Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Blind Item #14

This celebrity offspring of an A++ lister bailed early from rehab. Not a good sign.


  1. Replies
    1. I was first?!?! Gonna celebrate with a Snickers

  2. Hope she gets the help she needs.

  3. Why would she stay in rehab, the drugs there suck.

  4. At least now she knows why her father loved her brother more.

  5. Ugh. Poor child. ๐Ÿ˜ž

  6. Shocker. Saw a pic of her new tats on DM earlier. What a hot mess.

  7. The same people who jumped on board to call Michael a criminsl, now jump on the wagon to gossip about his sick daughter.
    There's some dark , dark souls here.
    Or, no soul at all.

  8. There were pics of her today with the new Led Zep tats. She looks really unwell. I'm worried for her.

  9. You can’t save people that don’t want to be saved. It’s unfortunate but that’s just how life is. I wish her the best, but it isn’t looking good for her. To live in this world, you have to develop a thicker skin and learn to take care of yourself. Some just can’t do it. It’s a shame.

  10. Interestingly, her two brothers seem to be doing fine.

  11. I think Unknown is a soul racist, he doesn't like dark skinned souls.

    We called Michael Jackson a criminal after authorities found homemade pedo porn in his bedroom closet, like a lot of it. Seemed to match up with all the allegations.

    It's not gossip, it's fact, she left rehab too early. And people are concerned about her. Not all of course, seems like she's only halfway to her rock bottom and there are so many homeless and underage junkies out there that it's tough to shed a tear for some princess that walked away from an opportunity to get clean that most of them can't afford.

  12. @brayson Not taking your bait, Bratson. You spread lots of hate here. We've all seen it.

  13. Also @brayson. ...
    I wonder if people spread lies about you, after you're dead?
    As you are doing?
    Life's a circle . you will get what you Put out.

    1. Lol if you’re dead you won’t care what people say!

  14. Gonna end up like Whitney's kid.

  15. People were talking about Michael Jackson's behavior LONG before he died.

  16. It can't be much longer before a dealer or uncle leaks pix and video of that lil junkie bimbo.

  17. NNNOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Well shit. She may die before the end of the month then.

  18. Michael Jackson did not like girls (or black people). I don't know how he treated her I mean come on she has those BEAUTIFUL blue eyes and I'm sure he came to love her (she's very pretty white sweet) but he generally didn't care for females at all.

    He definitely abused all those boys plus other boys and hung with Spielberg and Goddard. And Geffen I believe. The evidence is ALL out there, don't fool yourselves plus I read the court testimony transcripts and that shit was hands down undeniable.

    The acquittal was some horse shit.

  19. @Unknown, you were the one saying there were dark souls on here, of course there was going to be a joke about it.
    Nope no hate, I checked with my conscience and she said it was okay to have contempt for pedos, they don't deserve our tears.
    What lies? How many victims and how much evidence will take to convince you that MJ wasn't just some man-child trying to be children's good friend? Everyone let that deviant surround himself with children and build an amusement park on his property like he was Walt Disney because they couldn't face the truth. And children suffered because of it.

    1. Brayson, that person is just playing the holier than thou, “I’m such a goooood peeeerrrson” card. I’m sure they’re a saint and never “spread hate” ( lol like wtf does that even mean, sounds pretty lame). All of the earthbound saints hang out here at this gossip site๐Ÿ™„ but fear not, they’re here to show us the way! Or at least preach some stupid shit that nobody cares about. Whatever.

  20. That movie is triggering her. The same thing happened when the trial went on. This is a girl who attempted suicide as a teen. She was in a long term facility. She thought her Father was perfect. This happens with regular families as well. But in her case,it comes up on the phone alert, not just at family gatherings. I hope she does well,but I won't get on it.

  21. Is this Farrah Fawcett's son (again)? He doesn't get his inheritance unless he stays clean.

  22. Paris is Burning. Both literally and figuratively. I would hate to see the light of those gorgeous eyes go out.

  23. Lol, that bratsons87 is a douche

  24. It looks like she got to a healthier weight after rehab. I sincerly hope she gets better and sticks with some type of aftercare.

  25. Wow another holier than thou saint! Wtf? It’s an epidemic! Shouldn’t you be at a soup kitchen or rescuing kittens or meditating and posting inspirational yoga quotes or whatever sanctimonious twats spend their time doing?

  26. Guesser you probably have it, she didn't believe the truth about MJ and now its staring her in the face. Or she was never allowed to know it and is just now finding it out.

  27. I feel so bad for his children. I'm sure they loved their father. Imagine not only finding out that your dad was a pedophile and predator, but having the whole world discuss every disgusting little detail of his despicable crimes.

    All this is probably more traumatizing to his kids than his sudden death.

  28. I hope someone will convince her to go back asap. Paris was straight out of rehab and straight into the tattoo chair. I’m not against tattoos, but she seems to use them as a form of self harm.

  29. Not. Imagine your father pressed for what what he did. I would be in rehab, too. Expressing my kind thoughts towards Paris.

  30. exactly i feel for paris here.. one of the most overlooked victims of pedophilia is the immediate family of the perpetrator.. they are shamed in a way too or feel shamed even though its not their fault

  31. Sorry to change the subject but when are the naked photos of home wrecker Kamala Harris coming out? Last year we talked about her days as a swinger with the then married Willie Brown. She is so smug and wants to check every box except black. Stanford sucks.

    1. Would be great for the first woman POTUS to be a whore. True feminism. Her body, her choice. Kamala 2020.

  32. She’s not his daughter.
    A bought and paid for
    ‘Perfect Family’ play toy.

  33. MJ was a black man.
    All his children are white. 100% white. Eventually he became whiter than Morticia fucking Adams.

    The guy was mental.

  34. Who says Michael Jackson didn't also molest his male children? Of course he wouldn't have been interested in Paris sexually..but the boys?

  35. Yeah, didn't think about the movie. She seems like she has no one who cares about *her*. and I'm sure she's not educated, or has native intelligence.

  36. Paul St John - correct that is literally what he acquired the boys for, I remain confused as to why Paris is a girl.

    He likes 'em ripe around the 10-13 range and yeah Prince could have been molested but probably not Blanket. Prince also had a face exactly like MJ likes at that age. Poor kid, poor Paris.

  37. MJ also used to shop adoption websites where you can literally surf the available kids.

    I surfed the kids to check it out.

    You know bad shit is going down on those websites.

  38. Michael Jackson was guilty. Although some of the so-called abused kids took advantage of his situation to make money. I don't think we should believe them all. Not to downplay his crimes, just sayin'.

    However, he's dead. How long do we have to beat a dead horse? Dead is dead.

    So now, its brought up YET again and is affecting his family. If Paris dies, that's on Geffen/Oprah, right? Sure, she/her past is the cause of her addiction, but still, who does this documentary serve other than the people that created/financed it and the "accusers". Even Wade Robson's mother said that he's lying.

    I don't believe MJ loved Paris any less, at his funeral tribute, Paris did not act like a loveless daughter. Her defending him was not the act of a loveless daughter. Whatever the true case with MJ might be, he loved her, that much is clear.
