Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Blind Item #1

This obviously wasted A- list mostly movie actress all of you know, cried and begged her way out of jury service yesterday.


  1. When you think about it, what better way to get out of jury duty? Show up drunk!! No way you're going to get selected for a jury.

  2. Serving on a jury is not so bad.

    In Clark County, you can only be excused by a judge.

    When I served a couple of years ago, I ended up being the foreperson.

    It was an insurance case and we found for the defendant.
    The plaintiff attorney was so, so mad.

    But, I learned the best way to NOT serve is when asked:
    'Can you be impartial....'
    Say, no.

  3. Everyone has something negative to say about our justice system but when they're called to participate they complain. We are our justice system. Jury Duty is so important! Those who try to get our of jury duty don't get to complain about injustice.

  4. @MDAnderson


    i have been in the box 3 times for jury service. however, i never get chosen for the final 12 because i was a litigation paralegal for 25 years. :|

    i'd love to serve on a jury.

  5. @Raven: I’ve been in the box twice but never get chosen because I used to live with a criminal lawyer & know a lot about the law.

  6. There are many people who would love to sit in on jury duty but cannot afford it.

  7. I'm doing grand jury duty in NYC right now and am SO disappointed it's not a Trump case.

    I am also the foreperson. The FOREWOMAN if you will.

  8. @MelRose, I'd be fearful of a "jury of my peers" in LA County. Hollywood is not a group of my peers, I can definitely say that. Everyone should serve, but I don't want someone that barely graduated high school and does casting couches deciding my fate.

  9. I can't afford to do Jury Duty. I don't get paid if I don't go to work.

  10. Just tell them the truth, then add a few more details they didn't ask for, one of the attorneys will strike you.

  11. I get called every couple of years and I never get picked. I think it's because voir dire is incredibly boring and I tend to roll my eyes when I'm bored.

  12. Actually the best way to get out of anything is to show up with a chunk of peanut butter hidden underneath the back of your pants. Just keep reaching back and eating a fingerful while talking. Great for jury duty, drafts, weddings, etc.

  13. I served on a case regarding a man who refused the breathelyzer test. I learned a lot about the community I lived in (at that time).

  14. Plus you get to eat peanut butter.

  15. I just got picked for jury duty the second time and for the second time the case was settled before the first day was over. I was disappointed because even though it was just a personal injury case, I wanted the experience of sitting on a trial jury, it didn't even get that far, by the time we got back from lunch, they'd made a deal.

    I would be very wary of someone that was excited to get onto a jury because of the case's political leanings or their personal preferenceas. Because bias and vindictivenes is exactly what we want in a jury or a judge.

    1. The only jury duty I’d be wanting to get on is a child molester so I could do everything in my power to get them executed or at least imprisoned for life. We still have the death penalty here so fire up old sparky and let them ride the lightning straight to hell. I don’t think I could handle hearing anything about the crime though.

  16. I have a doctor's note so I never have to do it. I have lupus and don't have the stamina to serve. Good, because I don't want to. Sounds like a drag. I'd hate to be on a long case.

    I hear you can act a little nutty and they won't pick you.

    My mom got a jury duty notice months after she died. I didn't see it because it was at the bottom of the mailbox and got wet. But they sent notices saying there would be issues if she didn't answer then I finally found the first notice in the mailbox. I meant to contact them but forgot. Don't people with death certificates automatically come up as deceased? Or do they just sent out notices from a list without checking?

  17. Jury duty is a civic duty and whoever this is nerds to step up and participate. Been on 2 juries and was on call for grand jury. Hope they call me again soon .

  18. hi y'all!!
    I'm gonna go with Amber Heard. Sounds like her style.

  19. My husband had to appear for a jury duty summons yesterday. He's not even an American citizen. He spat out a few sentences in Cockney rhyming slang and was back home in no time.

  20. I would LOVE to serve on a jury! The one time I was summoned, I couldn’t as I had school exams (reason for exemption in the UK). Genuinely gutted I couldn’t do it.

  21. I have voted in evry election and primary - save one - since 1982. I have never been summoned. I wouldn't mind it at all. Funny story - my mom was summoned and she wrote back that she had to care for her husband (my dad) who was an invalid; she couldn't think of the word 'disabled.' Someone from the county called her back and said, "So your husband is invalid..." and pronounced it as not valid. Hoo-boy, whenever my dad speaks, we still tell him he is not valid.

  22. I was on a jury for a medical malpractice case.

  23. I got picked about a month ago but the case settled before the court date. 2nd time in about 20 years.

  24. I’ve never been chosen for jury duty, but it may just be that I’m peerless. I’ve suspected this for years. ;)

  25. @Hunter: You go girl!

  26. @HeatherBee: ha, ha!

  27. @SD Auntie: I agree but would you really want Scamber to be on your jury if you were on trial? She’d probably be giving the prosecutor BJ’s during breaks.

    1. Hope not! But grand jury would be fascinating

  28. I was a backup juror for a murder trial and then got bumped up to juror when one of the jurors, a 20 year old female, would not stop yakking about the trial. She kept trying to discuss it when we were in the jury room, and we repeatedly had to shut her down. Finally, they booted her when she tried to discuss the case with a court officer. The trial itself was emotionally draining and ended in a mistrial after 5 days because we jurors couldn't come to an agreement. I personally thought the defendant was innocent.

    I like the Amber Heard guess.

  29. sdAuntie: They called you twice because you don't have a brain in your head.

    1. Hortensia and her 3rd grade remarks.

    2. Served on 2 juries by the way guess your not eligible to serve right?

  30. I would love to be on a jury, as long as its not too violent or boring.

  31. I was on jury duty yesterday and had to ask the judge to be dismissed as the trial was going to be a week long and I just couldn't afford to do it. I really wanted to and the prosecutor was pissed, but, I'm not willing to give up around 1K of income to be on the jury of a trial for a home invader/murderer. I like to eat and need my salary.
