Thursday, January 31, 2019

Blind Item #11

Apparently the $500 per session this talk show host/Ryan Seacrest mini me is paying an escort is not enough. She thinks he is being cheap so is talking to the tabloids about her years long relationship with the married host. 


  1. Replies
    1. He’s expecting baby number 10 I think lol

  2. He's such a pig! Still living off the glory days of being a teen star 25+ years ago, you're a real winner Mario!

  3. I'm going to say Jason Kennedy, same network as Ryan. And he's almost as smarmy as Mario.

  4. $500 per session? We'd need to know more about the sessions and see the escort before making a ruling.

  5. Wtf is wrong with that guy?

  6. And don’t hookers have a set fee? Is he not paying what they agreed on? I hate cheaters and whores

  7. i agree with her
    $500 is not enough to not talk
    that's for the session, not the silence
    just sayin

  8. If she wants a raise, she needs to ask for one. If she doesn't get it, she needs to find a new trick. Whores make shit too complicated sometimes.

  9. Anonymous12:30 PM

    She should get a raise for confidentiality.

  10. He probably needs one of those NYC lawyers who pay off hookers for you.

  11. I agree with Beth. I wouldn't compare Mario to Ryan but Jason Kennedy would be a chip off the old block.

  12. Welp, if he can't stay faithful to his wife, at least it's nice to know he's spent years being loyal to his hooker.

  13. Shouldn’t she have gotten a review and a raise (and perhaps even a bonus) each year? Sounds like a very dedicated employee!

  14. If you take money, you should keep your mouth SHUT.

  15. Mario Lopez looks really fucking good and he is a highly capable and polished show host.

    He should not have to impress in any new ways, he is a fixture in his own right as much as Seacrest.

  16. If this is Jason Kennedy I will have to laugh! He's one of those Holy Roller bible thumpers. Sure do love it when they go down!

  17. And his wife is prego.
