think he was high as a kite.


  1. Kindness blind....

  2. Hmm. If he was as high as a kite why was he on the airport? Kites usually land on and take off from peoples rooftops, as far as i know!

  3. <—- runs to buy a TSA outfit and then heads to Matt’s local airport ✈️

  4. Now that Enty and the Enterns know what edibles are, we are going to get tons more of these types of blinds.

  5. Are we sure they didn't just steal his stash? I mean really, which is the more likelier scenario?

  6. Do TSA agents work on private airfields too? Coz Matt M will be flying private if i am not mistaken!

  7. OT

    Whoa, Prince Philip just rolled his suv and survived without injury!

  8. Yes! He was driving! 97!!

  9. Prince of an imaginary kingdom.

  10. Edibles? How underwhelming

  11. how is a 97 year old even allowed to drive??? and the two in the other car WERE injured.


  12. Matthew is always high or in the process of getting high..
    I wonder did he bathe? He's been well to stink like a pig..

  13. Brayson87: True story. About 3 weeks ago, post shutdown, I was checking my firearm with TSA before flying to a “dry” state. I had my boots packed opposite my firearms case, and to both the agents and my surprise, he reached into one of my boots, and pulled out a glass container filled with 30 joints. I held my breath. He looked at it, pushed it back into my boot shaft, and continued his business checking the firearm.

    I’ll never pack my guns and weed together again. I’ve gotten pretty lax. I’m so grateful to that agent. Won’t do that again. I just had never had the agent do anything other than check to make sure gun was unloaded and in a locked case.

  14. So Close got it from him?

  15. @Donna, that's some gangsta sh!t right there haha. I think everybody is caring less about weed nowadays. Then again since he already knew you had at least one firearm maybe he didn't want to roll the dice on you freaking out.

  16. trufflepig - edibles are any sort of edible (brownies, gummy bears, sugared orange wedges, cupcake, etc) that's been infused with THC, the active component in weed that gets people high.

    it's a way to get high on THC without smoking anything.

  17. Weed is legal in my state. However, since airports are under Federal control, we often see drug dogs sniffing everyone as they pass from the TSA agent checking ID/boarding pass, to the security scanners.

  18. Matty Mac. And he doesn't fly private. People see him all the time on the Austin-LA Southwest flight.

  19. TSA agents have to pass urine analysis and get randoms also. He must have been too high if he wasn't aware of that.

  20. Nope. Calling Shenanigans. Just flew and we tried to give the TSA Agents Starbucks GCs and someone else tried to give chocolates and they can’t acceot anything w/out getting fired on the spot. He may have “tried” but it didn’t actually happen.

  21. actor
    name and surname same letter
    oscar winner

    alrite alrite alrite

  22. Prince Philip always drives around the estate. That’s pretty much the only thing that he does. Apparently he really enjoys it.

  23. Donna is my new hero.

  24. @Brayson and DM: 😎

  25. This should definitely be a kindness blind!
