Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Blind Item #12

This A- list actress from multiple hit shows airing simultaneously can say what she likes about not having plastic surgery, but she has. The thing is though, as I have previously said, the weight loss is not from plastic surgery so technically she is right about that, although, does she really want to admit to hoovering up Adderall. 


  1. +2. She was just berating some fan about not being supportive of women, when they asked her about surgery!

    1. “Supporting women” = kissing their asses, never holding them accountable and above all, never ever saying anything that isn’t 100% glowing, about them. Oh and blaming men for everything bad, and their strong independence for anything good. And women like me? That call that shit out? Internalized misogyny, of course! πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„

  2. Yup. Ariel. At least she’s not showing us every ounce of skin, like usual. I for one am very grateful for that. And so are my eyeballs.

  3. Is liposuction considered plastic surgery? She could have had that done, and works quicker than adderall. Of course what you lose by lazy means, you get back because your bad habits are still the same.

  4. Duckman's girlfriend (about to tell Duckman she's leaving him): "Duckman, I find this hard to say but I'm about to say the two words no man ever wants to hear, I'm lea..."

    Duckman (interrupting): "Breast reduction?!!!!!!!!!"

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. The best way to lose weight is to consume less calories. Exercise can't compete with the high calorie foods everywhere nowadays. Diets are bullshit. Just eat less calories, you can't gain what you don't consume. And that's where Adderall helps people cheat because not only does it kill hunger, food can actually make you nauseous. But the real question is, how many days can you go without sleep before you start hallucinating? Adderall does that too.

    1. THANK YOU! I had no idea why the thought of food makes me wanna barf sometimes!!! I’m on Adderall Extended Release for ADHD. I’ve never been a big eater, so that’s nothing new. But to NOT want food is weird. I gate when that happens! Cuz I lerve my fΓΌd!!

    2. I also gate when I don’t proofread. 🀦🏼‍♀️

    3. Another thing that works is making all your own food. From real ingredients. That way you know exactly what you’re eating, what the calorie amount is, you’re not eating too much (because there’s no msg and other appetite enhancers added), and you’re not bloating from too much salt and fat. It can be time consuming but it’s worth it. You’ll be less hungry too because it’s real food and has nutrients so your body won’t want more and more to meet the nutritional needs it doesn’t get from frankenfood.

  7. Sad that it took her this long to get on the amphetamine bandwagon. Wasn't one of the reasons for emancipation because her mother was trying to get her into eating disorders/adderall? Shoulda listened to mom.

  8. "We got a winner!" - Requiem for a Dream

    Adderall sounds like an actual gateway drug.

    1. Just watched that again recently. ❤️

    2. Purple in the morning, blue in the afternoon, orange in the evening...and green at night


  9. She had a boob reduction when she was 17. She is open about this.

  10. I'm waiting for the day she replaces Selena and Amanda in your heart Count now that she's thinner and still has those boobies.

  11. Ariel Winter is on multiple hit shows? I only know her from Modern Family

  12. I don't think it's Ariel. What other show is she on?

  13. She's the voice of Sofia the first cartoon.

  14. In what world is Ariel A list?

  15. Ariel lost some much weight that she lost her tits too, which were the only thing that made her unique. Gotta be her. She will disappear when Modern Family ends.

  16. Haha astra all that hippie shit about making all your own food was sold to the fat masses by shifty skinny people. The kind of people that could eat fast food everyday and stay skinny, it's not good diet, it's good genes. Still though good ingredients are great for flavor and nutrition, but the only way to naturally lose weight IS TO EAT LESS.

    1. Lol Brayson I really can’t argue with that πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜‚

  17. @Sandybrook: Selena and Amanda tracked to be hot into their 30s (pre psych meds on Mandy). Winter gonna hit the wall young. 25 or baby, whichever comes first. And if she actually on the adderall/coke diet, she gonna pack on a ton of weight when she quits.

  18. I wish I could get adderall without a prescription.

  19. Everyone has to quit the meds eventually - it's at the back of your mind that knowing little demon ... so JUST SAY NO! I'm kidding of course - 80 yos are still popping pills like dinosaur gummiebears. Dr says just don't think about it too much and we have a pill for that too.

  20. I have a bucket of adderall but am not an addict as I'd prefer to go without. I find this shocking because I will drink until I pass out.

    Anyway. I eat fried chicken and marshmallows and I am still skinny all the time it is unbelievable. I wear a size 27 jean. I better stop soon.

    I don't drink though, that helps. And genes. I'm really lucky. mmmmm Im gonnan get some chicken

    1. OHMYGAWD, woman!! You just HAD to mention fried chicken again, didn’t you? πŸ˜‚

  21. I'm waiting on her meltdown for some reason.

  22. Well I be damn she's a working ass woman. She literally always has at least three projects overlapping.

  23. You can't outrun a bad diet as they say, and she doesn't look like she exercises. Nothing like good old amps to make you drop weight and eventually go insane. Cutting carbs also works wonders but hey where's the fun in that.

  24. Astra sounds like Kanye when he done his MAGA hat.

    1. I know reality is very triggering. I’m sorry!

  25. Arial had breast reduction? Still looks like DD !

  26. "We got a winner!" - Requiem for a Dream


    An amazing, well made and disturbing movie about addiction. Like "City of God" something I could only see once.

  27. I am a woman and I have never had an appetite. I lived on Tab and Doritos in high school and beer and some pizza in college. I have to force myself to eat every day. I also hate to shop. I don't know if that's related. Actually it's all consumerism so I guess it is. It's amazing how long one can go without food if you stay hydrated. Too, beer is food. Ask any monk!

  28. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Astra Worthington: I agree with every word you said.
