Monday, January 28, 2019

Blind Item #14 - SAG Awards

Absent for the evening in person, the boyfriend of this foreign born A- list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee, nevertheless made his presence known via texting and face timing, that he was monitoring her. Apparently her drug dealing/cartel affiliated boyfriend is paranoid about who she is with and what she is saying. You would think after her last drug dealer boyfriend, she would have seen the light.


  1. WTH is wrong with her.

  2. Hey you like milk you f*ck the milkman.

  3. @Brayson, in this case she is fing the source directly so it should be a different analogy!

  4. @Brayson holy crap lol that is too good. !!!

  5. @yep, both occupations are in delivery/distribution, so the analogy works.

    Thanks Hunter :)

    She's still better off than Demi who was running around with some two bit dealer who got her low quality drugs. And still better than a lot of actresses who have been with rapists, harassers and pedos. This guy just works with unregulated pharmaceuticals.

  6. @Brayson, right I got my Narcos all mixed up. The colombians are the producers and the Mexicans are the distributors, so this guy must be Mexican, correct?

  7. Lupita is into drug dealers? She must have a heck of a habit. So hot. Dark, sexy and addicted. Mmmmm. I would love to do a bump of pure white meth off her Onyx O-ring, then spend the next 2-3 hrs trying to bathe her in baby batter.

  8. my sober friend was just telling me how Demi Lovato has six months and I was like "eeeehhhhhhhhh....."

    I'm not so sure I said. He has a reputation for xyz plus she's not exactly KNOWN for being honest about her sobriety. Doesn't she HAVE to declare about six mos right after her accident?

    Yeah I'm not convinced.

  9. @yepthatsme Like there are no american dealers. Give me a break!! It's racism doing the talk here?
