Monday, January 14, 2019

Blind Item #13

This former non singing reality star turned A-/B+ list mostly television actress from multiple shows that are currently airing says that when she was on her reality show that contestants were basically told they had to have sex with producers if they wanted to advance.


  1. Can we talk about this blind?

    See my post at the end.

  2. So we can assume she had sex with the producers. Why is she saying this now? Is she asking for sympathy?

  3. who is Jamie Chung?

    i swear, i looked through the GG pictures and from the awards show this weekend and i swear, i don't know 1/3 of these youngsters.

    was i like in a coma for a few years?

    1. All I know about her is I saw her pic in the DM once and she has got some baaaad for ya at ya eyes. One looking for ya, one looking at ya. I wondered how she got famous with such a noticeable defect. That was before I understood that they all screw their way to the top (or the bottom of the middle, in this case). Mystery solved!

  4. Wait, I'm confused. Her "reality show" was Real World. There is no elimination as part of The Real World. I realize she later did Real World/Road Rules Challenge... and in order to win the final cash at the end, she had to put out?

    She was the only female on the winning team. I shudder to think what they made The Miz do....

    1. Agree that it would have to be the challenge, I’ve heard that the people being eliminated are up to the producers so that could explain having to do shiz to stay on and win $100,000 split four ways.

  5. Changing my guess to Laverne Cox who was on “I want to work for Diddy”

  6. @:| raven |:

    Jaime Chung plays Blink on The Gifted, an X-Men spin-off show.

    That's basically all I know her for.

  7. I would lean towards a model show, yaya dicosta or Eva Marcille

  8. How about Jeanine Mason (SYTYCD winner), was on Gray's and is now on the new Roswell.

  9. Jeanine Mason - SYTYCD winner - Bunheads, Grey's Anatomy, Roswell New Mexico
